Rectifier with EL34 + Maxon OD-808 = god

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Oct 14, 2006
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So I was on the borderline of selling my rectifier and switching it for a framus or something, but somebody convinced me to change the tubes and get a boost pedal and give it one last try. I was skeptical, especially since I couldn't find the tubes they recommended me to get locally (EL-34Ls). I ended up getting Mesa Boogie EL-34s in a matched quartet along with a Maxon OD-808 overdrive pedal (the good version of an Ibanez Tube Screamer) and went home to see if I could get "my" sound out my dual rectifier.

And I sure as hell did. First I tried just the OD808 running into the mesa with the normal 6L6 tubes. It did tighten things up a lot and added a wicked sizzle to the sound. I was able to get the serious crunch I wanted even turning the gain way down. This in turn tightened up the amp a lot as I was no longer in the last quarter of the dial's range, which just adds some sizzle and makes things sloppy. But the sound stayed almost the same, with the bottom end having this sick chunky sound. Even better was how much more crunch I had in the high end, because usually palm mutes on the top three strings sounded pretty weak before they could still bark pretty good when I had the OD808 going.

Then I changed the tubes from the 6L6s to the EL34s. This was when I really got excited. I plugged it in, and tried it out. Fucking Awesome is all I have to say about that. With the 808 going, every channel sounded absolutely amazing. The amp was super tight, not quite like a MarkIV, but definitely closer to that kind of sound then the normal rectifier sound I had gotten tired of. Better yet, not only the modern settings sounded good - with the EL34s, the vintage setting on channels 2 & 3 gets so much more character and growl that they actually sound good, which I thought was impossible. The raw setting on channel 2 also sounds great - now I can play old classic rock with a pretty convincing sound, and if I switch to the neck pickup I've got more of a Hendrix kind of vibe going on then the stupid fuzz (think Helter Skelter) the vintage and raw modes were before.

Even better is the clean channel actually works now! While there is still a volume deficit compared to the other channels, it doesn't have this crappy dark grumbling sound like it did with the 6L6s. Its got some actual character and while it is not great, and I will still probably buy another head to handle my cleans in the future, it is good enough that I could use it and people won't be wondering what the hell I am trying to accomplish with such a crappy tone.

Having a pedal to handle the boost is also totally kickass. I can toggle it in the vintage mode to get an extra little kick that puts me from crunchy rhythym tones to a sizzling lead tone, and if I use it on the clean channel it gets this perfect sound that is pretty comparable to the tone Jimmy Page had going in Black Dog.

Cole's Notes: If you've got a Rectifier, do yourself a favor and get EL34s and a boost pedal... it sounds fucking awesome. Clips coming later, so you can A/B my old clips with 6L6 tubes and no boost and the El34s with a boost.
I tried the JJ E-34Ls in my recto....liked them for a while, but them got bored of it. It sounded to processed to me.

I might give the Mesa EL-34s a try in the future, but right now, I'm getting sick tones out of my recto stock :D
I never hear good things about JJ tubes, the guy at eurotubes pimps them like there is no tomorrow but people who actually play guitar don't seem to enjoy them very much.

I am still using the stock Mesa preamp tubes and will probably keep it this way. When I changed to silicone diode/bold power the sound got really dried out and sounded like you described, too processed, but on normal tube rectifier/bold power they sound absolutely awesome. I did like my normal Mesa 6L6 sound for awhile but it felt like I was outrunning my amp all the time. Either it was kind of tight or it was too soggy to keep up with my playing...
Temps - I am happy to hear you found a tone you are happy with. Like in one of your other post I was having the same issues. Sounds like I need to do the same and check it out. Can't wait for the clips.
Good to hear you're happy with your tone. I believe that was that same pedal the guy from the concert said KSE were using with their Roadsters, too.
Well I am on my way to killer tone. I just won a maxon OD808 on ebay and will have it soon. I can't wait to tighten up my sound.
awesome man. glad you like it. couple hundred is always better than thousands. like i said the amps may change but all the bands with good tones, to my ears anyway, slam it like that. Killswitch, trivium, shadows fall.

rock it dawg :twisted:
your situation sounds EXACTLY like the one i was in a few weeks ago.
i switched all my tubes out for JJ: E34L's, GZ34's, ECC38S, and one Tung-Sol in the V1 spot. I'm also using an ibanez TS9 and WOW do i love my sound now! I like mesa stock tubes but i am VERY happy with JJ tubes so far.

is there really that much of a difference between an ibanez TS9 and a Maxon OD808 though??
Best way to fall in love with your recto again, switch out tubes to EL34's for awhile or even just play another amp. But once you go back to 6L6's you are reminded what the recto tone is all about!

I think it is just a progression everyone goes through, After awhile you get sick of the same tone over and over and want something different. I cant tell you how many times I have fallen in love with the recto tone, then a year or so later get bored, goto another amp and I am happy as hell. Then a year later plug into a recto and instantly in love again!

Also has alot to do with my mood and music I am listening to at present time which determines which Amp i am into playing. For the last year I was really into my Bogner XTC, now I am back into the Recto tone again and the bogner just sits there. But I know down the road I will want to play the bogner again and be tired of the recto for awhile.

ibanez4life SZ! said:
I tried the JJ E-34Ls in my recto....liked them for a while, but them got bored of it. It sounded to processed to me.

I might give the Mesa EL-34s a try in the future, but right now, I'm getting sick tones out of my recto stock :D
Biggest secret to the recto, slam the front with a pedal. I am sure not many people here like Korn, but they always have a wicked tone and it is fair to say the were a big part of bringing the recto tone into peoples living rooms. With that being said they have always used pedals in front of there triple rec's, the one guy used a overdrive and the other guy used a DOD death metal pedal to slam the front end.

BENNY said:
awesome man. glad you like it. couple hundred is always better than thousands. like i said the amps may change but all the bands with good tones, to my ears anyway, slam it like that. Killswitch, trivium, shadows fall.

rock it dawg :twisted:
turmoil said:
your situation sounds EXACTLY like the one i was in a few weeks ago.
i switched all my tubes out for JJ: E34L's, GZ34's, ECC38S, and one Tung-Sol in the V1 spot. I'm also using an ibanez TS9 and WOW do i love my sound now! I like mesa stock tubes but i am VERY happy with JJ tubes so far.

is there really that much of a difference between an ibanez TS9 and a Maxon OD808 though??

I don't think so. the old ibanez tube screamer was made by Maxon and they went their seperate ways, so Maxon now makes the real tube screamer and ibanez's version is not so good anymore.
Very interesting, i always have wondered about these things. Looks like i may need to try it!
That's my favorite rectifier tone.. just awesome recto and them stomp to get mark lead. JJEL34L's sound fantastic with a nice OD slamming the front.

The 6L6's are the real tone of the amp, but I got kind of bored with that tone, using EL34's offers another pallete to play with, one I prefer personally.
OK so I finally received my maxon od-808 and what a difference that little box makes!! The extra umpf it gives my tone is amazing. The sound is so crisp and tight. I still have the stock mesa tubes and will probably calling Doug soon for some EL-34's.
I was getting sick of my roadster and the tubes I got from Eurotubes fried it
but after it was fixed and I put the Maxon OD808 out front...well I've been in heaven ever matter what settings, no matter what channel, you just cant get a bad sound out of this pedal its by far the best OD pedal I've had and I've had tons...sold my Keeley DS-1 SEM a couple of days ago..and I don;t think I'll miss it one bit
The OD-9 sounds a little more aggressive/modern. Less bass roll off and less of an added mid hump. It sounds a little more transparent and is also true bypass.
I put a 808 in front of my el34 loaded roadster. Its by far the best setup I ever played.
Thanks for the tip.
I'm boosting my Stage 1 stiletto with a BBE Geenscreamer.All the flabby low end on Fluid drive is gone.Its a great alternative to Maxon or tubescreamer.It even came with a power supply!

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