Rectifier 2x12 or 4x12 cabinet?

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2x12" or 4x12"

  • 2x12"

    Votes: 14 53.8%
  • 4x12"

    Votes: 12 46.2%

  • Total voters


Oct 18, 2009
Reaction score
I´m receiving my Mark V head next week and I am also going to buy a new Rectifier cabinet for it. Is there a big difference in sound if I choose the smaller one? Do I still get enough that nice low end? I have used 4x12" cabinets for more than ten years in a row and never had Mesa cabs before. 2x12" is so much lighter and easier to transport (and cheaper) that I find it very tempting to choose that one.
MrEzzyE said:
I´m receiving my Mark V head next week and I am also going to buy a new Rectifier cabinet for it. Is there a big difference in sound if I choose the smaller one? Do I still get enough that nice low end? I have used 4x12" cabinets for more than ten years in a row and never had Mesa cabs before. 2x12" is so much lighter and easier to transport (and cheaper) that I find it very tempting to choose that one.

I have both the 2x12 horizonal Rectifier cab and a Marshall 4x12 1960AV (also Vintage 30´s) and was actually surprised that the 2x12 has almost as huge sound as the 4x12. So the 2x12 is seeing much more use at the moment - a great cab!
4x12's are highly overrated for players that don't play massive venues. Headroom be damned, get a 2x12 or a couple 1x12's even. The projection, sound, breakup and tone are not sacrificed and I would argue that it is better with the smaller cabs. Playing at realistic volumes would rule out a 4x12 for 99% of us here. Just like the guys that buy triple rectos for bedroom playing. Just look at Craig's List in any city and you will see some Triple Rectos listed by 16 year olds learning a valuable lesson.
2X12's are nice but you need a 4X12 if you want that big sound. There is nothing like it. Well...if you are moving it a lot, you may want to consider a 2X12 for practical and financial reasons. The best sound comes via 4X12 IMHO.

I have a 2x12 recto cab that I bought once I got my Mk V. the reason I went with the 2x12 was primarily that I don't play concert sized gigs and that a 4x12 wouldn't fit in my car (and would be a back breaker to move around). But a 4x12 definitely looks cooler if you ask me.
4x12 all the way. just a bigger sound...there is more of them out there that makes finding a used one for a good price far easier. That is if you’re not opposed to having a used one.
GD_NC said:
I want to vote for a 1x12 Thiele + 1x12 Open Back.

One of the new widebody ported cabs and a widebody open back would actually be a pretty sweet setup with a Mark V head!

I think the 3/4 back cabs are a great compromise between closed back and open back. I'm extremely happy with mine. I'm about to pickup a 2x12 horizontal Recto cab to stick underneath the 3/4 back cab. That should sound pretty good to mix the C90 in the 3/4 back with the V30s in the Recto cab.

A 4x12 definitely looks and sounds killer, but **** are they heavy and BIG.
A 4x12 will always sound bigger and push more air. None of us like moving them, but it is what it is.
My band just played a gig with a band whose guitarist had a Dual Recto going through a 2x12. After my band's set....the guitarist was all over my 4x12 and asking questions about how much it cots and how much better my D.R. sounded than his (which it did).
I think I have to get both. 2 x 12" now for starters and 4 x 12" in couple of months.
Any difference in sounds of slanted and straight cabs by the way? My experience
has been that straight cabs sound bigger but is there really remarkable difference
when you compare recto cabs? It´s not very easy to find used straight cabinet
at least here in Finland. There are more slanted ones available...
If you don't plan on gigging much, a 4x12. If you do gig the 2x12 vert for sure. Of course a Marshall 4x12 weighs as much as the Mesa 2x12. But I like things to match.
hows that vert 2x12 working out? Im pretty sure im gonna get a vert 2x12 to replace my recto 4x12 (which is straight) I figure its easier to move up and down stairs, and its angled so i could actually hear it on stage.. but how much of a difference in "bigness" is there?

Why is this even a question?

2x12 = Jerking it to a JC Penny Magazine.

Seriously...4x12 or die.
theroan said:
If you don't plan on gigging much, a 4x12. If you do gig the 2x12 vert for sure. Of course a Marshall 4x12 weighs as much as the Mesa 2x12. But I like things to match.

I gig with at least 2 Mesa straight cabs. Seriously...a gig isn't worth playing if I can't rock it out in stereo.
The 2x12 works great. Obviously it doesn't have as much low end resonance as a 4x12, but it's never lacking in volume, low end and definition. It's a great cab. And seriously, what kind of inconsiderate wanker goes to a bar or small club gig with 2 4x12's? People go to listen to you, have a good time with their friends, not get their faces blown off. This is coming from a guy who fronts a metal band. Then again I've always been more practical, but I do know that the Mesa 4x12 weighs over 100 pounds. It's the best thing ever until you encounter stairs.

Just think what do I really need. Even tour bands only go with 1 4x12, maybe 2 for large venues and arenas. The Edge still uses vox combos and fender tweeds if that gives an idea of how big your amps need to be. For the average gigging musician who has access to a PA system, 4x12's are overkill.

Stairs...pfft. I have roadies for that stuff. I guess for smaller gigs, just use one 4x12 split into stereo.

Anyone going to a club featuring the type of music that I play are showing up to get fu*ked up and thrashed up. Those people don't care how loud the music is as long as it kicks ***.
MesaGod666 said:
Stairs...pfft. I have roadies for that stuff. I guess for smaller gigs, just use one 4x12 split into stereo.

Anyone going to a club featuring the type of music that I play are showing up to get fu*ked up and thrashed up. Those people don't care how loud the music is as long as it kicks ***.


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