Picked up a used Roadster--where does this screw go?

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May 23, 2014
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Hi All,

New Mesa owner. My used Roadster arrived yesterday, sounds great. Really stoked about it. However, when I unpacked it, a black phillips head screw 3"-3.5" long rolled out onto the floor. The screw has a shank that comes down about 1.25" before the threads start.

Anyone know where it goes?
Not that I could see. But, with that length, that was my first thought. Was hoping someone could confirm.
Thanks Dom. Happy to be aboard! This is a Roadster Head. The screw seems long enough to be one that would hold the chassis to the cabinet, however, the previous owner mentioned that he never had the chassis out when I asked him about the screw.

The other question is, does this screw even belong to this amp? The PO bought an Archon from Sweetwater, and shipped the Mesa to me in the PRS box.

Edit: I did notice that the gain knob on channel 2 (or 1, can't remember) was "hot". Meaning, when the amp is on, touching the gain knob results in a slight pop, as if it's creating a ground. Could this be the "screw to nowhere" creating the open ground?
That screw is only for combo's, it keeps the chassis from rattling and has nothing to do with grounding the amp.

Are you sure you have a good ground on the outlet you are plugged into?

In short, (bad pun) no. Typical old warehouse rehearsal facility, plugged into a cheap power strip at the time. Any other areas of concern for the ground issue?
The screw belongs to the PRS and will not work for long without it. That is the uber bias spring loaded tension bolt for adjusting the PRS to make it sound better. Better return it to the place it came from........ :lol:

It is probably just a stray bolt that either found its way into the packing materials, may actually belong to the PRS or what ever was in the box prior to its use as a shipping carton for your amp.

Only thing I can imagine being 3 inches long would be the mounting bolts, usually they are fully threaded, nickel or chrome plated steel. Only 4 screws are used to mount the chassis in the shell, Look at the bottom of the amp, are all 4 screws in place? If a substitute bolt fell out, probably was not the proper screw (this assuming one is missing). Also, was the person you bought the amp from the original owner?