Questions from a new LSS owner

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Mar 9, 2005
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Asheville NC
Hiya folks. After years of GAS I've purchased a LSS 1x12 combo. Thanks for all for the the great information and opinions here. I've been lurking for awhile now. Shhh. :) I found one in mint condition in the stock cocoa bronco for $1300. It has 3 years left on the warranty. I'm in the first phase of ownership where everything sounds great. Unfortunately I have 2 gigs this weekend and my band hasn't rehearsed in 2 months due to our bass player having wrist surgery :(

We are rehearsing Friday but as we have 2 gigs in one day Saturday the vocalist isn't going to want to do an extended rehearsal. I'm totally nervous about gigging without having a good amount of time using the amp at volume. I've been messing around at home plenty but band volume will change things quite a bit I'm sure. Let's not even disscuss using my old amp this weekend :) I'd rather face the unknown with my LSS. Wish me luck.

Oh yeah, questions. Firstly does anyone have any info on a mod to make the drive footswitchable? I play in a roots rock and roll/blues band and like to use channel 1 for a slightly dirty rythym sound and hit the boost for fills. Channel 2 I like on the clean setting with the gain cranked for leads.

It would be nice to be able to engage the drive with a footswitch for heavier solos. Is it possible to mod one of the midi footswitch jacks for this?

Secondly, any suggestions on an extension cab for larger gigs? We're starting to do more outdoor gigs and I want a little more coverage at festivals and such.

BTW I have used it a couple of times already in small clubs with a singer/songwriter I play with. She plays acoustic through a Pendulum system into the PA and I used the LSS unmic'd. Sounded phenomenal. No volume issues whatsoever.

thanks for any replies.

Dunno about any footswitch mods but you can order ext cabs direct from Mesa... I ordered a 1x12 cab that works fine for my needs. Enjoy your new amp!
Thanks for the reply! I just realized this is in the wrong forum :( Maybe a mod could move it for me?

I definately want to order my cab from Mesa. Trying to decide on speaker configuration. I was thinking 1x12 would be enough but maybe someone here could make an argument for 4x10 or 4x12. The combo will probably be enough for most of my gigs but those outdoor gigs are gonna need a little more I'm thinking.
I just played a large outdoor gig w/my LSS. It was a bike (M/C) ralley . I was also worried about volume . I had allready decided I would order a 1x12 cab from mesa when I returned. I A/B'd w/a fender 15/50watt concert reverb 4x10's. I did have to switch the fender to the 50 watt mode, & run my FX into it. The LSS was my main, turn up loud, pay attention to, amp. I had the LSS in the option out for a full 35 watt for xtra headroom. They miked the amps.
I like a lot of clean and some dirt for sustain. We play blues and late 60's early 70's rock. If I'm playing a dirty lead (CH 2) I have a clean tone ( fender) riding underneath, for tonal support.
The sound on the stage was loud enough but still able to communicate. As I moved closer to the edge of the stage , durring solos,( away from my LSS) I could hear this GIGANTIC SOUND coming from the main speakers. About 6-8 15" mains, and 4 18" bottoms. and I couldn't tell you how many watts. I could hear the sound of my LSS going up and down the valley. The sound comming from my LSS ( on the stage behind me) was basically acting as my monitor! I don't think I need a cab. The sound tech said it sounded great. I am thinking of a LSC for the 2nd amp though, smaller & lighter than the fender & matches the LSS. I wanted, really wanted , the cab. I just don't think I need it, and it's just something else to pack & lug & keep track of behind the stage. This amp came thru. Thats one reason I took the fender, just in case. If you mike it, it will be just fine.
The other 2 bands had large 100 watt Marshalls 4x12's and such. They weren't any louder than we were. We were loud....I mean **** loud.. I just love this LSS......just my 2 cents....enjoy.....CGM...
Hey thanks! That's very encouraging as I won't have a cab for this weekend and it's not a huge outdoor venue. Just a downtown street fair in a fairly small town. I'll probably get one eventually though. Mostly because now that I've got the amp I need something else to obsess about :)
Me too, me too. Although..I've got an epiphone 1x12 cab I've been thinking of putting a Mesa blackshadow in. It just doesn't look as good, but it does look retro. It might come in handy in small venues ( when miking is not needed ), as in setting on the other side of the stage, for good coverage at an even volume....CGM