RKII Tube Upgrade

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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2006
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OK. I am going to get a replacement set of tubes for my RKII to clean up a bit of the mud in the low end. I had the following suggested to me as replacements:

A set of RUBY 6L6GCMSTR/EL34BSTR would be good for starters. You'll have clear articulate tone, excellent breakup firm low end and teh EL34's are not too compressed like some of them. In the preamp, we set it up with a Tung-Sol reissue in the first spot, a Sovtek 12AX7LPS in V2, a JJ ECC83S in V3 and SHuguang 12AX7C 9th gen in V4 and a balanced LPS in V5.

Thoughts about this recommendation? I want to order something this week if possible. Thanks, all.
Tubes are totally subjective, the preamp recommendation looks like a pretty standard Doug suggestion, I've not personally used it. I don't care for Ruby tubes personally but some people swear by them.. you'll find 100 different answers :)

Best advice, order a few and try and see what works for you
Platypus said:
Tubes are totally subjective, the preamp recommendation looks like a pretty standard Doug suggestion, I've not personally used it. I don't care for Ruby tubes personally but some people swear by them.. you'll find 100 different answers :)

Best advice, order a few and try and see what works for you

Yeah, I will probably have to blow a bit of $$$ to find what appeals to me. One that I did notice was that he was recommending 5 preamp tube replacements, but the RKII has 6 preamp tubes.
Yeah, it looks like he was missing a preamp tube. I went ahead and got the kit so I should get it by Saturday hopefully. I will let you guys know how it sounds. And l am going to swap out components one at a time to notice the individual differences in each change.
smashingchicago said:
OK. I am going to get a replacement set of tubes for my RKII to clean up a bit of the mud in the low end. I had the following suggested to me as replacements:

A set of RUBY 6L6GCMSTR/EL34BSTR would be good for starters. You'll have clear articulate tone, excellent breakup firm low end and teh EL34's are not too compressed like some of them. In the preamp, we set it up with a Tung-Sol reissue in the first spot, a Sovtek 12AX7LPS in V2, a JJ ECC83S in V3 and SHuguang 12AX7C 9th gen in V4 and a balanced LPS in V5.

Thoughts about this recommendation? I want to order something this week if possible. Thanks, all.

Smash, that sounds like Doug's normal recipe over at Doug's Tubes. Am I right? He's local to me and I used that recipe in my Mark IV.

My advice would be, leave everything but V1 and V2 alone for now. Don't even change your power tubes. Try a couple of the JJ tubes in V1 and V2 and see if that doesn't get you where you want to be.


EDIT: I just saw your post stating you've bought them already. That's cool. Maybe you'll like them. My main point is that Doug makes the same recommendation no matter what amp you own. I'm curious to know what you think since I have the RKII as well. But you know that already. ;)
CudBucket said:
smashingchicago said:
OK. I am going to get a replacement set of tubes for my RKII to clean up a bit of the mud in the low end. I had the following suggested to me as replacements:

A set of RUBY 6L6GCMSTR/EL34BSTR would be good for starters. You'll have clear articulate tone, excellent breakup firm low end and teh EL34's are not too compressed like some of them. In the preamp, we set it up with a Tung-Sol reissue in the first spot, a Sovtek 12AX7LPS in V2, a JJ ECC83S in V3 and SHuguang 12AX7C 9th gen in V4 and a balanced LPS in V5.

Thoughts about this recommendation? I want to order something this week if possible. Thanks, all.

Smash, that sounds like Doug's normal recipe over at Doug's Tubes. Am I right? He's local to me and I used that recipe in my Mark IV.

My advice would be, leave everything but V1 and V2 alone for now. Don't even change your power tubes. Try a couple of the JJ tubes in V1 and V2 and see if that doesn't get you where you want to be.


EDIT: I just saw your post stating you've bought them already. That's cool. Maybe you'll like them. My main point is that Doug makes the same recommendation no matter what amp you own. I'm curious to know what you think since I have the RKII as well. But you know that already. ;)

Yep, that was Doug's tubes that I got the recommendation from.

I ordered them already, but I am going to do as you mentioned above -- only replacing the V1/V2 at first, then trying out the new different sets of power tubes etc. I want to notice the sound differences in stages.

I also heard back from Bob over at Eurotubes (he didn't get my first email for some reason). He had some similar recommendations, but also mentioned some other possibilities. I think I am going to order some different types from him in a few weeks -- after my bank account has recovered from some recent guitar accessory splurging. ;)

I'll post here again once I receive the tubes and let you know my thoughts about them.
I've gotten a bunch of tubes from Bob as well. His favorites are obviously the JJ's. The JJ's were great in my JSX. For my Mark IV, I only liked Mesa tubes. When I had a Carvin V3, no tube could save that POS. I haven't tried any new tubes in the RKII yet but will when I have time.
Matt, I've got a set of JJ 6L6GC's spec'ed for my Dual Rec if you want to try them out since you're so close :p
Hey, thanks, man -- I might try that out. My new tubes should be here on Saturday so I will try those out this weekend and see how they play out. I'll get back to you...
smashingchicago said:
I was THIS close to getting a Carvin V3 -- glad that I didn't. :)

I had 2. I thought the first was so bad that when I described what I was hearing to the Carvin Rep he said: "There's no way that amp isn't broken. We'll send you a new one". When I got the replacement, it was exactly the same.

I can't bash Carvin though. The CS is great and the 3 Carvin guitars I have are all absolutely great.
I don't think I would regret buying a Carvin guitar -- I have heard nothing but GREAT things about them. I have Ibanez guitars, love them, but Ibanez doesn't do as well at making amps (Ehmmm, THERMION).
I had a look at eurotubes' website (www.eurotubes.com) and I see they have different kinds of 12AX7.

A couple of questions:

- the website looks sloppy...is it a serious store? :)

- what's the difference between the 12AX7 standard, the high gain, the gold pin?

I'd like to make some change in my RKII and I'm looking for different solutions. Thanks for your answers.
The guy at Eurotubes has a pretty good reputation. I had a bit of an issue with him receiving my email and I had to keep resending it. But once he got it, he was very thourough in his explanation of an upgrade kit and he offers several different options. I am sure he could answer your questions thoroughly. Seems to know tubes and amps very well. I plan on getting a kit from him in the coming weeks.

yeah his website looks like it was made in frontpage in 1995 but it's a legit business I've personally ordered from 4 seperate times and he's a great and straight up dealer.
Yes, it seems I've been too superficial, I'm sorry.

I'll send Bob a mail and ask him about an ideal pre-amp tubes setup for my Road King. Thank you guys :)
Dr.Viossy said:
Yes, it seems I've been too superficial, I'm sorry.

I'll send Bob a mail and ask him about an ideal pre-amp tubes setup for my Road King. Thank you guys :)

Honestly, I'm sure we all thought the same thing when you visit his site, maybe I should offer to redo it for him :p
Gee, Bob is very very nice! He answered me in a few minutes!!! :)

He suggested "3 of the high gain ECC83S’s for V1, V2 and V3 and then change out the V5 tube with a balanced ECC83S".
What do you think? Shall I give it a try? Christmas present :)
Dr.Viossy said:
Gee, Bob is very very nice! He answered me in a few minutes!!! :)

He suggested "3 of the high gain ECC83S’s for V1, V2 and V3 and then change out the V5 tube with a balanced ECC83S".
What do you think? Shall I give it a try? Christmas present :)

I don't think you'll be disappointed.
Dr.Viossy said:
Gee, Bob is very very nice! He answered me in a few minutes!!! :)

He suggested "3 of the high gain ECC83S’s for V1, V2 and V3 and then change out the V5 tube with a balanced ECC83S".
What do you think? Shall I give it a try? Christmas present :)

That is what he suggested for me as well. I had already ordered another tube kit from Doug's Tubes; but I think I will order Bob's recommendations as well and experient a little....

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