Recto players through Dragon II's or a PRS Custom 22?

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Jul 11, 2006
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Just a discussion from which I hope to learn and grow from others' expiriences:

I play a Gibson SG of which I have a set of PRS Dragon II humbucker's installed with Push/Push pots in the volume locations allowing me the ability to tap these and get really nice telecaster-like tones. I play this setup through a Triple Recto and a Recto Standard Cab/Marshall 1960A cab with GT75's. Do I have anyone on this forum that currently plays either a PRS Custom 22 with these pickups in it or a different guitar with these pickups possibly through a recto(1, 2 or 3)? What type of music do you play with this combo? Please share any settings or theories that you employ with this combination(tell me why you like it set the way you do). Thanks!! :wink:
I play a Custom 22 with Dragon II's with my Dual Rectifier so I think I'd be a good candidate.

Firstly I'll say that I replaced the bridge Dragon II with a Tremonti Treble because to my ears, the dragon II treble pickup doesn't work with the kind of music I make. I couldn't dial in a good heavy metal or rock tone with harmonic sustain with it to save my life.

I do however LOVE the Dragon II neck pickup and I use it constantly for solo work. It's just wonderful.

I could post settings but I don't know how much help I'd be since I don't have the pickup you probably utilize the most anymore. Let me know if I can help you, I tried pretty much everything to make that pickup work.
Platypus said:
I play a Custom 22 with Dragon II's with my Dual Rectifier so I think I'd be a good candidate.

Firstly I'll say that I replaced the bridge Dragon II with a Tremonti Treble because to my ears, the dragon II treble pickup doesn't work with the kind of music I make. I couldn't dial in a good heavy metal or rock tone with harmonic sustain with it to save my life.

I do however LOVE the Dragon II neck pickup and I use it constantly for solo work. It's just wonderful.

I could post settings but I don't know how much help I'd be since I don't have the pickup you probably utilize the most anymore. Let me know if I can help you, I tried pretty much everything to make that pickup work.

I notice that sometimes (ok allot of the time) I dont have the umph that Id like meaning it doesnt have the punch charactorisitcs that Id like from it. I like medium to faster hard stuff so it has to have a nice quick bottom end with plenty of chunk but still employ enough mids to give me the harmonics and sustain that Im looking for. The only problem is that @ the moment I really like the ability to tap it and get beautiful bell-like tones as well(this helps out allot if you play with allot of gain. Does the Tremonti tap and how does it do tapped? How up-front and level are the mids and how easy is it to scream a harmonic note? I appreciate your input! :wink:
You found the same things I did with it :)

The dragon II treble just lacks all balls, not enough at all.

Yes, the Tremonti taps just fine, I use it a lot in this way for jangly stratty tones with a nice clean boost in a squeaky clean amp... though the tone control is UBER important with the Tremonti, it sounds great all the way at 10 for solos and heavy chord passages but in the tapped mode it's like an icepick in your ears on 10.

The mids.. well, I'll put it this way. The pickup is VERY hifi sounding, so lots of growly ballsy bass without crapping out and lots of screaching/cutting (teeth) treble tones too, there seems to be a slight midrange scoop with this pickup by nature.. but it makes chugging a bit easier and the mid control on the Mesa is strong enough that you won't really notice. I have my mid on 9 or 10 MAX ever if that tells you anything.. but different strokes I suppose, not sure what you'll like :p

The number one reason I switched off the Dragon II in favor of the tremonti was ironically pinch harmonics... they're like f$#(#ing impossible to do on the Dragon II and they're much easier with the Tremonti... I'd say about as much as a passive pup can be. The only passive I've heard with more harmonics was the DiMarzio Evolution.

I think the Tremonti Treble + Dragon II Neck is one of the best pickup combinations I've ever heard as far as tone and versatility. I can do everything from Zeppelin through my Orange to full tilt screaming metal with my Rectifier to inbetween hard rock tones and mid-to late clean breakup tones. The neck is really the shining star in this combination. I've found that I typically NEVER use the middle position on any other guitar I've played because it just lacks something but I use it constantly with this one... something about mixing a nice warm rich alnico magnet pickup with a scorching ceramic core has this totally sweet 'high gain vintage' sound that I pretty much define my style with. I use EL34's in my recto because of how much I love the vintage british tones but it has that extra layer of 'something' on top that just sends your notes into oblivion... this is my main style standpoint, blending old with new.

I really don't care for too many modern tones though what little ones I do like, this can do with ease. I go out of my way to get a vintage high gain sound but like I said, the Tremonti treble by itself is the very definition of modern distortion.

Good luck, lmk if you have any q's
To go along with platy... YES if you want balls invest in the Tremonti. IBanezSZ posted a link to a company that has them for 87.50. The name of the company is Elder Musical instruments... im just too lazy to google it right now.

The pick-up is amazing. If you want my settings for a dual rec, I can pm them to you.

Its basically the master at about noon, gain at 2-3, bass 2-3, mid noon, treble 3-4 and presence at around noon-2 depending on taste.

The mids are high, but still sound scooped. I had to do it this way to keep the "ummph" on the P.M's It might change though, as my cabinet has SHITTY speakers.

The tremonti also sounds amazing on a clean channel too (i dont have mine set up for coil tapping though.

Amazing pickup! Soooo powerful, yet beautiful at the same time! I love it!

Brutal when you want it, yet cleans up sooo nicely (even without a coil tap)!

Elderly, like said, sells it for $87.50 new, which is a steal considering PRS sells them for $120......

Or, ebay, where you can usually find them for about $40 a piece (used).

It's fast, articulate, and has sooooo much balls!

As for settings, I have my bass and noon, mids at 2, gain at 2, treble and presence both at 10.....this gets rid of all harshness, while still giving a huge in your face tone!
ibanez4life SZ! said:

Amazing pickup! Soooo powerful, yet beautiful at the same time! I love it!

Brutal when you want it, yet cleans up sooo nicely (even without a coil tap)!

Elderly, like said, sells it for $87.50 new, which is a steal considering PRS sells them for $120......

Or, ebay, where you can usually find them for about $40 a piece (used).

It's fast, articulate, and has sooooo much balls!

As for settings, I have my bass and noon, mids at 2, gain at 2, treble and presence both at 10.....this gets rid of all harshness, while still giving a huge in your face tone!

Holy cow, you run your midrange at 2o clock? I don't think I've ever made it past 12 with it :p

You should post out what you use, I gotta see what that sounds like.
I wonder..I have a schecter C-1 Elite that i have had for a few years and it is still in good shape. I thought about switching the pups in it for a while now, because i love the playability of that guitar. I wonder if i get a tremonti treble and dragon II and put them in it, if i will get that sound i have been wanting it to have. I am really looking for good cleans with balls on the distortion. I have EMG's in my viper and while it gives me what i want in distortion, not in cleans. What do you guys think?
Well any passive pickup will be a dramatic improvement over the EMG's as far as clean tone :)

It's hard to say whether it will sound good because there are lots of variables but I'd say you really can't go wrong with it as long as there's lots of natural sustain in the guitar already. I've not played that Model schecter but I have a C7 hellraiser and the build quality is stupidly good for the price I paid.

Also, if you do that, REPLACE THE POTS. I like schecters but their pots just suck in my opinion. You can get RS guitar works replacements for dirt cheap because you really want the full taper range with the Tremonti, it sounds like a totally different animal with each turn of the volume and tone knob.

If you liked any of the tones I've posted, they're all done with that pickup combo.
Custom 22 w/Dragon II's here! I play modern/original rock. I love the stock configuration through my two channel Dual Rec! It's not my only PRS though! I like my Custom 24 for aggressive stuff! The Dragon II's are'nt as hot as the HFS's in the 24, but they're still nice in a modern rock setting. The palm mutes stay tight and clean, and the guitar is very dynamic! The cleans and tapped tone are super!
jbird said:
Custom 22 w/Dragon II's here! I play modern/original rock. I love the stock configuration through my two channel Dual Rec! It's not my only PRS though! I like my Custom 24 for aggressive stuff! The Dragon II's are'nt as hot as the HFS's in the 24, but they're still nice in a modern rock setting. The palm mutes stay tight and clean, and the guitar is very dynamic! The cleans and tapped tone are super!

+1 to that!

post a pic of your CU22!
jbird said:
Custom 22 w/Dragon II's here! I play modern/original rock. I love the stock configuration through my two channel Dual Rec! It's not my only PRS though! I like my Custom 24 for aggressive stuff! The Dragon II's are'nt as hot as the HFS's in the 24, but they're still nice in a modern rock setting. The palm mutes stay tight and clean, and the guitar is very dynamic! The cleans and tapped tone are super!

Where would you say the eq shape would be on those HFS's? Are they more prominant in the low-mids or the high-mids etc....? :?:
Good question! I don't know, but lately my Custom 24 with the HFS/VB pups is my go to guitar! I love those pups through my Dual Rec! They're nice and thick, with great lows and screaming highs, not at all scooped, really crunchy!
jbird said:
Good question! I don't know, but lately my Custom 24 with the HFS/VB pups is my go to guitar! I love those pups through my Dual Rec! They're nice and thick, with great lows and screaming highs, not at all scooped, really crunchy!

I'll chime in here, I also have a CU 24 with the HFS/VB pickups, and I definitely have to agree, great guitar/pickup combination with a Recto. I would've ended up with this rig if I had a place to really open up a Dual, but I'm limited to apt. use so I went with a Mark IV.
Ok--I ordered a Tung Sol 12ax7 on Friday and I am going to order a Tremonti I believe in about 2 weeks-- The Tung Sol shoul be here Friday and I'll let you know what I find! :wink:
Are you gonna stick that in V1?

I've been on the fence about that tube as to whether I should mess with my current setup (which I finally love). Let us know how it sounds!
I replaced my pre-line with a Tung-sol in V1 and JJ's in the rest and i really didn't like it. I don't know if it was the tung-sol or the jj's but something seemed wrong. I put my stock's back in and am happier with them. I am going to try putting the Tung-Sol back in with the mesa's and see what it sounds like.