A couple quick questions for experienced roadster owners..
1: Any tube recommendations for Aggressive Hard Rock (lots of palm muting), need tightness in low-end bottom sound, think sounds like Hum, Jane's addiction, Quicksand, Helmet, etc.
I am currently using V1 Tungsol, V2, Tungsol, V3 7025 Tubestore, V4 JJ ECC83, V5 JJ ECC83, V6 Mesa Russian. Power Tubes = TAD 6L6GC-STR's
2: Do you have to take the chassis out of the casing to replace V1 & V2 preamp tubes? I have pretty small hands and I can barely take them in/out and had to remove it last time I replaced...it's kind of a pain in the @$$ to do this.
Thanks for any feedback fellow boogie rockers
1: Any tube recommendations for Aggressive Hard Rock (lots of palm muting), need tightness in low-end bottom sound, think sounds like Hum, Jane's addiction, Quicksand, Helmet, etc.
I am currently using V1 Tungsol, V2, Tungsol, V3 7025 Tubestore, V4 JJ ECC83, V5 JJ ECC83, V6 Mesa Russian. Power Tubes = TAD 6L6GC-STR's
2: Do you have to take the chassis out of the casing to replace V1 & V2 preamp tubes? I have pretty small hands and I can barely take them in/out and had to remove it last time I replaced...it's kind of a pain in the @$$ to do this.
Thanks for any feedback fellow boogie rockers