Rivera Venus 6

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rabies said:
I currently have a Rivera S120. Had it for a few months so far no problems. Lots of usable features. Solidly built and over-size trannies.

The Riveras are interesting b/c they seem to depreciate waaaaaaay more than Mesa, Bogner, Diezel or Marshall amps.

VHT has a couple new combo amps out (or out soon), one with 6V6.

Where did you get your info on the VHT's? It seems their website isn't very up to date. They still have 50/ST's, as well as some other amps advertised and they don't make them anymore.
Am I missing something?
I noticed that riveras seem to dip pretty low in the used market as well. i played a venus 6 through a two-rock 212 and i was amazing sounding. couldnt believe my ears. my mesa seem to have a lot thicker sound than the rivera but the rivera seem like a good compliment to my boogie.
I have a Rivera Venus 6 and a LSS. I use both together at the same time. I did the "Reeder Mod" on the LSS. I use the V6 a lot. I use the F/X through it. It has an amazing clean sound, also an amazing dirty sound.
Usually I run one clean and one dirty ( The V6 dirtier ) then I'll switch Ch on both at the same time ( for differen't levels or degrees, of clean/ dirt). Sometimes both running clean or vice/versa.
If I want a big clean tone (V6), I'll usually run slight overdrive (LSS) at slightly less volume to support the clean tone. If I want big overdrive (V6) I'll run a clean tone ( LSS) at lower volume for clean tonal support also. This method also works both ways w/both amps.
Sometimes, I'll be playing thru one amp, kick the other in , or completly switch amps. I love both amps.
I started doing this because I heard the LSS was unreliable ( untrue!). I taught at a music store and ran into the V6 at a great ( I MEAN GREAT !!!!!) steal, I mean deal. So...I started taking the V6 as a backup, just in case the LSS went down while gigging. Set both up so I could switch to it at a hint of problem ( not yet a problem).
I don't think I could do without either amp. I have a GIGANTIC TONE ! and have been told so lots of times. After a show other players ask about the tone thing, I just shrug it and say it starts in the fingers ( which it does). Anyway I'm now carrying around all this stuff and get off on it ..right. We'll recently I started w/another band ( blues ) and what I really like is that I'm gona only use one amp. Which one?
We'll it looks like it's gona be hte LSS , but I've been taking a Rivera Clubster 25 DOCE 1X12 ( 2 6v6 ) to practice, check one out. The LSS is probably gona win out or maybe back&forth.....I dunno....Also use a G&L ASAT. Sorry for the long post but....you guys hit something deep in me.......
rabies said:
Solidly built and over-size trannies.

Yeah, you get that in North America a lot. In Thailand the trannies are a more manageable size.
CGM said:
I have a Rivera Venus 6 and a LSS. I use both together at the same time. I did the "Reeder Mod" on the LSS.
Question for CGM: Are you using the LSS with the stock speaker? If you changed it out, what did you get? Thanks!

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