Rectifier: Fluid/Liquid Lead (solo) Tone

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ibanez4life SZ!

Well-known member
Jan 27, 2006
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Hey guys!

I have found 3 perfect tones..clean, crunch, and high gain on the 3 channels of my recto, but the only thing I find myself lacking is a fluid, agressive lead tone.

Up to now, I have basically just stepped on my tremonti wah for works, but get's a bit too nasal at times....and a bit boring.

Listening to Mark Tremonti, and even some Avenged Sevenfold today, I found that I would really love to have such a lead tone!

So, what would I need to get a nice solo tone out of my recto? An overdrive of some sort? They don't use delay...maybe a little reverb, but not a lot at all...what is it that makes their lead tone so perfect?

Thanks for the help!
I've been looking for an overdrive pedal, reading up on them and weighing the pros and cons vs price paid, and was about to jump on a keeley ts9 when I came across a Maxon OD808 at the shop I was having my Roadster serviced at (finally got around to the upgrade/recall)brought it home and finally found what has been lacking in my setup. This is what I've been expecting out of this amp since day 1. I tend to have my gain between 1 and 2 and I love the tone and crunch for rhythms but could never get that singing sustain..too much gain ala 3:00 I get all of the sustain but the amp starts to get buzzy and looses the raw balls and chunk sound.

OD808..$145 Canadian...problem solved..

have a set of JJ's tubes coming this week for more gain less fuzz and a keeley compressor to help out with those Vai tapping legato runs, but I'm not sure I'll need either now.
A clean EQ with boost might give you you're 4th "fluid lead channel". The BOSS GE-7 seems to be popular.
Hey matty,

I've been struggling with the same thing with my get the sustain, the gain has to be cranked, but I'm not crazy about the tone. Are you using the overdrive in front of the amp with the gain in the 1 to 2 range as you described?

yeah exactly, I run the OD in front of everything, which right now only consists of my Dunlop wah (keeley compressor coming next week). I run a Boss DD-3 through the loop but only use it on occasion or very transparent to substitute my reverb.

I spent a long time deciding on an amp and the Roadster had the best offerings and dynamics of everything I demo'ed in store. I love the raw power and balls of this amp and for me It's a great base sound. This one little pedal makes my leads come alive and gives it that open singing sound that everyone loves about the Mark IV..

Although I'd love to get everything out of one piece of quality equipment, I'm finding that it's just not very realistic..I guess that's why people like Vai, Satch, Petrucci and Gilbert all use certain pedals to find "their" sounds.

not exactly sure what difference true bypass makes, as I've never AB'ed similar pedals.
Looks like it's time to get to my shop and try some stuff out!

Thanks, and keep any other opinions coming!

Thanks for the reply! I think I might try one!

Do you run your roadster gain aroung 1-2? What channel/mode?

Thants again
Not that anyone cares.... :D

I use a Boss overdrive, on the third channel of my RK. Gain running around 1-3 O'clock, depending on my mood :D with 2 6l6's engaged. I get all the sustain I need, but the volume needs to be UP!
I haven't found my lead tone yet (getting close) for my leads. Adding a little reverb smooths things out. I'm now thinking of getting a graphic EQ to help things, but not crazy about adding more pedals.
I tend to play mostly on Bold, Channel 3, Vintage Mode, 50W, Tube Tracking
Gain somewhere between 1:30 and 2(just before the fuzz starts). however I love channel 2 for sparkling cleans and channel 1 on Tweed and you get awesome SRV breakup or funky twang with the tubescreamer there as well. I don't tend to use channel 4 that's my Pantera channel

my main axe is an 89' Ibanez RG 550 w/DiMarzio Tone Zone in bridge and Air Norton in the neck, stock single in middle. My back-up/collector guitar is a Peavey Wolfgang Standard Archtop with stock pickups (no need to swap these out)

I've got an order in for some JJ tubes, GZ34/6v6's/ECC83's high gain option which I'm told will get me higher into gain stratosphere without the Saggy low end and clean up some of the Buzzsaw. but as it sit's I'm pretty happy now.
I've always said this, a recto sounds great alone, but if you want a lead tone out of it, you need to boost it with an OD that won't color your tone.

I never turn on my dual without my TS9 or OCD.
Well guys, thanks for all the help! It's looks like it's going to be an OD....I have had quite a few others praising the Maxon OD808 with rectos!

Should I look into reverb at all? The current one I have (processor) was great for cleans, but for solos, though fluid, dulled my tone way too agression or girth....
I'd go with the Fulltone OCD if any! Yet, by your description: "Fluid/Liquid" lead tone, Mesa describes this as they're Vintage mode! I'd set up channel 2 Vintage for a lead tone, and use guitar volume to go from crunch to rhythm on channel 3 Modern! But thats coming from a two channel Dual Rec user! You guys with those three channelers are spoiled! :eek:
Although I'd love to get everything out of one piece of quality equipment, I'm finding that it's just not very realistic..I guess that's why people like Vai, Satch, Petrucci and Gilbert all use certain pedals to find "their" sounds.

I think I'll find a satisfactory lead tone in the Roadster, but I'd love to add a Diezel combo some day to A/B/Y between the two.

I've been struggling with the same thing with my get the sustain, the gain has to be cranked, but I'm not crazy about the tone. Are you using the overdrive in front of the amp with the gain in the 1 to 2 range as you described?

A compressor might help with sustain. Depends what you're going for I guess.
matty said:
yeah exactly, I run the OD in front of everything, which right now only consists of my Dunlop wah (keeley compressor coming next week). I run a Boss DD-3 through the loop but only use it on occasion or very transparent to substitute my reverb.

I spent a long time deciding on an amp and the Roadster had the best offerings and dynamics of everything I demo'ed in store. I love the raw power and balls of this amp and for me It's a great base sound. This one little pedal makes my leads come alive and gives it that open singing sound that everyone loves about the Mark IV..

Although I'd love to get everything out of one piece of quality equipment, I'm finding that it's just not very realistic..I guess that's why people like Vai, Satch, Petrucci and Gilbert all use certain pedals to find "their" sounds.

not exactly sure what difference true bypass makes, as I've never AB'ed similar pedals.

^That's what I've been pondering lately: using an awesome Tube Screamer for a Mark-esque lead tone. I need to get the Maxon OD9 Pro+ or the Ibanez TS808 and try it cranked on raw on my RKII. The possibilities!
I'm in the same boat here. I love my Roadster 1x12 to death but still looking for my lead sound. I think I'll go check out those OD pedals. Any recommendations?
I second the OCD, Im still pulling killer tones outta it.Its great for a lead tone with reverb with my les paul or strat. I bet with that choice PRS your holdin it would cut heads.Definately check one out dude its a champ.
cant play pool with a rop said:
I second the OCD, Im still pulling killer tones outta it.Its great for a lead tone with reverb with my les paul or strat. I bet with that choice PRS your holdin it would cut heads.Definately check one out dude its a champ.

I can attest to that, OCD owner as well as LP/PRS owner. The pedal slays.
try gain at 1, treble and bass around 45 degrees, and mids around 11-12. then adjust presence to taste. i have it around the same as the treble. these are the best lead tones i've found and used them to record.