Opinions on a Pre 500 Dual Rectifier

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Silverwulf said:
Boogiebabies said:
You and GearMonkey must be in contact. Another hater joins the fray.

Let's just face it. The early amps have gain and drive like no other. It's a very simple notion and easy to hear. They are not grunged out flubby amps like the later revisions.

For starters, I have no clue who GearMonkey is. Secondly, the fact that you call someone a "hater" because they have a different opinion than you regarding a matter that is completely subjective is ridiculous. I'm sorry that you think your opinion is right and everyone who disagrees is wrong.

You must have missed the memo that tone is subjective. I'll make sure you get a copy...:wink:

No thanks on the copy. I just think it's equitable to spout my BS like you spout yours. I'm certain if you posted one for sale you would praise the death out of it. I've seen your WTB ad's for IIC+'s and you seem to think we are stupid as you dictate the terms. Some of us may have actually fallen off the Turnip truck earlier than you. :D
Almost Human Guitarist said:
Boogiebabies said:
Silverwulf said:
My own personal opinion is that tone is subjective and there's a lot of Pre-500 fan boy hype around these parts for them... :wink: I personally prefer Rev F and G over anything below 500. You'd just have to try it and see what you like best.

You and GearMonkey must be in contact. Another hater joins the fray.

Let's just face it. The early amps have gain and drive like no other. It's a very simple notion and easy to hear. They are not grunged out flubby amps like the later revisions.

That has got to be one of the most immature and unintelligent responses about tone I've ever heard. So, he's a hater because he thinks a different revision of an amp sounds better than what you do? WTF is that? He says he "personally prefers". Not A is better than B. So please explain to all of us how that makes him a hater. I as well have heard the different versions of said amps and wouldn't buy one becuase I don't like the clean tones on the older amps. The hype is based on a number. Hell, I don't even like Rectos at ALL so there.

So why feel the need to retort ? If you dislike what I wrote, you have a right to reply, but why bother chiming in when you don't even have a vested interest in the subject.
You guys roll around her like you are pious when you really have your own agenda. That's still fine with me, but never assume all the rats
are going to follow you.
Silverwulf said:
My own personal opinion is that tone is subjective and there's a lot of Pre-500 fan boy hype around these parts for them... :wink: I personally prefer Rev F and G over anything below 500. You'd just have to try it and see what you like best.

I'd have to say that I understand ed's reaction. I mean what is the point to join into a thread where somebody asks about buying a pre-500 DR stating "there's a lot of Pre-500 fan boy hype around these parts for them". that is pretty much insulting everybody that happens to dig them. "fan boy hipe" ? that is provocating a reaction.

... but back to the topic ... I'd happen to be pretty interested in that R0030, so in case you are considering passing would really appreciate a heads up ?

Boogiebabies said:
No thanks on the copy. I just think it's equitable to spout my BS like you spout yours. I'm certain if you posted one for sale you would praise the death out of it. I've seen your WTB ad's for IIC+'s and you seem to think we are stupid as you dictate the terms. Some of us may have actually fallen off the Turnip truck earlier than you. :D

Too bad you don't want a copy, because by your comments, it obvious you'd learn something from it.

If I had a "Pre-500" these days, would I advertise it as such? Hell yes I would. Just because I don't like them and don't think they're objectively better doesn't mean I wouldn't play on the ridiculous hype you and others like to create around them. There's a difference in having a personal opinion and using the hype to your advantage. They sold for no more than any other 2 channel Recto just a couple years ago. The "$2k Pre-500 Uber Sexyz Recto" is the mythical monster that you and others here created. From a business perspective, who wouldn't use it if it elicited more money?

The difference in me and you is that what you are spouting off actually is BS, where as I'm just telling people my own preference and asking them to think for themselves. Let me explain something to you. Facts are objective and opinions are subjective. Not sure why that's a hard concept for you to grasp. You are trying to argue that a particular revision is objectively better than another. However, the basis of that is tone...a completely subjective topic. With the comments that you make, you're basically saying that your opinion is a fact no different than 2+2 = 4.

So please enlighten me on how you saying your opinion is superior to others and their own perception is tone is universally wrong if they disagree with you is the same as me saying I prefer a particular revision more than another and people should try it and form their own opinion?

Spin it how you want, but it all boils down to you saying your opinion matters more than anyone who disagrees with you where as I'm simply saying "think for yourself and form your own opinion." Any time you try to pass off your opinion as fact, you've fundamentally lost the argument before it's even started.
bigmouth said:
I'd have to say that I understand ed's reaction. I mean what is the point to join into a thread where somebody asks about buying a pre-500 DR stating "there's a lot of Pre-500 fan boy hype around these parts for them". that is pretty much insulting everybody that happens to dig them. "fan boy hipe" ? that is provocating a reaction

What's the point? This whole thread is the point. The author made a post saying he has the option to buy one and wanted to know everyone's opinion on whether they were better than other Recto's. Am I not supposed to give my own preference if it disagrees with the majority?

There's nothing insulting about saying there's a lot of "fan boy hype" about an amp. It's just a statement meaning there's a lot of guys that bought into the hype that have never even owned or played them, so be careful of opinions because I've seen plenty of guys even locally saying "Yeah, you want a Pre-500 Recto because they're better," then acknowledge they've never owned one or even played one. Because tone is subjective, that's the kind of problems you run into when you create this "hype monster" instead of encouraging people to form their own opinions.
I had a Pre-500 #162 dual rectifier and now i have a two-channel triple rectifier #9981.

My triple kicks the pre-500's ***... More balls, headroom and the tone realy... Is just the same... The pre-500 sounds even weaker... Tho it has a special tone indeed, and ok, some find it better... I once did when i had it the same time as my 3 channel but not anymore comparing to my triple 2 ch...

I can tell you the 2 channels are way better than the 3 channels (I also had a 3 channel dual rectifier) but the pre-500 better than a good 2 channel?

No way to me...

(Bought the pre-500 for 1200€, sold him for 1900€ and bought a Bogner Uberschall from that money muhahaha!)
siggy14 said:
Revision E's are probaly more rare then the C's or D's.

Actually Siggy we found another E that puts the range similar to C. I can't think of the thread but El Pelotero may be able to point it out.

All the fighting...Is everyone aware that Marshall has some similar sought after amps? 67-68 100w SLP's are of EVH coveted brown sound and Drake transformers in the JCM 800 line. So Mesa is not exclusive in their "coveted" model for fans. I'm sure Fender, HiWatt, Orange and others have them as well.

Back to the thread... By the **** thing. If you don't like it flip it.
Silverwulf said:
Boogiebabies said:
No thanks on the copy. I just think it's equitable to spout my BS like you spout yours. I'm certain if you posted one for sale you would praise the death out of it. I've seen your WTB ad's for IIC+'s and you seem to think we are stupid as you dictate the terms. Some of us may have actually fallen off the Turnip truck earlier than you. :D

Too bad you don't want a copy, because by your comments, it obvious you'd learn something from it.

If I had a "Pre-500" these days, would I advertise it as such? Hell yes I would. Just because I don't like them and don't think they're objectively better doesn't mean I wouldn't play on the ridiculous hype you and others like to create around them. There's a difference in having a personal opinion and using the hype to your advantage. They sold for no more than any other 2 channel Recto just a couple years ago. The "$2k Pre-500 Uber Sexyz Recto" is the mythical monster that you and others here created. From a business perspective, who wouldn't use it if it elicited more money?

The difference in me and you is that what you are spouting off actually is BS, where as I'm just telling people my own preference and asking them to think for themselves. Let me explain something to you. Facts are objective and opinions are subjective. Not sure why that's a hard concept for you to grasp. You are trying to argue that a particular revision is objectively better than another. However, the basis of that is tone...a completely subjective topic. With the comments that you make, you're basically saying that your opinion is a fact no different than 2+2 = 4.

So please enlighten me on how you saying your opinion is superior to others and their own perception is tone is universally wrong if they disagree with you is the same as me saying I prefer a particular revision more than another and people should try it and form their own opinion?

Spin it how you want, but it all boils down to you saying your opinion matters more than anyone who disagrees with you where as I'm simply saying "think for yourself and form your own opinion." Any time you try to pass off your opinion as fact, you've fundamentally lost the argument before it's even started.

Listen Clem, this is not my first rodeo. My position is simply your counterpoint. You obviously cannot take the heat so you start labeling my words as fact. Read your own crap, it might surprise you.
I say go with your ears. I have a revision D that suits me just fine. To each their own, don't get caught up in the "this revision is better than that revision" nonsense.
Silverwulf said:
bigmouth said:
I'd have to say that I understand ed's reaction. I mean what is the point to join into a thread where somebody asks about buying a pre-500 DR stating "there's a lot of Pre-500 fan boy hype around these parts for them". that is pretty much insulting everybody that happens to dig them. "fan boy hipe" ? that is provocating a reaction

What's the point? This whole thread is the point. The author made a post saying he has the option to buy one and wanted to know everyone's opinion on whether they were better than other Recto's. Am I not supposed to give my own preference if it disagrees with the majority?

There's nothing insulting about saying there's a lot of "fan boy hype" about an amp. It's just a statement meaning there's a lot of guys that bought into the hype that have never even owned or played them, so be careful of opinions because I've seen plenty of guys even locally saying "Yeah, you want a Pre-500 Recto because they're better," then acknowledge they've never owned one or even played one. Because tone is subjective, that's the kind of problems you run into when you create this "hype monster" instead of encouraging people to form their own opinions.

that is a funny response, as you are contradicting yourself within ? nobody is / was questioning anybody's right to state a preference or the fact that tone is subjective, so of course you were supposed to give your own preference. that was the point of the thread - that was how the thread was before you came in.

you stated your tonal preference, yet out of nothing started a whole new and unnecessary line that people preferring pre 500's are having a "fan boy hype". exactly you did not limit your reply to answer a simple tonal question and indicate your preference, but started and continue to question the legitimacy of people having a different opinion than yours / preferring pre 500's of which there are many on this forum and have replied accordingly.

point of fact: you left a neutral thread on tonal preferences, started out of nothing to insult people having a different opinion than yours as "fan boys" / their individual pre 500 preference as "hype" and then - getting the reactions - you turn around and play not guilty: "Am I not supposed to give my own preference if it disagrees with the majority?"

your behaviour / statements obviously have nothing to do with objective tonal questions or preferences, but appear rather as a personal vendetta or mission within which you feel the need to save the world against the evil pre 500 forces ... :twisted:
I'll go out on a whim here...

Man the blackface / chrome chassis is sexy! 'Bout all I know about pre -500 rectos :D

More than likely a 3 channel DR is coming my way soon. I have nor the luck, nor the time to hunt down an attempt to hear what a pre -500 sounds like.

In Australia, they are much rarer than the signature series EVH 5150s!!!!!! :p
bigmouth said:
Silverwulf said:
bigmouth said:
I'd have to say that I understand ed's reaction. I mean what is the point to join into a thread where somebody asks about buying a pre-500 DR stating "there's a lot of Pre-500 fan boy hype around these parts for them". that is pretty much insulting everybody that happens to dig them. "fan boy hipe" ? that is provocating a reaction

What's the point? This whole thread is the point. The author made a post saying he has the option to buy one and wanted to know everyone's opinion on whether they were better than other Recto's. Am I not supposed to give my own preference if it disagrees with the majority?

There's nothing insulting about saying there's a lot of "fan boy hype" about an amp. It's just a statement meaning there's a lot of guys that bought into the hype that have never even owned or played them, so be careful of opinions because I've seen plenty of guys even locally saying "Yeah, you want a Pre-500 Recto because they're better," then acknowledge they've never owned one or even played one. Because tone is subjective, that's the kind of problems you run into when you create this "hype monster" instead of encouraging people to form their own opinions.

that is a funny response, as you are contradicting yourself within ? nobody is / was questioning anybody's right to state a preference or the fact that tone is subjective, so of course you were supposed to give your own preference. that was the point of the thread - that was how the thread was before you came in.

you stated your tonal preference, yet out of nothing started a whole new and unnecessary line that people preferring pre 500's are having a "fan boy hype". exactly you did not limit your reply to answer a simple tonal question and indicate your preference, but started and continue to question the legitimacy of people having a different opinion than yours / preferring pre 500's of which there are many on this forum and have replied accordingly.

point of fact: you left a neutral thread on tonal preferences, started out of nothing to insult people having a different opinion than yours as "fan boys" / their individual pre 500 preference as "hype" and then - getting the reactions - you turn around and play not guilty: "Am I not supposed to give my own preference if it disagrees with the majority?"

your behaviour / statements obviously have nothing to do with objective tonal questions or preferences, but appear rather as a personal vendetta or mission within which you feel the need to save the world against the evil pre 500 forces ... :twisted:

Hi Rob.

So much for Switzerland's neutrality. :D

Say hello to No. 7 for me.
Wait...wait....I have solution to all this!

Who even needs a recto when there are in full production Mark IVs for the picking :lol:

Just kidding guys....we all know I'm not a recto fan here.

Calm down a bit...just an amp. :D
Boogiebabies said:
Listen Clem, this is not my first rodeo. My position is simply your counterpoint. You obviously cannot take the heat so you start labeling my words as fact. Read your own crap, it might surprise you.

Haha, classic! :lol: Glad to see you finally acknowledge you can't refute what I'm saying. It's always amusing when a person doesn't have anything intelligent to debate with or any ground to stand on...what do they do? They start tossing out insults and saying things like "you can't take the heat" to take the focus off of them and try to move on as quick as possible. If you ever want to intelligently try to refute what I'm saying, let me know. Call me names and insult me all you want. I'm not going to get into a name calling match with you.
bigmouth said:
that is a funny response, as you are contradicting yourself within ? nobody is / was questioning anybody's right to state a preference or the fact that tone is subjective, so of course you were supposed to give your own preference. that was the point of the thread - that was how the thread was before you came in.

you stated your tonal preference, yet out of nothing started a whole new and unnecessary line that people preferring pre 500's are having a "fan boy hype". exactly you did not limit your reply to answer a simple tonal question and indicate your preference, but started and continue to question the legitimacy of people having a different opinion than yours / preferring pre 500's of which there are many on this forum and have replied accordingly.

Did you read my last reply to you? My last reply addressed all of this and more. There's no need to retype it. I explained why creating hype was not beneficial to anyone. And again, I didn't question the legitimacy of anyones opinions. I've stressed multiple times that everyone should try the amps and form their own opinion. It's others that seem to be promoting a particular segment as "better."

If anything, it's most of the "Pre-500" crowd that's questioning the legitimacy of the opinion of anyone who disagrees because it's almost like they're implying that Mesa put out a few hundred great Rectos back in '92 and then they've been putting out an inferior product since for the last 16 years. I'm sure Mesa would love that message being portrayed.
Silverwulf said:
Boogiebabies said:
Listen Clem, this is not my first rodeo. My position is simply your counterpoint. You obviously cannot take the heat so you start labeling my words as fact. Read your own crap, it might surprise you.

Haha, classic! :lol: Glad to see you finally acknowledge you can't refute what I'm saying. It's always amusing when a person doesn't have anything intelligent to debate with or any ground to stand on...what do they do? They start tossing out insults and saying things like "you can't take the heat" to take the focus off of them and try to move on as quick as possible. If you ever want to intelligently try to refute what I'm saying, let me know. Call me names and insult me all you want. I'm not going to get into a name calling match with you.

Your wasting your time. You are the the perfect example of a forum bully. What are you going to do next ? Ask us to meet you in a dark parking lot in Baltimore?

Forum Tyrant: One ISP, one dictionary, one thesaurus and one enormous ego.
I've owned four different Dual Rectos...a 3ch., a rev G Rackmount (#4310), a rev C (#28), and currently own a rev F (#792).

Out of all of them, I thought the rev C sounded the best without a doubt. If I didn't have to make unexpected home repairs I'd still have it. There is a difference. The rev F sounds slightly better than the rev G but there is less of a difference. They all sounded a lot better than the 3 ch.
Kung-Fool said:
I've owned four different Dual Rectos...a 3ch., a rev G Rackmount (#4310), a rev C (#28) , and currently own a rev F (#792).

It's supossed to say #28. I don't know why it's putting a smiley in place of the 8?
Kung-Fool said:
Kung-Fool said:
I've owned four different Dual Rectos...a 3ch., a rev G Rackmount (#4310), a rev C (#28) , and currently own a rev F (#792).

It's supossed to say #28. I don't know why it's putting a smiley in place of the 8?

You have the 8 and the close paranthesis ) too close, that is code for the cool face on this software 8)
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