PRS CU24 (1993) - Replace Tuners

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Jan 1, 2007
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The original chrome tuners on my '93 PRS Custom 24 are getting a little "sloppy" from use and difficult to tune. I'd like to replace them with a new set of the original locking version (with wings).

Any idea where I can find a set?

Will the current model of locking tuners sold by PRS fit my '93?

One thing you might consider is taking a tuner off of the headstock measuring the diameter of the hole and then Find a mate for that hole. has a pretty decent selection. They also put the specs of the tuners on there so you can see what fits. Shop around though there better prices to be found.
i believe that the schaller m6 tuners fit perfectly, but they arent locking, not the m6 mini, the regular m6 tuners, becasue your guitar should have the shared d and g screw on the back of the head stock like mine. or try a prs dealer to see if they can order, or looked for used ones
your guitar should have the shared d and g screw on the back of the head stock
Yep ... that describes mine.

I am interested in the original PRS locking tuners ... just can't seem to find them anywhere :(

I was considering the Phase II locking tuners ... but apparently they don't fit.
As you said the Phase II tuners won't fit; they do fit later PRSs with the "low mass" tuners.

I don't know how it turned out, but some of the people over on the "Birds and Moons" forum were trying to get PRS to reissue the original style tuners with the single screw for the D and G as you're not the only person who is needing replacements. You might check over there to see what happened with that.
Hey John ... went over to the "Birds and Moons" forum and found the following thread:

Some highlights from that thread:

03-20-2007, 06:10 PM - I heard from Jack Gretz yesterday regarding PRS and the original Schaller tuners. The latest is that PRS says they will maintain an inventory of original style wing tuners (shared D and G) for warranty replacements, and they will have the collars for replacement too. So, if anyone has some worn tuners, contact Shawn and see what PRS can do for you. No word yet on when they will be available, but check anyway.
03-20-2007, 06:10 PM - PRS told Jack that they will have them available for warranty replacements, didn't specify if they would sell them outright.
03-05-2008, 11:10 AM - I just got a reply from an email I sent Jack a few minutes ago. According to PRS, these tuners will not be available. Schaller has no interest in producing them again, so looks like we are SOL.
Based on the above, it doesn't look good :(

Asked two music stores to call their contacts at PRS ... both were advised by PRS that the customer (me) should consider Phase II tuners (and drill new mounting holes), or look on eBay, or try collectibles guitar shows.

Contacted Schaller in Germany. They confirmed that they made this particular tuner, but they do not have any old stock available. They are only making the current design (not sure which type, locking or standard), and suggested I contact PRS.

Sent an email and a letter to PRS, asking for any help at all to loate a set of Phase I tuners ... waiting for a reply.

Nothing on eBay but Phase IIs.

Still looking ... still no luck.
you know, it might not be too hard to make some locking tuners, buy the shallers that fit, drill into the top down to the string hole, then use a tap to thread it, then put a screw through the top like the phase 2 has, its not wings, but its no new holes, fresh quality tuners that lock. just an idea, its probobly what i would do
Hey Commander ... interesting idea, but it's nothing I can do with any degree of precision.

There just had to be a set layin' around somewhere ... doesn't there???
I'd be amazed if they're worn, they're quite sloppy from new !!! Have you tightened the screws on the end of the tuning keys as tight as possible ??

there ya go... they look pretty expensive and who knows if they are going to work better than your used set.
Hey CC ... Thanks for the eBay link. However, I think I might have a line on a new set!

... more to come.
Just to close the loop ...

I was able to locate a brand new set of PRS Phase I Locking Winged Tuners!

I looked everywhere for these tuners:

Email and pictures to PRS - No reply (but see following).

Letter to PRS - Reply, but informed that the tuners are no longer available, suggested the Scaller M6 non-locking as a direct replacement or searching the used market such as eBay.

Email and pictures to Schaller - Reply, but informed that the original PRS part is no longer being produced.

Contacted various PRS Dealers across the U.S. (also sent pictures) - Not available from any one of them except for Ed Roman, who wanted $300. (ouch!)

Visited my local Sam Ash and Guitar Center (and waited while they called their contacts at PRS) - No luck, but the PRS contact at the other end of the phone suggested Phase IIs (and a few new drilled holes). :shock:

Posted Want It Now on eBay and WTB on a couple forums - No bites.

Finally, someone on another forum got me in contact with a dealer in Wisconsin (USA) who came through for me. This dealer,, is now at the top of my list for anything related to PRS (or other guitars for that matter). :D He also has an amazing personal guitar collection that can be viewed on his web site (and I believe also played in person). 8)

Can't wait to get these bad boys on my guitar!