Really weird eerie stuff on my DC-3 going on..

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Nov 14, 2009
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I got my DC-3 combo a while ago. It's maybe been like 8 months to a year. It's really good. I love both channels. It's in really good condition and it worked perfectly fine until a few days ago.

On the clean channel, I hear the cleans. But there's one problem. I hear a distorted noise playing the exact same thing my clean guitar is playing. It literally sounds like 2 guitars at once. I do a pinch harmonic, and the clean "partition" if you will sustains for about a second, while the distorted "partition" goes on for a little more with a high pitched sqeual sound. The lead channel sounds fine, but it might be because it's being masked by the loudness and gain.

I thought it was really cool at first, but now it's annoying. I can get it to turn off after messing with all the knobs, but when I turn off and on the amp again, it happens again. It's not a tube saturation/natural OD thing. It happens at all gain stages and at all volumes.

Thanks for the help.
I'm no expert on amp repairs, but "ghost notes" are a common sign of bad filter caps. Given the age of the DC-3 it might be time to get those checked.

If you aren't familiar with amp repairs, take it to a pro. Capacitors can hold lethal voltage even with the amp off and unplugged.
**** really? Isn't that gonna cost a lot? I really do not have a lot of money to be spending.

If I did it myself, what would I have to do? I know I gotta drain the caps and everything.
Wow. I just got a quote from a repairman, and he estimates $120-$150 plus parts. I seriously cannot afford this. What should I do?
apak said:
Wow. I just got a quote from a repairman, and he estimates $120-$150 plus parts. I seriously cannot afford this. What should I do?

Get a second opinion. Don't tell them what YOU think it is. Let THEM tell you what it might be. Best bet is to talk to 'Monsta-Tone' here on the forums. Don't trust just anyone with your amp.
MusicManJP6 said:
Get a second opinion. Don't tell them what YOU think it is. Let THEM tell you what it might be. Best bet is to talk to 'Monsta-Tone' here on the forums. Don't trust just anyone with your amp.
I see. If I got clips out, then could someone diagnose the problem for me? Also, how would I post clips here? i'm new to these forums
apak said:
MusicManJP6 said:
Get a second opinion. Don't tell them what YOU think it is. Let THEM tell you what it might be. Best bet is to talk to 'Monsta-Tone' here on the forums. Don't trust just anyone with your amp.
I see. If I got clips out, then could someone diagnose the problem for me? Also, how would I post clips here? i'm new to these forums

Clips could possibly help, but most likely someone will have to pull the chassis and do a little surgery to get to the bottom of it. I don't know all the technicalities and inner workings of an amp (wish I did) though. In any case, you can sign up for a free account at and then link us to your soundclick page here. Just name the clips accordingly.
I think the tubes are all fine. All light up as they would normally. I have no idea how to safely dissect my amp. I guess I gotta take her to the doctor huh? I don't feel like it's worth over a hundred dollars to fix. I'll just have to deal for another year or something I guess... :(
I live near Hollywood, so I'll contact the Mesa/Boogie store.
I'd go get an estimate before you pull the plug on it. You might get lucky and find out it's something simple.

On the other hand, if you don't think it's worth it, you may be able to sell it here. There are plenty of folks on this board who work on amps and might be willing to rehab an orphaned Mesa if the price is right.
haha. I'm not going to sell it. I like it too much. I'd only give it up if I got a Mark.

I emailed Mesa Hollywood and they guy said 50 bucks plus $9.50 for replacement LDR. He also said it has to be an LDR if it's only in one channel. Way cheaper than what some independent guy offered me ($120-$150).

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