overdrive pedal

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Mine too. OCD's go great with the Express, they actually go great with any amp.
I've got a few OD pedals. :) Here's what I have that work well with my Express 5:50:

NOC3 Rock Candy (low gain)
NOC3 Pure Drive (medium gain)
Catalibread Dirty Little Secret
Lovepedal Provalve 2
Rockbox Boiling Point (PHABULOUS pedal)
Fulltone OCD V4
Crunch Box (distortion)
Vintage RAT (distortion)
Fulltone Plimsoul

I've got a few more on the way and will report back when I've had a chance to test drive them. Here's what I have coming:
Lovepedal Eternity Burst
Skreddy Screwdriver
BB Preamp
The amp's crunch channel is really great. But we play such a wide variety of songs back to back I just don't have time to change from clean to crunch and tweak. So I leave the amp in clean mode and use dirt pedals.
I swear this question gets asked more than anything else. :) In my opinion, trust your ears. Go to a music store with your amp and try a few. With that being said, Fulltone pedals are pretty stellar. Also, the TC Electronic Nova Drive is killer, but you'll have a very hard time find one in person to try out.
Here's a comparison I wrote up on another forum comparing (to my ears) the OCD to the Plim:

I played a Gibson Les Paul Custom shop with a Seymour Duncan Custom V in the bridge into a Mesa Express 5:50 set to clean.

First off, those that claim that the Plimsoul is a higher gain version of the OCD must be doing something very different than what I'm doing because they are very different. The Plimsoul is definitely warmer and fuller than the OCD. I'm not knocking the OCD but the Plim produces a fuller, wider sound whereas the OCD is a brighter, thinner sounding pedal. It should be noted that I tried the Plim at both 9v and 18v and the 18v clearly wins. I even asked my 16 year old daughter to listen to both voltages and she agrees that the 18v power supply sounded fuller and warmer. BTW, I also ran the OCD at 18V. The Plim just sounds a lot better run at 18V.

As you increase the gain the two pedals really begin to diverge sound wise. The Plim takes on a life of it's own, and when you start dialing in some Stage 2, which is a second gain, it takes the Plim to whole 'nother level. You have to tweak it a bit because the Plim gets louder as Stage 2 is increased so a compensating drop in volume, or Level, is necessary. The High Cut control does just that....and it's very sensitive and effective. The Plim is rich in gain and versatile. I'm not an expert on a lot of various amps so I can't give you the benefit of "at this setting it sounds like a Plexi..."...sorry about that.

I plan to keep the OCD and use it as a low gain pedal whereas the Plim has plenty of gain and flexibility to be used for rhythm and leads. One knock on both pedals, and it could be my amp so take it for what it's worth, they both sound a little brittle on high notes and note decay isn't as smooth as I'd like. I compensate with some compression and adjusting the high's accordingly, especially using the High Cut control on the Plim. But keep in mind most pedals sound this way on my amp but I wanted to provide this detail in hopes that it's helpful.

BTW, if you've done a similar side by side comparison of these two pedals, I'd really be interested in your observations and thoughts on mine.
Whoa whoa. Pedal noob question. VBF, is it fine to double the voltage going into a pedal? Or is it simply something that mainly just these two pedals allowed? I might want to try 18 volts going into my compressor just for fun.
EtherealWidow said:
Whoa whoa. Pedal noob question. VBF, is it fine to double the voltage going into a pedal? Or is it simply something that mainly just these two pedals allowed? I might want to try 18 volts going into my compressor just for fun.

NOOOOOOOO Don't ever plug an 18V adapter into a pedal unless it's designed to handle the voltage. When in doubt, check it out....first. Many a guitar player has fried a pedal due to juicing it with too much voltage. I have some dirt pedals that run on 9 and 18V and they are specifically marked as such. Please see the example below...typically what it looks like when you can use between 9V and 18V. You're smart to ask first. :)

Alright. I know for a fact mine is only marked 9 volt. Had to ask though. Thanks for letting me know before I go recklessly "tone hunting."
Any time..always happy to help. You were smart to ask. Tonr hunting with an 18V power supply often leads to the repair technician. :)
jeffp said:
:? What`s a good od pedal for the express 2x12?jeffp :?

THere's probably 100's of "good" OD pedals for the 5:50 and more than 20 great one's.
Any decent OD pedal will sound good with it cause this amp is very pedal friendly imo..
What any one person prefers is simply a matter of taste.

I've tried all those mentioned by VBF and many more.
Having tried lots I prefer the Crunchbox on 18v because it nails the Marshall JCM tones better than any pedal I've heard. 6L6 Mesa's can't do Marshall flavour distortion so if you luv those tones it adds a whole new range of distortion tones to your arsenal.

OCD is also great and very versatile but I prefer the Crunchbox cause it has more gain, is much more JCM flavoured and is cheaper :mrgreen:
vbf said:
The amp's crunch channel is really great. But we play such a wide variety of songs back to back I just don't have time to change from clean to crunch and tweak. So I leave the amp in clean mode and use dirt pedals.

You can use the Blues mode in Channel 2 as an alternate clean, thereby allowing you to use Channel 1 Crunch. I got my amp used, and this is how it was setup when I got it.
ifailedshapes said:
vbf said:
The amp's crunch channel is really great. But we play such a wide variety of songs back to back I just don't have time to change from clean to crunch and tweak. So I leave the amp in clean mode and use dirt pedals.

You can use the Blues mode in Channel 2 as an alternate clean, thereby allowing you to use Channel 1 Crunch. I got my amp used, and this is how it was setup when I got it.

This is an excellent point, thank you.

BTW, I recent;y acquired a Skreddy Screwdriver, BB Preamp, Lovepedal Eternity Burst, Barber Burn Unit, and a Skreddy Lunar Module. The Burst sounds awesome through the 5:50 as does the Burn Unit.
I have enjoyed the sounds of a Tim pedal through mine. I also like the new digitech Hardwire SC-2 and CM-2 and in the lowest cost realm the Dano-Electro Cool Cat series has a great Overdrive and the Orange fuzz is stellar through my 5:25 1x12.

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