Rect-o-Verb Vs. Trem-o-Verb

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Well-known member
Jul 7, 2008
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Well, I am about to go fishing for a new Mesa... I just offloaded Nomad 55 2x12 combo so the next step is either R-Verb head + cab or T-Verb 2x12 combo.
But, the dilemma is which one suits me better. The problem is that they are both located very far from where I live, and it would cost me a great deal to go and check them both... in the end if either of them suits me it'll be 3 times ride.
Can anyone give me verdict or an advice. What do I gain or loose with each one of them. Tremolo is not a must and also 100 watts it's not a must.
I am playing from heavy to garage rock to jazzy stuff.
I'd go for the Rectoverb head and cab. I had a Trem-O-Verb head, and it was great for jazz. However, the Rectoverb, even though it's 50 vs. 100 watts, will give you more clean headroom. Funny how that works, but it's true.

HOWEVER, if the Rectoverb is a Series I issue, go for the T-verb. Series 1 Rectoverbs don't have good cleans. You want the Series II Rectoverb.
Thanx... I was thinking the same. But what about the drive... is it a difference as T-Verb has rectifiers and...
TVerbs also come in heads, but overall are harder to come by on the used market.

I have heard more than a few folks go from other boogs TO the T-Verb. And mostly for the cleans and mild crunch. Keep in mind I have no personal experience, but just reporting what I've heard, especially from one guy I really do trust. Again, FWIW :)

go for the rectoverb and get the recto cab with it. look the amp at this way : "Big talk from a small guy eh?". :lol:
Well, I was afraid this will be the case... combo is still a combo and H+C is still H+C. More headroom and more punch. But T-Verb is soooo much appealing... that it still leaves me divided. But tnx for the info and advice. I wonder if anyone had T-Verb combo and later switched to H+C configuration... and how it changed the sound.
Another thing is... I was planning on later buying 2x12 extension cabinet... What do you think about this... Vs. Head+2x12 cab?
I've had both. They are both great amps.

The Rectoverb should not have more clean headroom unless the T-Verb needs new tubes.

Here is my take:
T-Verb has much better Reverb
Both sound great Clean, and have a voice of their own. Not Fender or Marshall.
Both have great Lead channels. I don't care what anybody says, I can get a great Lead tone out of a Rectifier without using pedals.
Both have tons of crunch and distortion.
T-Verb has Tremolo, which I never used.
ROV has a Solo Boost, which comes in very handy.

Both are great amps. If Clean tone with good (not great) Reverb is what you want, go for the T-Verb. It will not disappoint.

If you don't care about Reverb quality because you don't use it or use a processor for Reverb, get the ROV.

I used to be all about combos, but they keep rattling my tubes to death, so I'm leaning more toward heads again.

I have a DC-10 100 watt combo and it kills, but it also kills tubes.

As for a 2x12, get a good one and you won't really miss your 4x12. I sold all of my 4x12's and use only small cabs now. With the right cab and speakers, you can get some great tones and won't need a forklift to move your rig.

Also, a Lonestar 2x12 cab and a Recto 2x12 cab mixed with a head will give you incredible tones.
Wow... this is it!
I'm gonna go with T-Verb! Great rev... Monsta-Tone. I'll keep you posted... I hope that by saturday I'll be the happy owner of T-Verb 2x12!
Me 2!!!!
But today just for fun... I'm gonna check 2:50 and studio pre... it's cheaper... but still T-verb is T-verb and a rear s!"#"!#t!!!