rattle in my Studio .22

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Mar 26, 2007
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I have a very old 80's Studio (does not say .22). It develops an almost glass sounding rattle when I hit some low notes - then the sound stops for a long while. I've looked at the tubes and tried tapping them with a pencil but no obvious symptoms.
Should I just replace all the Tubes, or is there another troubleshooting step ?
Also, the Reverb really sux - is there an obvious remedy ? (I keep it turned off for now).

BTW this amp still sounds Awesome
I know that this will sound stupid but do you have this problem in different rooms? I was experiencing an odd rattle that I would have bet money was coming from my amp at home but never on a gig. Next time it acted up I moved it to the living room and no rattle. Something in my office where I keep my gear was vibrating though it sounded like it was coming from inside the amp.
I would try playing the amp in different rooms..If it keeps up, have a friend apply pressure to each tube as you play to see if you can find the culprit..
If it is a preamp tube, the spring in the shield may need adjusted or the tube itself.
Power tube.....make sure the tube is tight within the socket, if it is and is still making the noise, try replacing just the one.
If that does it, then buy a matched set.(Depending what amp, you may need just inners or outers)

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