Organizing G-Major User Presets

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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2007
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Las Vegas
As I'm starting to implement the Ground Control Pro with my G-Major I am wondering what and if anyone here does in the way of logically organizing their USER presets?

For instance are you using user presets 1-10 for basic effects and building up from there in banks of 4, 5 or 10 using some sort of methodology. Or are you simply building them, naming them and letting them set where you save them?

Does this make any flippin' sense?
I build them and save them in a blank available slot. If I need two or more presets to be used as alternates with each other, I MIDI-map them to be in the same bank of 10 so I can change them easily on the foot controller.

For example, I play a lot of Judas Priest songs. I need a basic crunch tone with reverb and delay, another like that with chorus too, and then maybe something like the first preset but with some harmonizer for leads. These three presets are mapped to 30, 32 and 37 on my G-Major, so I can get to them within the same song quickly as if they were stomp boxes. I have no idea exactly what preset numbers they really are while I'm playing.
Here is an old post about this topic ...

Looks like the posting stopped May 07, but maybe you can contact the developer and have a go at getting this thing up and running for us to share files

Good luck!

As far as how do I do it now. I've been keeping an Excel spreadsheet since I got my first Rocktron Processor or so many years ago. I use it to organize the presets, paramaters, midi channels and continuous controller assignments. It helps me to "see" the big picure and combine some individual presets into single presets and then reuse them. (Reuse ... can anyone quess what I do for a living?)

I'm current replacing the Rocktron gear with TC gear. I'm integrating a G-Major and G-Force into my rig and having this spreadsheet has been worth the weight of my rack in gold.
LegGodt said:
As far as how do I do it now. I've been keeping an Excel spreadsheet since I got my first Rocktron Processor or so many years ago. I use it to organize the presets, paramaters, midi channels and continuous controller assignments. It helps me to "see" the big picure and combine some individual presets into single presets and then reuse them. (Reuse ... can anyone quess what I do for a living?)

Yes, I've seen the G7 posting and have downloaded the software but have yet to try it. I'm always nervous about third-party hacks having imbedded malware. Anyone here using G7 ???

Your spreadsheet sounds like a great idea and is sort of what I'm looking for to get an idea of how others organize their midi presets logically or either "willy-nilly".

Sounds like you're a spreadsheet sort of person, whereas I'm a Specialty Camera Operator and tend to be a visual learner. Would you mind emailing me a copy of your spreadsheet so I can see the layout. You don't have to send me your presets and secret tone mojo, but it would be very helpful to see the physical layout?

Sure I'll send it to you later.

I'm at work right now and that file is on my home PC. I'll send it tonight.

I don't have one created specifically for the G-Major yet. The spreadsheet I'm talking about is for my Rocktron processors and Rocktron All Access MIDI Controller. The effects and parameters are different between TC and Rocktron but it should give you a good foundation to create your own. Let me know if you need any help setting it up for your own use.

I've always wanted to create a generic database that housed all the preset titles, effect values, parameters, etc. and then I could use that to organize my effects. Never did it though ... too many gigs, not enough time.

BTW ... my day gig is a Programmer/Analyst II
I've tried G7 several times. It is almost there. Yes, the layout is great, yes you can save files, yes you can save effect settings from one patch to another (probably it's best feature). But, it is quirky. Some effects just freak out when you try to change them real time. I've tried a hundred times, and the relay function does not save into the settings. No matter what you put it on, it defaults to my clean channel and I have to turn the dials on the gmajor and re-save it every time I tweak a patch that's for my gain channel. Once you get the hang of it, it can be a time saver especially naming patches (which is annoying on the gmajor itself) and saving effect settings from one patch to another. But try to modify pitch shift in real time, and it sounds like UFO's landing.

I haven't gotten around to making a logical order for my patches yet, but with modelers etc (anything patch driven) I try to order them similar to a set list. That way through out the set, you just keep moving left to right on the pedal board. The less jumping the better for me - I'm not coordinated enough to play and think at the same time :shock:
insideout said:
But try to modify pitch shift in real time, and it sounds like UFO's landing.

Back in the 70's my parents used to say all my music sounded that way... and they were musicians!

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