QUAD PRE # xxxx

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Well-known member
Aug 19, 2006
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Anyone know how many Quads were manufactured and how many were with / without the midi option?

Also, how many were made without the channel indicator lights on the front?

ok... put simply, does any one know the specs for the years of production that these great units were made and the serial nr. range?
I didn't even know about the later midi Quads until about half an hour ago... now I want another Quad!!!!!!!!!
the midi quad is not really worth it. as far as i know the midi was not very reliable. you are much better off just getting a RJ-16 or Midi Octopus to control it...
Yep, these were really a super basic midi option. However, there seems to be some work being done to find alternate switching solutions that are not as old or expensive as the ones mentioned... see the following links as it will be interesting to (hopefully) follow developments here:


another reason against the midi quads is the lack of a second reverb, which is one of the unique and great things about the quad. the fantastic reverb is reduced to regular mesa reverb, which is pretty vanilla at best. they had to make room bor the extra boards so one tank had to go. i rather like my fat verb.