I love my 2002 Les Paul Standard. It sounds great acoustically, has awesome fret work, and it just rips. I played almost every guitar in the store to find it and when I did, only one pickup was working. Seriously, the electronics were not even working correctly. Furthermore, there is some orange peal finish around the neck pocket. You'd think with a $3,000 instrument, they'd get it right. PRS guitars in that price range (and lower) are perfect. Ultimately, I just liked the LP better so I got it instead.
I noticed in time that the neck pickup was boomy and the bridge was thin and bright. I replaced the pickups with Bare KNuckles and put the upgraded pots and caps in the guitar, and voila. NOW it is the guitar it should have been when I bought it. If I was to drop a wad of cash on a guitar again, I'd get a Godin. Canadian made and great value for $$$s.