OT: Got around $100-$150, what new gear should I get?

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2005
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Springfield/Mt.Vernon, MO
It's burning a hole in my pocket too!!

I thought about a cheap practice amp, but I have that Vox Tonelab and my old Deluxe.... I already have a Tubescreamer, V-Twin, phaser, tuner, wah and delay pedals - and I don't really want a chorus pedal.

Any thoughts? I was thinking about a Tremolo since I miss that from when I had the Tremoverbs. If I get a tremolo pedal, which one should I get?

Or should I get a new USB or Firewire sound card for my laptop? The one I have right now will only do one track at a time, which is fine when it's just me but when I want to do the whole band I'd like to have atleast 4 tracks. Any thoughts there?

I can go over some, but not much........ unless its for a "good cause" (and my wife doesn't find out :wink: ).
Hey Tele-jas,

Why not save the money and buy something that you really want later. Why burn up that $150, when you could put it in with other money saved and get something that you really need or really like?
I'm going to start saving for a Lone Star. It's going to take me quite a while, but ya gotta start somewhere. I got to thinking that I have 4 amps, and while they're all cool, I could've had a Lone Star for that money. Hmmmmm. :)
It was my Christmas present form my wife and kids, and she said "I wanted to give you something to do with music from the kids, but I have no idea what to get you - so go get yourself something from the kids and make sure to show them so they know what they got you".

It's one of those deals where if I keep the money, it will end up going for something stupid, like groceries or rent or something like that and I'll be out the money. I know it doesn't seem fair, but that's what happens when I already spent a couple thousand this year already on my "amp venture".

I may still try to keep it in my music box and get something cheap and not let anyone know how much it was.... Can you say "Danelectro"?
Hehehehehe. Now your talking. Having GAS, I actually did buy a little practice tube amp that I wanted and there are going to be too many more of them. I bought it as a collectors piece and actually find that I can play it too. I have no regrets, but its only going to delay the inevitable. As much as I like the Road King and would love to have one, I think that I'm going to end up with a flavor of Lone Star. I think that's closest to wear my tone of choice lies. Whatever you get, make sure that it's something that you really want and can use.
Why not some wierd pedal that you would not usually buy for yourself.Something like an auto wah, or a filter, or a ring mod.. This way, you'll always think of your kids when you use it, even if it's only at home. And, they'll probably think it's the coolest thing you have.... :wink:
Get it used on ebay, and dump the rest of the money towards something else in the future...
ax. :twisted:

good luck
i wouldnt buy something cheap that youll just loose intrest. if it were me id invest in a good tuner i didnt see that you mentioned that. or get some new strings,picks maybe a good cable and take the kids and the wife to the movies jmho. get some brownie points with the wife for when you go out and buy a new guitar or something or unless shes like mine and has caught on to this trick just take em out and hope it will soften the blow for your next screw up banking brownie points works for me........sometimes
I just picked up an ensoniq dp 2 effects unit on ebay for about $100. Since it can run as two individual processors it will allow me to run one effect in the serial and another in the parallel. Not bad for mid nineties technology. ooooh and the reverb has 250 seconds of decay...it goes on FOREVER... it has some other nice effects and can do some multi-effects in each of the two processors.

Now, just need to get my road king back from Mesa after they fix my scratchy crackly reverb problem.
Why not get a hotplate, so u can play your RK when the kids and wife are sleeping :p, i don't know how much the cost in americna or if it doesnt' cover the costs of a Hotplate, maybe those hotplate tubes, yellow jackets or whatever there called.

I picked up a HotPlate on ebay for $210. A little over your price (had to also do the shipping at $15), but it was worth the investment.

How about a new pickup for your guitar? A leather guitar strap from Moody? A bunch of CDs or sheet music? A gift certificate for one of your friends on the Boogie Board :D ?!

One of the earlier suggestions if important - get something your kids will see you using. You mention your family often so it sounds like you have that part well in mind.

In any case, enjoy the extra cash and have a great New Year!
Lots of good ideas!!

I already have a couple tuners (one pedal, one stand alone).

I just sold a 31 band EQ, had no use for it. Cant see getting another EQ.

Still leaning towards a funky FX pedal or a trem pedal... Maybe a ZW distortion pedal too?

Keep em commin'...
Hey Tele-jas,

Still gassing? Here's some food for thought. Try this out for size, if you want something off the wall and fun. This eclipses a tubescreamer and then some. I heard the prototype live and it sounded absolutely great:

tele_jas said:
Lots of good ideas!!

I already have a couple tuners (one pedal, one stand alone).

I just sold a 31 band EQ, had no use for it. Cant see getting another EQ.

Still leaning towards a funky FX pedal or a trem pedal... Maybe a ZW distortion pedal too?

Keep em commin'...

I have the MXR ZW-OD pedal and a Maxon OD9. They're both really good but I like the Maxon better.

How about a noise gate? The ISP Decimator is the best I've ever used. My wife got me one for christmas.
Well Tele Jas....

I have to agree with the guy who suggested a Moody strap....I have the 4" ones on all my electrics, and a 2" one on my Taylor 710ceLtd...

I also just got a Peterson Strobo Stomp. Friggin' wonderful...(tho you will have to save another 50 bucks)

Thanks for all the suggestions...... Here's what I ended up getting.

* A cheap Behringer Tremolo pedal $25 shipped
* A slip cover for my Road King $57 shipped from Boogie

Then I used my head on this next one
* A 9v power supply for all my pedals (Godlyke adapter). So now I can save on batteries. I'll be able to run my TS, Wah, tuner, delay and tremolo (when it comes in) all on the same power supply. $39 shipped.

And a little left over to get the kids a happy meal on Saturday (my 3 yr old will like that the best).

If I have any left over after the big Mcdonalds trip on Saturday, I'll probably get a new guitar strap with aliens on it or something like that.

Thanks again for all the suggestions!! :D
A cheap Behringer Tremolo pedal $25 :?

well..... not the best idea i've ever heard. i hope it works out for you
Update to my suff.....

* Amp cover: GREAT investment!!

* Behringer Tremolo pedal: You have to hear it to believe it!!! This little pedal sounds amazing!!! I played it through my old Deluxe and can set up the tremolo on the Behringer pedal to sound almost identical to the fender.....I'm truely impressed!!

Power Supply: Godlyke power supply, if your amp doesn't hum - get this and it will!! The ad said "No 60 cycle hum" and "a noisless power supply" as soon as it plugs in to one pedal in the chain, the hum starts. I'm sending it back and getting another one to see if this is just a defective unit. I'll know next week.

If you have $25 - $30 to spend and are looking for a Tremolo pedal, check the Behringer out.... It's not the real thing but can come pretty close!! I'll try to record some clips and post them later.

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