RK II FX Volume Issues

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Jan 30, 2010
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I run a TC Electronic Nova System in the FX loop 1 for my clean channels. No matter what I do, there is a massive volume drop compared when the loop is hard-bypassed. In channel 4, I run a BBE Sonic Stomp and ISP Decimator in loop 2. Same thing. Even if I turn the FX send up all the way there is a giant volume drop. Anyone else have this problem? I have messed with settings on the Nova System as well, and it helped, but did not completely solve the issue. Any help/suggestions? I considered using a boost pedal after the NS to bring the signal back up...or maybe buffers before/after the NS? I AM using the Line In jack on the NS.
Hi there, I have a similar problem and I have made a post about it. I just saw yours. What I have done is just used the solo function to bring it up to volume. Hopfully someone on here can help us out.
How do you mean? The solo function is not active when the FX loops are bypassed, and is the equivalent of temporarily turning up your master volume knob. I'm sure if you had the solo feature selected, left it on, and toggled the FX loop on/off you'd still hear the same volume difference. Have you tried that? Or am I wrong? Thanks for any help.
Ok sorry I kind of misread your post, you are talking about when the loop is bypassed you get a massive loss of volume, right? Have you tried turning up the send on the back? If it is a really big drop you might want to get it checked out, could be some sort of pre amp tube issue?? You could also spend some time going through older posts looking for info if no one else chimes in.

Good luck with it mate
Sorry for the confusion -- what I meant is, there is a massive volume drop when the loop IS engaged (NOT bypassed). It is MUCH louder when the loops are hard bypassed (completely out of the signal path). I have fiddled with the send knob -- even with it up all the way there is still a huge drop. I was trying to see if other people have that same problem. It seems like that is somewhat common from what I've read, but in the manual it says you should be able to get it to unity gain when toggling the loop bypass switch on/off, so I don't know...
I don't actually own a Boogie yet. I've just been on here for research. But I *think* it would would be normal for the volume to change when the FX Loop is hard bypassed because bypassing the FX Loop takes the main volume/output knob out of the signal path.

From the user manual:

"The OUTPUT receives its signal from the EFFECTS RETURN jack and
therefore this control is only in the signal path and active when the EFFECTS LOOP is set to LOOP
SYSTEM ACTIVE. When in LOOP BYPASS the individual CHANNEL MASTER controls are the fi nal
output level controls."

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