Question about serial numbers.

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New member
Jun 3, 2009
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Hello everybody! I purchased my Mark V Combo one week ago. And I LOVE it!!! I used it at band practice and it cuts through nicely. Everyone there commented about how it's the best tone I've ever had!

Exciting stuff!!!

Anyways, what is the serial numbers on your combos?

Mine is 103. The folks at the store told me that mesa numbered their combos starting at 100. So there for I would have the 4th combo made. If that correct?

Thanks for your help!

Long time lurker first time poster
I believe that it is true, you have 1 of the first!!!! I got number #95, and i freaking love her!!!
There is some speculation around where they started... the combos seem to have started from 101 from the ones posted on the "serial numbers" thread. The heads seem to be under 100 so far and those were shipped after the combos. Maybe they were prototypes... no one has posted definitive info from a reliable source yet. Either way, you got an eeeeearly piece. Congrats!

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