Question for Triaxis users.

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Dead Moon Rising

Well-known member
Nov 30, 2006
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i was wondering how many different sounds most people use on their Triaxis. I had 2 Rhythm and Clean. All my patches used those 2 sounds and multiple FX variations. I added a lead setting after a while, but never really deviated from my 2 main sounds.
I think I use 10-15 sounds, with CC on most of'm.
I have Fenderisch clean with some breakup, mark pristine clean, Fender on 10 sounds, midgain Lead2, two higain Lead2, and those tailored to two guitars.
I use the clean modes en L2 yellow and green, and sometimes L1 yellow or green. I never use the red modes (I have a non phat mod)

Back when I had a Triaxis, I stayed in either Rhythm Green or Lead 2 Yellow 99% of the time. Other modes were cool too, but I just kept coming back to those two. I guess that's why I have a Mark IV now.
I have 2 basic ones for dirt, one for clean(ish), and then have a few copies of each. I will assign a copy to a program, and then tweak for that day, that cab, etc. Most times I simply use one of those three with no tweaks.

This is why I wish I could have a lower cost pre that just did the Lead 2 Yellow... "the rest of it" never gets used.
For right now - 4

Brite Clean: Rhythm Yellow
Crunchy (when cranked): LD1 Red
Power Chord / Lead: LD2 Green
Singing Solo: LD2 Yellow

I'm afraid to use LD2 Red - it might open a hole in the space/time continuum. :D

I'm controlling the TriAxis with a GC in Bank4 mode: eventually I'd like to have separate banks of 4 sounds optimized for each guitar (Strat vs Lp vs Tele vs EMG).

I use 4 different sounds

And then I have 4 variations of those 4 sounds for a total of 16 patches plus one for a muted tuner out.
I do use quite a lot of patches. I bought a Midi preamp for versatility and had a JMP-1 before. I got the Triaxis for the huge territory in tone it can cover...

When I have a clubdate gig (top 40's, covers), I use to spend around 45 minutes or more per song to nail the sounds and program them all. Sometimes I'll use more then once the same patch since some songs sound similar... The good thing is that tonewise you'll always have THE great sound for the situation. The bad thing is that it gets complicated if not organised in the set order, so a controller with a display for the song names is essential.
Last gig I used around 40 sounds.

But for my individual practice I use around 8 sounds to cover the range I need. 1 jazz, 1 funk, 1 light breakup, 1 low-gain LD1 green, 2 lead sounds, 2 rythm.

Of course for an original stuff band I'd use maybe 10-12 patches or maybe a lot less depending if the sound is homogeneous.

I would have bought a Road King or Roadster for a strong rock tone if I had only a composition band. If more vintage I'd stick with my Subway Blues with some pedals. Covers everything from vintage to 80's rock by itself, and with some pedals it does the rest.
i honestly use all the modes on my triaxis. certain modes work better for certian things obvisouly but i can generally get somethign useful out of all of them.
I mainly use 2 clean channels, 2 rhythm and 1 lead. (Geez, I could also use a Mark IV instead??) I copy these settings for 3 different banks and use my Rocktron Replifex in the FX-loop for more variation of sounds.

For a long time I've had the replifex connected to the main out, but I discovered that it is better for my playing style to try to use less fx and more pure tone. So I tried the fx-loop and this sucks less tone and dynamics. Don't get me wrong: The Triaxis main out through the Replifex sound real great, but it sounds even better when going directly into my 20/20. Also trying to use a lower value on the Dynamic Voice gives more pure tone... So I would encourage anyone to try that...

GEAR: Mesa Triaxis 2.0, 20/20, QUAD, HIGH GAIN AMP Switcher, KOOL & ELFRING 2x 2x12V30's, Rocktron Replifex

Kind regards


p.s. Anyone any idea why I cannot post a classified? Do I need to post more messages first or is it something else? (sorry, I'm kinda new here)
p.s. Anyone any idea why I cannot post a classified? Do I need to post more messages first or is it something else? (sorry, I'm kinda new here)

You have to have contributed a minimum of 10 times before other aspects of the board become available (I'm in the same boat).

I guess they're trying to keep out the sharks. :idea:

i just brought my Triaxis/2:90 out of retirement and really love the Lead2 modes now. I never used them in the 8 yrs i've had the rig, i was always Ld1 red. But i think i've finally grown tired of the rectifier sound and love the clarity and articulation i can get with the lead 2 modes. i have a few setups for different guitars now and it's great.
A little late to the game on this one...I actually use 5 modes on it.

Rhythm Green - Clean chording.
Rhythm Yellow - Clean picking.
Lead 1 Red - Modern heavy rhythms, leads.
Lead 2 Green - Rock rhythms, leads.
Lead 2 Yellow - Old school metal rhythms, leads.

Never had a use for Lead 2 Red, always sounded like an overkill version of Lead 2 Yellow/Green. Never used the Lead 1 Green/Yellow either. I always used lower gain settings on my Lead 2 modes for mid-gain stuff, but I might try out the the other Lead 1's sometime.

I don't use the DV on it. Not versatile enough, so I use a separate EQ with it. Makes the Lead 2 Yellow/Green a lot more usable for my applications.