Rect-o-Verb from GuitarCenter

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May 14, 2007
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Hey there, I'm a first time poster. I have a few questions here Rect-o-verbs. Basically I'm looking for a great gigging amp that is build solidly. I have played threw a few Dual Rectofiers, I love the sound but I know they are way too much for me to want to haul around.

1. I was curious if the Rect-o-verbs indeed share the same sound with the smaller 3/4 back enclosure?

2. I have read the ROV is a loud amp (asking again because its 1 x 12" speaker vs the 4 x 12" I've tried before), would it be suitable for most club situations?

3. I'm fairly certain I'm going to order it used through GuitarCenter because the price is so much lower than new, anybody have any experiance ordering used equipment through them?

4. Tubes, because i'll most likely order it used, I'm fairly certain i'll have to re-tube it, are Mesa tubes the way to go or a different tube (Tung Sol for example) a better choice?

Thanks in advance.
I own both a Rect-O-Verb and a Dual Rectifier. Tell me first what type of music you play, as that will help me guide you in the right direction. Welcome!
I can't answer 1 to 3, but regarding tubes, that is all a matter of taste. I have it still stocked with the mesa tubes and it's good enough for me, but then againI never tried different tubes....probably should after 4 years...
Hi. Welcome to the Boogie Board.

1. Yes, same preamp. Similar poweramp. It is a lower powered Dual Rec with less features.

2. That said it is very very loud.

3. I'd buy new or buy second hand; **** GC.

4. All up to you. Personal preference. Mesa tubes are fine but you may find you like the sound of others more.
1) No the ROV is not going to sound exaclty like a DR through a 1x12 3/4 back enclosure. I added a 2x12 based on finances at the time and I'm real happy with it.

2) Yes it is loud but lacks the head room of it's bigger brothers. I would think mic'd it could work in any gig situation. I have played it through a 4x12 straight and wasn't that wild about it. I have not tried a 4x12 slant or stilletto cab.

3) If finances are a concern pick up a used one. I take mine out of the house once a week and have found the amp to be pretty sturdy for it's age.

4) Tubes are as others said a question of taste. I have some post on youtube under dwq1971. The SSB clip is with JJ tubes in the power and input stage. The others are are mesa power and input with Groove Tubes in the v-2 through v5 slot. I personally did not like the JJ's.

Now me personally I love the amp but like a 2 ch dual better. Two months from now I'll be in an active hunt for one. I like the idea of a serial loop, tube rectification, bold/spongy options and I can pull two power tubes to lower the head room a little. Plan on running your effects in front, if I had one complaint it would be the effects loop. I haven't found the right combo of pedals with the parallel loop yet.

You never know if you haven't found anything in 2 months buy mine :)
Thanks for the replies as to what kind of music i play, progressive and industrial. I have a PRS custom 22 if that helps guide the discussion any further.
If you are not so worried about great cleans or like them a little dirty, I would say find yourself a nice used 2 channel dual or triple rec, alot better sounding and tighter for the style you will be playing.
I agree wholeheartedly with clutch71 (and siggy14 on the cleans).

The open back combo will NOT get you the boomy punch. The ROV was my first Mesa and I first kicked the tires on it at GC (at moderate volumes). I thought it would have the hard rock "guts" at high volumes.. Then, in practice I actually had my drummer complain it wasn't loud enough. I know some will say I'm crazy, but that's a fact. We practice where there are no limits to volume. I thought a ROV extension cab would help, but it didn't. Bottom line, it needs the closed back cab to resemble a DR. I was also going to suggest a 2x12 Recto (closed back) cab - minimum. That will work.

It does indeed lack the headroom of it's 100 watt brothers, but we all know 100 watts is NOT twice as loud as 50. My half baked rule is if you can crank it at least half way up, you're *probably* good.

That being said, I also think that a Dual rectifier and a 2x12 or 4x12 would be the route I would go assuming you can crank it a bit. You'll need to push the ROV anyway to get it to sing.. I would have steered you toward the ROV if you were into blues or classic rock, etc. because it is a FINE amp in that regard (no extension cab needed). I don't think it lies at the forefront of Mesa's heavy rock amps though. Think of it as a more universal combo.

I think you could get a used dual and a 2x12 for about $1,500 if you're lucky. Don't get too hung up on tubes until you get to know the amp and identify something you are not liking about it's sound character. I think tube swaps are costly and can be somewhat overrated. Just no cheap junk.
Surfguitar! said:
I actually had my drummer complain it wasn't loud enough. I know some will say I'm crazy, but that's a fact. .

Loud enough for what? To kill small animals????? :lol:

Seriously, you must've been doing something wrong. I've played outdoors with my ROV and never got the overall amp master past 11:00 o'clock. The ROV combo is the loudest 50 watt amp I've ever played...
TheRazMeister, I know.. I know.. He's a heavy handed, shallow minded Metal Head. Kinda like reasoning with a drunk woman! :twisted:
After going and playing some rigs, I think I'm going to go with the RoV it fits my needs perfectly. My rig will be really straight forward Boss DD3 delay, Ibanez Weeping Demon, and a flange of some sort that I havent decided on. Thanks again for all the advice.
If you decide to go with the ROV I highly suggest investing in a 2x12 recto cab. This alone added to my ROV, using all three available speakers has really been great. It not only can get much louder, it is very easy now to get that deep chugga, chugga, sound heard in the music you play.
And on top of that I always thought having more than 1 speaker really adds depth and fullness to your sound. Look around ebay and such because ive seen these in perfect condition going for 4-500 bucks. '
Great deal,,,they are really sweet sounding for all styles not just that deep chugging from a closed back cab.

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