Quick Recotverb question

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
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I need to get the flub out and tighten up the bottom end and need advice. I've corrupted myself by trying both a Diezel and Marshall amp that totally blew away my recto. I tested a Roadster, no comparison, not even close. If the Diezel weren't $4,300, my Mesa days would be over. So easy to dial in a good tone. Help!
I put E34L's in my DR to help tighten it up and change the tonality a bit. I think it worked great. I also did high gain pre tubes so I could get saturation at lower gain settings, so it feels tighter and more saturated at the same time. I go through www.eurotubes.com and do the retube kits, but a lot of people use www.dougstubes.com too with great success.
i think if you were that blown away by a diezel or Marshall you wont find what your looking for in a recto..... maybe a stiletto since its voiced more similar to those amps.... have you tried the marshall jvm??
jdurso said:
i think if you were that blown away by a diezel or Marshall you wont find what your looking for in a recto..... maybe a stiletto since its voiced more similar to those amps.... have you tried the marshall jvm??

+10000.. take it from someone who's been down that road, the recto doesn't sound like the amp for you.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......I'm running KT77's right now, but I fell into this trap when I went to GC to test a Stiletto, they had none in stock.
Yes turn down your gain. And try what toneaddictjon suggested,, put some el34's in it,, I run all kinds of preamp and power tubes in it.
I find that el34's tighten it up some along with a nice transparent OD.
I wonder what version ROV you have? Mine is the version 2 and I really dont ever seem to have a problem with bottom flub.
I also highly suggest trying some settings. Run your master volume at around 12-1:00 oclock. And use your channel masters for volume adjustment. This makes your power tubes run harder giving you power tube saturation instead of pushing your preamp tubes too much.
I assume if you havent been running it this way,, you notice more flab when your channel masters get above 4 oclock or so.
And I would suggest replacing those kt77's. I think I have spoke to you before about these tubes and while I do like them, I think they are my least favorite. Currently im running some some SED c winged el34's.
I also found the TAD 6l6wgc's to be very nice... Good luck to you and let us know what you what you figure out
I wanted to mention but forgot,,, what mode and how high do you usually run your gain? Other than playing in modern mode for some brutal farking gain I find that I enjoy usually playing in raw mode anywhere between 10:00 and 2:00 with a nice overdrive, even more so than the vintage mode.
I run a Barber direct drive, ts-808, bb preamp and a Mi Audio blues pro on my board. I love OD's that much. I run them to overdrive my amps gain, But when I especially want the tightest sound I can get I use the Mi Audio blues pro. No B.S.
This pedal is the **** for tight and quiet OD. Try one,,, they are realatively cheap compared to most decent OD's.
A couple other things to tighten things up-
Heavier gauge of strings
Higher action
Like others have said less gain
Mids set higher also tighten things up
Give up :lol:

Like Platypus, I went down the road of trying to tighten a recto...spent hundred on pedals, pups, tubes, cabs.....at the end of the day, while some things helped, it was still the same recto.

Sold it....now I'll be the proud owner of a Mark IV in 2 weeks (fingers crossed) :D
Jak0lantern01 said:
I need to get the flub out and tighten up the bottom end and need advice. I've corrupted myself by trying both a Diezel and Marshall amp that totally blew away my recto. I tested a Roadster, no comparison, not even close. If the Diezel weren't $4,300, my Mesa days would be over. So easy to dial in a good tone. Help[/url]

that link is probably what you need, I played an SRV strat thru a Koch Studiotone and I loved it that deal i linked is probably the one for you I played it at Gryphon Strings in Palo Alto, CA :)
Just put a couple (crappy) takes up to show the non-muddy non-flabby non-squealing essence of my DR with e34l's in it


Let me know if that's in the ballpark of the sound you're going for and hopefully it helps
To reduce flub....
Gain - 2 o'clock
AMP Master: 12 to whatever you need to be heard
Channel Master 10 o'clock

I accidently up'd the channel master to 12 and the flub was VERY noticable. To me the secret of the Rectoverb is that the 2 gains have to be used like a clutch and accelerator pedal. If one goes up, the other must go down. Also, remember that your treble acts as a gain stage also so use sparingly.

Jak0lantern01 said:
I need to get the flub out and tighten up the bottom end and need advice. I've corrupted myself by trying both a Diezel and Marshall amp that totally blew away my recto. I tested a Roadster, no comparison, not even close. If the Diezel weren't $4,300, my Mesa days would be over. So easy to dial in a good tone. Help!
Jak0lantern01 said:
I need to get the flub out and tighten up the bottom end and need advice. I've corrupted myself by trying both a Diezel and Marshall amp that totally blew away my recto. I tested a Roadster, no comparison, not even close. If the Diezel weren't $4,300, my Mesa days would be over. So easy to dial in a good tone. Help!

As a previous ROV owner I guess my question would be how "tight" do you want to be? Metallica? Dream Theater? Lamb Of God? If so the answer is yes, definitely something else. I would say look at the Mark Series... IIc+, Mark III, or Mark IV if you are interested in Mesa Boogie.

ROV's are a great economical answer to the DR. I'm so glad it's where I started in the Mesa famlily. Now if you like the DR sound and want to get "tighter" it's no fluke, it's no myth as Mesa put's it, 2ch's are just tighter more defined than the current 3ch offering. DR's offer more options that allow further tweaking that the ROV just doesn't have. It's more about the type of music that you play. The additional head room the DR allows also tightens it up, but be warned, you have to have a location where you can let it loose. Neighbors, Wife, Children, Cops are not appreciative of this fact and honestly aren't impressed with how "tight" it is.

Again, that's what I'm into...Tool, Clutch, Soundgarden, RATM (I know he used Marshall but I really like the DR sound for Rage) SOAD, and Wolfmother. I'm a hobbyist that sits in the garage and plays along with CD's. Down the road I will add a Mark III, Mark IV or Triaxis/2:90 in addition to my DR. I just need to sit down with each and see.

I have played several older 2ch's (Elpelotero, warm up #29 I'll be down July24-27th!) D's, F's, and now own a G. IMO the D's are the Best sounding DR's I've personally come across. I call them "Tool" in a box.

I think the affordable option is an older 2 ch. and a 2x12 rectifier cab or 4x12 Stilletto Cab. I personally have not played a Stilletto 4x12 but the 2x12 Stilletto did not sit well with me.

Good luck
I really need to get my hands on a MK IV to test. I think my recto has its place, I don't want to get rid of it. I also like Mesa in general. I looked into the Marshall user's guide and every little thing sounded like it need a pro to work on, especially when it came to tubes. I like the fact that the Mesa's let you customize your sound a bit more and are more user-friendly. When asking the salesman if Mesa put out anything comparible to the Diezel, he said the MK IV. I have to hear it.
Jak0lantern01 said:
... I think my recto has its place, I don't want to get rid of it. I also like Mesa in general. ... When asking the salesman if Mesa put out anything comparible to the Diezel, he said the MK IV. I have to hear it.

That's what I'm doing, 2ch DR and most likely Mark IV long head. Haven't tried a Diezel but way out of my price range.

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