ROAD KING II & G MAJOR 2 - Volume Issue

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Apr 6, 2011
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I am having a bit of an issue with my Road King 2 and G Major 2. I am using the following setup:

Road King II
G Major 2
Roland FC 300
Korg DTR-1000

I have setup the GM through the amp's serial fx loop and my guitar is plugged directly into the amp. What my issue is when the FX loop is on and i am using the FC300's expression pedal for volume control (that is what it is assigned to on the GM), on channels 3 and 4 - the distorted channels - i can still hear a faint signal coming through the cab when the volume pedal is all the way down. It makes it almost impossible in a live situation to turn down the output volume while tuning. Also the tuner mute or bypass function on the gmajor seems to be unresponsive. Is anyone else having this same problem? I just set it up recently and am trying to sort it out but am failing. If anyone can help me with this that would be fantastic. Maybe I set it up wrong? I don't think that's the case as everything else seems to be working like its supposed to. Let me know if you need any more info to assist me.

On the faint sound you hear, there's nothing you can do about that. It's the design of the of the fx loop. It sucks, I know.
Armando said:
On the faint sound you hear, there's nothing you can do about that. It's the design of the of the fx loop. It sucks, I know.
^^ that´s right. it´s not a problem with the g-major or any other volume device - it´s a signal bleeding in the fx-loop chain of the amp.
had this problem with many amps i owned and tried - not only mesa amps.