Power Amp choice for Studio Pre

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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2007
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Trying to find a good power amp for my Studio Pre. Looking at Mesa 295's, Mesa 2:90's, Marshall EL34 50/50, Mesa 20/20, VHT 2-50-2. What have some of you used and what did you find, especially if you used more than one? I even may just run it into the return of my Stiletto but would like to have dedicated setup for it. Mainly playing at home so I guess a Strategy 500 is out :lol: . I know even the 20/20 would be too loud but I'm interested in "tone", not power level per se. If a 2:90 (for eg.) has the "tone" it's OK if it's too loud. I'd be playing as much classic rock on it as I would scooped EQ metal, so maybe one with 34's? I like the idea of the 295 with the run only in class A Option. I read the VHT 2-50-2 will do class A but didn't see a switch or button for that.
Mesa 50/50 and you'll have all the TONE you want right at your face. About the volume you're right, even the 20/20 can be extremely loud in some (most of) situations. If you prefer EL34's or even mixing 6L6's and EL34's so maybe the 2:90 would me more suited for your needs. Whatever you choose go MESA and you can't go wrong!
If you want a scooped metal tone I would give the EL34s a miss. You would do better with 6L6s. Of course, if you get an amp that can accept different tubes, you can experiment a little. I find EL34s are great for classic rock but not beefy enough for metal. I find my 2:90 to be capable of most tines with my Triaxis. Bloody heavy to move around though!
While I have only used the 20/20, I can tell you there is a mid hump to it that makes certain settings sound amazing..... But it gets in the way of other settings and you can't dial it out. That would be ok with me, as I found some sounds that I like with it and my quad, but I live in an area where I am able to turn up some, and the amp starts to distort early on when you raise the volume knob, and I found that unacceptable when I tried to play a clean tone. For that reason I am seeking a replacement for it as soon as I can get it sold. I will second the 50/50 for the low power switch when you need it. I know before I got my 20/20 I was torn between the 50/50 and 20/20. If you really want to be able to give EL34s a shot, the 2:50 might be better, as you can switch from 6L6 to EL34 whenever you want, but you lose the low power switch.
JMMP said:
While I have only used the 20/20, I can tell you there is a mid hump to it that makes certain settings sound amazing..... But it gets in the way of other settings and you can't dial it out. That would be ok with me, as I found some sounds that I like with it and my quad, but I live in an area where I am able to turn up some, and the amp starts to distort early on when you raise the volume knob, and I found that unacceptable when I tried to play a clean tone. For that reason I am seeking a replacement for it as soon as I can get it sold. I will second the 50/50 for the low power switch when you need it. I know before I got my 20/20 I was torn between the 50/50 and 20/20. If you really want to be able to give EL34s a shot, the 2:50 might be better, as you can switch from 6L6 to EL34 whenever you want, but you lose the low power switch.

And with the 2:50 you loose a lot of tone too, the 2:50 is much more scooped and somehow thinner than the 50/50 but the bias switch's really a plus.
Is the 50/50 dropping a pair down to class A on low power or is it just a straight half power setting, still A/B?
skoora said:
Is the 50/50 dropping a pair down to class A on low power or is it just a straight half power setting, still A/B?

It's still A/B, the lo-mode switch changes something about the plate voltage of the preamp tubes into the poweramp (yet you can really tell I'm not so much into electronics :roll: but I'm learning :D ), when you switch from 50w to 15w you've almost the same volume but I bit less pressure and brightness and a bit earlier brake-up.
MichaelC4 said:
Go for the 295!
I really like my Studio Preamp and 295 together.
I think it sounds great on Class A.

Right now it's the front runner, on imaginary tone anyway :lol:
I currently have Several of the Mesa Power Amps and Preamps in my Studio and I have tried all of my power amps with my Studio Pre and I think my 50/50 sounds the best overall but I have to say my Strategy 395 has a ton depth but it also weights a ton it is hard to beat the 50/50 it is so rich and thick and much easier to gig with.
There is just something about the 50/50 & Studio Pre combination that has to be heard and felt to understand.

Mesa Power Amps: All Racked
Strategy 395
Strategy 400
Mesa Preamps: All Racked
studio Pre
Rectifier Recording Pre
Lone Star Special
Brett Beisner said:
I currently have Several of the Mesa Power Amps and Preamps in my Studio and I have tried all of my power amps with my Studio Pre and I think my 50/50 sounds the best overall but I have to say my Strategy 395 has a ton depth but it also weights a ton it is hard to beat the 50/50 it is so rich and thick and much easier to gig with.
There is just something about the 50/50 & Studio Pre combination that has to be heard and felt to understand.

Mesa Power Amps: All Racked
Strategy 395
Strategy 400
Mesa Preamps: All Racked
studio Pre
Rectifier Recording Pre
Lone Star Special

cool...what was your opinion, if any, on the 295?
Brett Beisner said:
I currently have Several of the Mesa Power Amps and Preamps in my Studio and I have tried all of my power amps with my Studio Pre and I think my 50/50 sounds the best overall but I have to say my Strategy 395 has a ton depth but it also weights a ton it is hard to beat the 50/50 it is so rich and thick and much easier to gig with.
There is just something about the 50/50 & Studio Pre combination that has to be heard and felt to understand.

Mesa Power Amps: All Racked
Strategy 395
Strategy 400
Mesa Preamps: All Racked
studio Pre
Rectifier Recording Pre
Lone Star Special

Is there a Lonestar preamp or you're talking about the rackmount head?
I've used the 295, the 50/50, and the 20/20 with the Studio Pre, and the power amps are listed in my order of how much I liked them.

The 295 is by far the best power amp of the three I had because of the tone and versatility that it offers. I absolutely loved the Class A triode setting for soloing. For clean stuff and rhythm work, I used all of the tubes. The only drawback on the 295 is the size and weight!

The 50/50 was no slouch. If the 295 didn't have the Class A triode setting, then I would have put the 50/50 first. The low power setting on the 50/50 was horrible though. I tried to like it but just couldn't bond with it.

The 20/20 was my least favorite when paired with the Studio Pre. I played a stock 20/20 and a deep-modded 20/20 and just couldn't surpass the tones I was getting with the 295 or the 50/50.

Hope this helps. Good luck on the tone quest!
talltxguy said:
I've used the 295, the 50/50, and the 20/20 with the Studio Pre, and the power amps are listed in my order of how much I liked them.

The 295 is by far the best power amp of the three I had because of the tone and versatility that it offers. I absolutely loved the Class A triode setting for soloing. For clean stuff and rhythm work, I used all of the tubes. The only drawback on the 295 is the size and weight!

The 50/50 was no slouch. If the 295 didn't have the Class A triode setting, then I would have put the 50/50 first. The low power setting on the 50/50 was horrible though. I tried to like it but just couldn't bond with it.

The 20/20 was my least favorite when paired with the Studio Pre. I played a stock 20/20 and a deep-modded 20/20 and just couldn't surpass the tones I was getting with the 295 or the 50/50.

Hope this helps. Good luck on the tone quest!

Thanks. There's a used 295 near me I'm going to check out. If I don't care for it I'll hunt for a 50/50.
MichaelC4 said:
Go for the 295!
I really like my Studio Preamp and 295 together.
I think it sounds great on Class A.

Yep, no question on this combo. I have them as one of my rigs, and it can be magic.
tonefordays said:
MichaelC4 said:
Go for the 295!
I really like my Studio Preamp and 295 together.
I think it sounds great on Class A.

Yep, no question on this combo. I have them as one of my rigs, and it can be magic.

MESA is magic! :D