Parker Fly with a mark iv

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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2008
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Hi everybody,
I'm new here so i'll try a little one.
My mark 4 sounds great with all my guitars at the exception of my parker fly deluxe!!!!
Is there a way to make it sound more acceptable.
What about changing the pick up (dimarzio) for something else.
Is anyone have a clue for me???? Please help!!!!
I have a Parker Fly Mojo with the Seymour Duncans which sounds amazing (IMHO) through all my amps, including the Mark IV, which is my go to amp. Perhaps a pup switch would do the trick. I actually like the Mojo almost as much as the BFR JP6.
I don't really know what to say. I run a 99 Parker Fly Deluxe (Rev1) with my mark IV and it's amazing. I like the Parker with my mark IV better than my strats or my SG.

Have you tried re-doing all of your settings from scratch with the Parker?
Hey...i think it's a good thing. It's not all the parker fly that sound poor.
I own my mark 4 since 1995 so i have tried a lot of settings but it's not like my gibson or my godin (fender)
I'll probably try to change the pick up for seymour duncan or something else if it cure the problem.
Boltino, is there Dimarzio on your parker fly???
normandk7 said:
Hey...i think it's a good thing. It's not all the parker fly that sound poor.
I own my mark 4 since 1995 so i have tried a lot of settings but it's not like my gibson or my godin (fender)
I'll probably try to change the pick up for seymour duncan or something else if it cure the problem.
Boltino, is there Dimarzio on your parker fly???

Yeah, I have a Rev 1 Fly with Dimarzios. I believe the Rev 2 Flys have Dimarzios also, but a different series. Sounds like you've owned it long enough that settings aren't an issue! Good Luck.
What dont you like about the sound of the Parker? Too bright? Not thick enough? Some real Dimarzios would sound alot better, I think the Tone Zone/Air Norton would be perfect to thicken it up and smooth out the treble to bring it closer in sound to your Gibsons. A JB/Jazz combo should sound great too, but dont let the pickup in your Parker ruin your experience with Dimarzio, the ones they make for the Perstige Ibanez's suck too, but the real Dimarzios are awesome.
Thanks a lot,
Yes, the sound is really too thin and bright.
Too bad because the feeling of the guitar is incredible.
Oh, i forgot to say that i can adjust the clean ok but it's really the channel 2 and the lead that bother me.
I'll check for Dimarzio too but i think Parker's pickup are special and i cannot put any pickup on that guitar.
What is rev 1 fly and rev 2 fly???
I've heard about the 2 different pickup
On my parkerfly's pickup, it is written "DIMARZIO"
I think it's the older version .
wow i have never heard a parker sound bad. But i can understand if your not liking the dimarzios. That thin sound is why i opted for the mojo. Since regular pickups wont work your best bet is to take out your pickups and send them to your favorite pickup maker and tell them to rewind them to whatever specs. You get a custom pickup without having to change the appearance.

good luck :D and rp that parker hard.
Kazak said:
I have a Parker Fly Mojo with the Seymour Duncans which sounds amazing (IMHO) through all my amps, including the Mark IV, which is my go to amp. Perhaps a pup switch would do the trick. I actually like the Mojo almost as much as the BFR JP6.

Yep, I do. I go through phases of playing different guitars for a while then move on to another. I feel very lucky to have a few to go to. The Mojo is definitely right up there (a keeper) IMHO. Thinking of trying a Suhr Standard or a Caparison TAT next. Man did you read that Schecter post over in guitars, its friggin' hilarious, I think they're trying to start WW III. Apparently we are not allowed to like Japanese guitars, I happen to love my JEM (Mint 2002 with Ebony Board), so I stayed out of it.
i had to say something but that was before it blew up like that because i used to own ac c-1 classic. but my main guitars are a regular jp6 and a 91 mij s470 so i know where youre coming from kinda
normandk7 said:
What is rev 1 fly and rev 2 fly???
I've heard about the 2 different pickup
On my parkerfly's pickup, it is written "DIMARZIO"
I think it's the older version .

I believe the Rev1 flys have block letter Dimarzio on the pickups and Rev2 flys have an italicized Dimarzio logo. Basically, parker updated all of the electronics including pickups. If you want a surefire way of telling which one you have, open up the back; it's written on the preamp circuit board. Which is better is strictly a matter of opinion.
Hi again,
I've check and mine is a fly1-rev1.
I also look at the website of dimarzio and SeymourD and i saw nothing that fits parkerfly.
I've just sent some email and waiting for an answer. was a first for me at boogieboard and thanks everyone for the help. I'm also sorry for my english (my main language is french...from Canada)
Just receive my rewinded pickups from Seymour Duncan.
I sent my two dimarzio to be rewinded as sh-4 and jazz neck.
It really worth the money (200 $)
The sound is incredible and i am very happy with the result.
Now, the heavy sound of my parker fly is as near as my Les paul as you can get.
Thank you all guys for your good advise on the subject.

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