Portable cases

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Jan 31, 2011
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Hey guys.
Im new here... i got myself a Mark V not too long ago in LA... i freaking love it. Im gonna be traveling allot by airplane and train with the head. I need a case that makes it easy for me to howl it around for shows.. I dont have a car coz i live in central copenhagen, and cars makes no sense here.

I there anything with small wheels on "like a suitcase" on the marked? "Ofcourse it has to be able to fit a Mark V Head"


Hi fellow Mark V owner and Scandinavian!
I myself live in Stockholm. Unfortunately not many Mark V owners here.
however, since you´re going to fly you will need a very light case to make sure you eget below all the flight restrictions.
Go to this website http://www.casetechnology.com/

and check out there "Ultralight Shipping Cases", then go to their "Instant Online Design & Quote"
and put in all the dimensions, preferable foam thickness and if you would like wheels chose the "Tote Case".
I just hope they can send it to you.
By the way, since you bought your amp in the states I guess you use a stepdown transformer with it? What size and brand? If I may ask. I also bought mine in the states and use a step down transformer. How do you think it works? Have you noticed any difference maybe if you have compared to a "none stepdown transformer model"?

Take care and good luck!

These ultralight cases are not that light. for a Mv head it came out 19pounds. That´s almost 10kos
Be aware that all your chosen different settings that is, number of handles, foam thickness etc... highly effect the final weight. And because your going to transport your exclusive amp with an airliner you deffinetely not want to send it in a cardboard box.
That´s the "best" I´ve found but if someone else find anything better, hats off.

Bye Bye!
This is what I use.

@ 4406: That thing looks perfect! Since im going back to the states in a week I should pick one up there. How is the actual fit of the Mark V in there? I guess it's not custom build for the Mark V.

@ jeppekristoffer: Hey man :) I know soneone else who also owns the Mark V around there.. he's just outside Stockholm though hehe.
The stepdown transformer does not really have a name.. i think it's a military one.. I got it from a U.S soldier who lived in german on a base. It's made og metal and is heavy as hell. I think im gonna take my amp to the workshop and have it convertet into 220V.
Apart from that, i think it works just excellent with the stepdown transformer. I hear no "odd" sounds whatsoever. The thing is quiet and just a joy.

What sort of music do you play?
Thanks for the info man.

Do you know if you can buy it at Guitarcenter? Im going to L.A. for a week, Next week.
I bought mine at Sam Ash in Canoga Park, California. They had to special order it. It took about a week to get it.
jofipe said:
@ 4406: That thing looks perfect! Since im going back to the states in a week I should pick one up there. How is the actual fit of the Mark V in there? I guess it's not custom build for the Mark V.

@ jeppekristoffer: Hey man :) I know soneone else who also owns the Mark V around there.. he's just outside Stockholm though hehe.
The stepdown transformer does not really have a name.. i think it's a military one.. I got it from a U.S soldier who lived in german on a base. It's made og metal and is heavy as hell. I think im gonna take my amp to the workshop and have it convertet into 220V.
Apart from that, i think it works just excellent with the stepdown transformer. I hear no "odd" sounds whatsoever. The thing is quiet and just a joy.

What sort of music do you play?

Have you checked how much it would cost to convert it to 220 V? Here in Sweden it would be something like 700$. That´s just too much!

Regarding the music, when I´m home I play Shawn Lane/Guthrie Govan stuff mixed with ACDC, Joe Bonnamassa, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Hendrix, LOG, to name a few, but in my band we play Congolese dance music "Ndombolo", clean guitars, bass, drums and percussion.

What do you play?