Overall unsatisfied with my Roadster

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May 18, 2011
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Hey guys,

I recently just purchased a used Roadster. Got to take to my lockout and jam on it for a bit.

Channel 3+4 in modern (which are cloned I'm assuming) sound awesome. HUGE sound that I love about the Rectifier series.

I then flipped to vintage and raw modes, and to say the least, I was pretty disappointed. Sounded VERY thin even with the bass at full blast.

So I thought to myself, well let me check out channel 2 to see what we are working with there. Again, super thin. Totally unusable for rhythm. I tried tweaking as much as possible, but I could not find a useable tone.

This leads me here. Did I get a lemon? I have the ability to return, so I'm not worried. I just do not want to get another when and have the same issues. Maybe it's just not what I'm looking for? I honestly just could not find anything that sounded good besides the modern on 3+4 and all of channel 1. Maybe I'm just used to it sounding super thick on modern, so when I go the vintage, raw and brit, maybe it's in my head?
I would at least go compare it to a new one at a store if possible...just to make sure the tubes aren't shot....etc, etc. It shouldn't be sounding thin, whatsoever.
It could be ear fatigue going from modern down to vintage or raw. Sometimes your ears get accustomed to one sound, and when you switch over, it sounds kinda strange. Anyhow, the modern is definitely going to have more low end to the tone compared to vintage and raw modes. Also, channel 3 and 4 differ in the sense that their presence controls have different sweeps. Best to experience with that. As for channel 2, fat should have some low midrange going, with results in a fatter tone. Clean would obviously have that low mid striped back for a tighter and arguably more percussive clean tone, depending on the situation. Brit mode on channel 2. Here is the trick I have found. Assuming you want a gainy sort of vintage Marshall-esque tone, crank both the treble and gain up, then bring down the "harshness" but tweaking the presence, and master and output controls. You might want to experience with more or less bass as well, depending on how loose you want the low end to be...
Just sounds to me like you dont appreciate the variety the amp offers, I got rid of my Roadster Combo and am back using a Triple. But there wasnt anything wrong with the roadster, like someone said go check a new one out in a store and make sure there isnt something wrong with it.
The raw mode was underwhelming to me as well.

Like JW123 said, I could not appreciate the amp for what it was. I thought about having all these different mods done to it but opted to sell it and go a different route.
timeghost said:
Maybe I'm just used to it sounding super thick on modern, so when I go the vintage, raw and brit, maybe it's in my head?

I think that has a lot to do with it. Modern mode is a huge sound.

Honestly I think what you are describing is perfectly normal. Vintage is supposed to be more mid-rangey with less bass, and Raw is supposed to be a bluesy sort of thing.

Brit is also supposed to be thinner sounding. If you don't like that you can set the Fat/Tweed modes for breakup - they can get pretty thick with high bass settings. Plus you can always use channel 2 for clean if you pick Tweed.

Either way though if you don't like raw/vintage why don't you just ignore them? I use modern on ch3 and ch4 90% of the time and I wouldn't have it any other way.
you're making me a bit scary... but anyways... you can't compare bottom end of the high gain modes with the other ones... but they should have a bit of headroom too...
I don't seem to have any problem with bass on vintage or raw on ch3. I was just playing on raw with the bass about 9:00 and it was plenty( and im using el34s). I didn't try ch4 to compare. Ch3 and 4 are not 100% the same. Ch4 has much more presence and pickups up where ch3 left off per the manual. Bass is one thing I've never had a shortage of with the roadster.
timeghost said:
This leads me here. Did I get a lemon? I have the ability to return, so I'm not worried. I just do not want to get another when and have the same issues. Maybe it's just not what I'm looking for? I honestly just could not find anything that sounded good besides the modern on 3+4 and all of channel 1. Maybe I'm just used to it sounding super thick on modern, so when I go the vintage, raw and brit, maybe it's in my head?

As mentioned channels 3 and 4 are different. Channel 3's presence knob value is designed to compliment Raw and Vintage modes. Channel 4's value works better with Modern mode. Not that there's any rule saying you can't run it any way you want, but that is the way the Roadster was designed. Vintage is slightly more midrangey and produces slightly less bass than Modern mode, but it's really easy to get them to balance well so long as you aren't being stupid with the bass knob in Modern mode.

Channel 2's Brit mode sucks (in my opinion). It's not that it's bad as some people get great tones from it... more that it totally doesn't work for me and my tastes. I use channel 2 in Fat mode as my clean tone.

Channel 1 I use in Brit mode with the gain somewhere between half and 3/4. It's my "middle of the road" tone for when I need something that's dirty, but not super high gain.

That said... I've seen lots of people sell a tube head because they burn out the power tubes and then sell it thinking their tastes must have changed because they don't like the way it sounds anymore. So it may be worth buying a new set of power tubes and seeing if it helps (it's always a good idea to have a spare set anyway).
Whenever I change modes, I always have to dial in a new sound. When I use RAW, I am after a SRV or ACDC type power tone. When I am in vintage or modern, I am after different sounds. If you expect all 3 modes to sound GREAT without making any changes to the stack, you are going to experience disappointment.
screamingdaisy said:
timeghost said:
This leads me here. Did I get a lemon? I have the ability to return, so I'm not worried. I just do not want to get another when and have the same issues. Maybe it's just not what I'm looking for? I honestly just could not find anything that sounded good besides the modern on 3+4 and all of channel 1. Maybe I'm just used to it sounding super thick on modern, so when I go the vintage, raw and brit, maybe it's in my head?

As mentioned channels 3 and 4 are different. Channel 3's presence knob value is designed to compliment Raw and Vintage modes. Channel 4's value works better with Modern mode. Not that there's any rule saying you can't run it any way you want, but that is the way the Roadster was designed. Vintage is slightly more midrangey and produces slightly less bass than Modern mode, but it's really easy to get them to balance well so long as you aren't being stupid with the bass knob in Modern mode.

Channel 2's Brit mode sucks (in my opinion). It's not that it's bad as some people get great tones from it... more that it totally doesn't work for me and my tastes. I use channel 2 in Fat mode as my clean tone.

Channel 1 I use in Brit mode with the gain somewhere between half and 3/4. It's my "middle of the road" tone for when I need something that's dirty, but not super high gain.

That said... I've seen lots of people sell a tube head because they burn out the power tubes and then sell it thinking their tastes must have changed because they don't like the way it sounds anymore. So it may be worth buying a new set of power tubes and seeing if it helps (it's always a good idea to have a spare set anyway).

i´m with you on this, but i think you meant Tweed mode on channel 1.
your way is how i setup my roadster as well after not being very happy with the brit mode on channel 2.

a cranked tweed mode gives me more the feeling of an JCM800 sound as the brit mode and it has more low-end to it as well.

btw. i run my roadster with EH EL34s since two or three years now.

but to the opening post i must say, if you turn up the bass knob to full on vintage mode and don´t get enough low-end, there must be something wrong.
i have my bass knob around 12 - 1 o´clock on vintage mode and this is enough for playing with a band. make sure you have a good cabinet hooked up to the roadster!
cheap cabs destroy your sound!
if you play a long time in modern mode on channel 4 and switch back to other channels, it seems like the amp is lacking on bass, but i isn´t!
i´m using channel 4 modern for the extra heavy and brutal sounds and my main sound is channel 3 vintage - and it kicks a$$ as well!

and don´t forget the treble knob is the most powerful EQ knob on the amp. if it´s turned down, the mid and bass knob don´t have the power as they have with treble set to 12 or 1 or 2 o´clock.

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