Question about tube guard on MV Combo

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Well-known member
Oct 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Do you guys leave this tube guard on all the time. I'ts impossible to get the footswitch into the bag with the guard on. PITA for sure. I like the protetction though.
Dude I left mine off, mostly when I had my combo....for the very reasons you state.
If the concern for your tubes becomes too much, you could always put the guard back on, and carry the footswitcher and cable in a seperate bag/box.

Either way worked well.
Getting the footswitcher in the bag in the back of the amp itself was nightmare.
I remember how nervous I was having to edge the switcher past the tube without it damaging them...

How I have my head version instead, its kinda that way by default.

So 'guarded and seperate' gets my vote. :)
I took the bag out of the amp to store my FS in after I broke a rectifier tube trying to get the FS out. On a gig no less...ughhh...I would leave the guard on...and remove the bag... works great for me. PS always carry spare tubes....
Yep, always carry spare tubes... 'specially if you store anything in the back of your amp. :D