Pre-500 question -- 500 vs. 501

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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2007
Reaction score
Central NJ
I just have a quick question for you guys
I know that the pre-500s are much different than later models...
Is it exactly 500 or is that a estimate??
Just curious is you were to have say 500 and 501 side by side, are they different or is the pre-500 a guide??
There are countless threads on this already, but this is the basic gist of recto history.

About the first 600 or so ever made were the Revision C and D versions of the amp. You just have to check the circuit board near the filter caps and it will say what revision the amp is. Then afterwords, you have the Rev E and F which are still somewhat in the same camp for tone. The Rev F has a usable clean tone while the other ones do not.

The Rev G is from around CA3XXX up until the 3 channel heads and that is your quintessential recto tone.
The big story from my understanding is that the 1st 500 (pre 500) or so had these certain Schumacher transformers that they supposedly stopped using around the 500 mark. Ive also been told these are the same tranys used in the mark III, but I can't confirm that. But it has been proven that these transformers were used well past revision C and D. I have a revision F serial number R078# with the Schumacher tranys found in the pre 500s...they were only made a few months apart. The other revisions themselves dealt with clean channel issues mostly and slight differences in the gain channel. The First R0220 to R0240 or so Dual Rectifiers released are Rev-C. Then Rev-D until R0506 then comes Rev-E till R0602. Then Rev-F from R0603 until around R02500. After R02500 or so came Rev-G until the year 2000 which is the year of the 3 channel Dual Rectifier. Hope that helps some.
THe Mark III transformers are found in Rev F rectos in the 2000+ serial # range as well. Honestly, the circuit board makes more of a difference than the Output Transformer does!
I once was told by a dealer that the original recs had some special "chip" that gave them their tone. At some point the relationship between Mesa and the inventor went South, and they had to take it out of the design.

I have NO idea what to make of that story.
The above story sounds like hokey pokey to me.

To answer the original question,

The number "500" was an estimate thrown out some 10-20 years ago. I was able to narrow it down to about the number 506 or 512 or something like that. Honestly though, forget about that 500 number.

It's more important to look at the Revisions. The public was given C, D, E, F, and G. The first 3 sound almost identical. C is the brightest. F is a bit warmer, and G warmer still. Then there were many other things such as effects loops, speaker outputs, logo's, special transformers (which went up into the 1000's serial #'s).

Is there a tone you're after?
Elpelotero said:
The above story sounds like hokey pokey to me.

Definitely. Mesa has said they can mod 2 channel rectos to Rev C or D specs if their customers REALLY want it. So much for a chip, hahaha!!!

To answer the original question,

The number "500" was an estimate thrown out some 10-20 years ago. I was able to narrow it down to about the number 506 or 512 or something like that. Honestly though, forget about that 500 number.

It's more important to look at the Revisions. The public was given C, D, E, F, and G. The first 3 sound almost identical. C is the brightest. F is a bit warmer, and G warmer still. Then there were many other things such as effects loops, speaker outputs, logo's, special transformers (which went up into the 1000's serial #'s).

Is there a tone you're after?

This is really it. Every different recto is a different flavour. It is a question of finding what works best for you're needs!
YellowJacket said:
Elpelotero said:
The above story sounds like hokey pokey to me.

Definitely. Mesa has said they can mod 2 channel rectos to Rev C or D specs if their customers REALLY want it. So much for a chip, hahaha!!

That's funny, I emailed Tien @ Mesa about this last month and he talked to Mike B and said he doesn't recall doing any mods like that :?