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screamingdaisy said:
New head.

Needed a change and had a yearning to simplify, so the rack is in storage until I feel the need for it again.

guitar -> wah -> volume -> amp -> UniVibe (in loop) -> speakers


Is that a THD Hot Plate up on top?

How about a review of the new head? I've always thought that Laney's sounded great, but one of the two Laney's I've had was a maintenance nightmare.

I also love my pair of EV12L Theile ported MESA BOOGIE CABINETS as well.
You use the FCB 1010 with a G-Major? We need to talk, since I can't get the expression pedals to work.
noodles said:
You use the FCB 1010 with a G-Major? We need to talk, since I can't get the expression pedals to work.

Hi Noodles,

Check out this thread. I've posted a great deal of info on getting the most out of the G-Major and FCB1010 combo - there's a step-by-step guide near the end of the thread on activating the Expression pedals in both the FCB1010 and the G-Major. See if this resolves your issues, and get back to me - I'll try to help further if necessary. :)

Big smiles,

Well not a very nice pic and kinda old now but this is my rack:


Rack drawer (is this the right name?)
Samson series wireless one
Korg DTR-1 Tuner
TC-Electronic G-major
Mesa/Boogie Mark IV ( for sale )
(modded with pots to bias!)
in the back is a special made power strip, a b&R midi switcher and a racklight!

Rig 1 (Jermaine)
Gibson SG 1978 (Duncan JB and Shadow pickups, Gotoh tuners and bridge)
Line6 POD XT Live (just effects)
Mesa/Boogie F-30

Rig 2 (Blood on our Hands)
Falcon Strat copy (Shadow pickup)
Line6 POD XT Live (amp modelings and effects, direct to board or Behringer active monitor

I also have a small Fender Deluxe amp from 1962.

Here's my 90 Custom Shop Rhoads, Engl Savage 120 and DC3, I since have gotten rid of the Y2KV

Here's my strats, the green one is a FenderClapton/Warmoth scalloped neck mutt. The other is a Warmoth

This ones my Carvin CT6

This one is my Ovation Elite, Ibanez 777 which I no longer have and an Esp Horizon 5 String bass.

Here's my mutts, Fender/Warmoth, Jackson/ Warmoth

And here's my Gibson 54 reissue LP with another LP that I no longer own.

The Rack, footswitched with Yamaha MFC10
box; 2×12 vintage 30's, another one coming soon, although i'm gonna mix the speaker with Classic Lead 80's
The upper unit is a powersupply system with a small power conditioner and a transformer 220V>110V, and anoother 220V>12V for MidiController and MidiSwitcher


The guitars, RG2120X and RG2027X both refitted with DiMArzio AirNorton (7) + Steve's Special (Blaze II)
stock;Dimarzio/Ibz's (V77+V87)
I really love the 2120X's it's one of the best guitars i've ever held in my hands i love to play it.

My first guitar, i learned heck alot on it, so i decided NOT to ever sell it, but it seemed so sad never been played (it had ****** up electronics, ****** up trem, ****** up pickups, and it was poorly set up), but the guitar is meant to be played afterall..

Then i decided to spice it up a bit
still needs a clearcoat and some cosmetic details refined.
specs: Stock RG270 JB with:
new headstock style
new finish
new Pickups: DiMarzio/IBz B/N + blue Velvet
blocked trem
smoothened fretboard/fret edges

it took me sometime to push it to this stage. i think it'll beat the crap out of stock RG270's ;)
Here's me and my current bass rig. I'm in the process of upgrading.


Spector NS2000/4 bass
SWR Workingman 160 head
Avatar B210 cab
EVM 1x15 cab[/img]

Do you play in a band here in phoenix? I would love to see how your rig sounds - Also, which amp(s) do you use live?
Amp ~

MESA Boogie DC-5 head
MESA Rectifier 4x12 slant

Pedal board ~

Flextone Power Supply
Rocktron Tuner
Rocktron Deep Blue Chorus
Rocktron Short Timer Delay
Morely Bad Horsie

Guitars ~

2002 G&L Legacy with a Duncan JB in the bridge
1986 G&L Superhawk #1 with a Duncan JB in the bridge
1986 G&L Superhawk #2 with a Duncan JB in the bridge
1987 G&L Invader with a Duncan JB in the bridge
1986 G&L Rampage with a Duncan JB in the bridge

Beverages ~

You can see most of my gear on my web site below. It's a little outdated. Since a created the site I sold my Fender Prosonic combo, bought a Peavey Classic 30 and another 1x12 blonde Fender closed back cab, a Fender G-DEC amp for home practice, and nabbed a 2001 Gibson SG Supreme in midnight blue burst.
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