power strip-style power conditioners

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eventide_awakening said:
How do you go about switching the ground on your amp? Just switching outlets until you no longer have sparks?

I said ground, I meant to say circuit.

Yeah, I'll find a different outlet that's on the same circuit as the PA if possible. If not, then I'll try until there's no longer any voltage issue. Sometimes it helps to have one of those foam "clown nose" mic screens. That will take care of the small small shocks.

They sell these little devices to check if an outlet is wired properly (Lowe's, Home Depot...in the electrical department.), and I've been carrying one of those lately and checking the outlet I plug my amp into.
my best friend
Another benefit to using active p'ups and a wireless, with most if not all active p'ups the bridge does not need to be connected to ground for shielding AND with the wireless there is no direct connection to the amp.

No fireballs (or burnt lips) for me !!

FWIW I currently use the Furman PL8-II. I'm still getting some radio interference though :x


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