Opinions on a Pre 500 Dual Rectifier

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Actually if anyone is being a bully it would be you, he expressed his opinion and you jumped on his back about his opinion.

Honestly, we all have different opinions on amps, that is part of life. Are the Pre 500 rare, yes, so are any of the other amps before they went into mass production. Does it make them any better, no, just means people with different tastes might like them better.

Boogiebabies said:
Silverwulf said:
Boogiebabies said:
Listen Clem, this is not my first rodeo. My position is simply your counterpoint. You obviously cannot take the heat so you start labeling my words as fact. Read your own crap, it might surprise you.

Haha, classic! :lol: Glad to see you finally acknowledge you can't refute what I'm saying. It's always amusing when a person doesn't have anything intelligent to debate with or any ground to stand on...what do they do? They start tossing out insults and saying things like "you can't take the heat" to take the focus off of them and try to move on as quick as possible. If you ever want to intelligently try to refute what I'm saying, let me know. Call me names and insult me all you want. I'm not going to get into a name calling match with you.

Your wasting your time. You are the the perfect example of a forum bully. What are you going to do next ? Ask us to meet you in a dark parking lot in Baltimore?

Forum Tyrant: One ISP, one dictionary, one thesaurus and one enormous ego.
+1 to what siggy14 said. The only person being a bully here is you. I expressed nothing more than my opinion, and you've been riding my case ever since about it. And, once again you started calling me names instead of having anything intelligent to say to debate, and you continue to use rhetoric like "you're wasting your time" and calling me a "bully" because you have nothing actually intelligent or useful to say.

Meet in a dark place in Baltimore? :lol: That's pretty funny. Need I remind you, you're the one calling me names and trying to insult me, not vice versa. So what's next, another post calling me more names? I've heard I'm a hater, and I've seen bully, forum tyrant, etc. How many more names are you gonna call me before you finally take the high road instead of childish posts and just accept that not everyone has the same opinion as you?
ok, so down to the bone there is one group of people that knows that pre 500's are better and another group of people that thinks later revisions are better ... :D ... na, seriously ... in switzerland one says that opinions are like assholes ... everybody has one.

so, did you get that R-0030 after all ?
I happen to like my revD's tone better than my revG's. But i can understand why someone would preffer revG's tone. That being said, i will offend some of you guys but you have to make the difference between the tone of an amp and its overall qualities. Tone is subjective so some will like a G over a D but what i can't understand is how an experienced guitar player will not recognize the difference in clarity, tightness, response, attack and gain between the 2 rev...I think any 2 channels Dr sounds good but my point is that RevD is definitly a better amp overall than revG, you just got to like its tone and don't care about the clean channel. If you have the chance to put your hands on a pre-500 than you should just go for it and make your own opinion, if you don't like it i'm sure it will be easy to sell.
Trust me when i say, I can get my rackmount and my 2 channel triple to sound almost identical to my Rev C. With the right tubes, and EQ'ing my revision G's sound great, Have just as much clarity as my Rev C.

Yes there will always be a little difference, like I could never get my Revision G to sound as bright as my Revision C, but in the same respect my revision C's presense can only go down so far.

Honestly that Presense thing does not make a difference to me, if you ask me the Rev C gets too bright and i would never use that much presense.

danvortex said:
I happen to like my revD's tone better than my revG's. But i can understand why someone would preffer revG's tone. That being said, i will offend some of you guys but you have to make the difference between the tone of an amp and its overall qualities. Tone is subjective so some will like a G over a D but what i can't understand is how an experienced guitar player will not recognize the difference in clarity, tightness, response, attack and gain between the 2 rev...I think any 2 channels Dr sounds good but my point is that RevD is definitly a better amp overall than revG, you just got to like its tone and don't care about the clean channel. If you have the chance to put your hands on a pre-500 than you should just go for it and make your own opinion, if you don't like it i'm sure it will be easy to sell.
siggy14 said:
Yes there will always be a little difference, like I could never get my Revision G to sound as bright as my Revision C, but in the same respect my revision C's presense can only go down so far.

Honestly that Presense thing does not make a difference to me, if you ask me the Rev C gets too bright and i would never use that much presense.

And that, with a few other reasons discussed below, is exactly why I prefer Revision F and G over C and D.

For my taste, I don't want an overly bright tone. I like a little darker tone for rhythm, especially since most sound men seem to crank up the highs when you're playing live. And considering most lead guitarists not named "Malmsteen" still spend 90% of their time on stage playing rhythm, I focus more on the rhythm capabilities of an amp than I do leads.

On Revision F and G, I would bet my Treble and Presence neither one goes above 11:00 on the dial. That's about as bright as it gets for me. On my old Revision C, I had to run both knobs practically on "0" just to tame it. I like to be able to use my knobs, not have them set in virtually the "off" position the whole time. So for me, the later revisions offered me a more usable range of high end on the dial and ultimately the ability to shape my tone more because of it. If I wanted to bump up my mids more on the Rev C, it naturally brightens the tone some...but there's nothing you can do about it when you're already running your Treble and Presence virtually "off." However, on F and G, you can compensate by adjusting the high end some because to me, it has a more usable sweep available.

Along with that comes the clean channel. The clean channel on the Revision C left a lot to be desired. I use cleans a decent amount in the music I play, and I like to have a pretty good clean channel. I don't need JC-120 or Fender clean, but a pretty good clean channel as far as high gain tube amps go. I never had that with Revision C. It was pretty "blah" to say the least, and to paraphrase Mike B on it, it "pretty much has a non-existent clean channel." The volume drop is crazy on it too. With Rev G, I never had that problem. I actually loved the clean sounds on G for what it was. While not a Fender by any means, it was more than I ever needed and was completely usable.

So that's my problems with the Pre-500 amps. For me, in comparison to F and G, it has a terrible clean channel and a poor EQ section which limits the effectiveness of the dials, which includes an almost unusable high end. I agree with Kung-Fool above when he states that there's minimal difference between F and G, which is why I've been lumping them together. I think they sound nearly identical too, which again - to my ears - calls into question the true tonal difference of the earlier transformers. I still think a G with newer trannies swapped to C specs would sound almost indistinguishable from a C despite the transformer difference. But, that's a post for another day.

I see people Revision C and D are "brigther," and I agree...but think it's an unusable high end. I see people say they are "tighter," and I don't think that's necessarily true. I think it's mostly the difference in EQ structure making you perceive it that way. I hear people say it has "more gain," but I never run my gain on a Revision F and G past 12 Noon. Why would you ever need more in a practical application?

If you want to spend $2k or more on an amp that's tight with an overly bright end high end with lots of gain and a mediocre clean channel, then IMO you should be buying a Soldano SLO 100. It doesn't even sound like a Recto is for you, all things considered, since the amp stayed in that form for only 1 year out of the 16 or so it's been around.
siggy14 said:
Actually if anyone is being a bully it would be you, he expressed his opinion and you jumped on his back about his opinion.

Honestly, we all have different opinions on amps, that is part of life. Are the Pre 500 rare, yes, so are any of the other amps before they went into mass production. Does it make them any better, no, just means people with different tastes might like them better.

Boogiebabies said:
Silverwulf said:
Haha, classic! :lol: Glad to see you finally acknowledge you can't refute what I'm saying. It's always amusing when a person doesn't have anything intelligent to debate with or any ground to stand on...what do they do? They start tossing out insults and saying things like "you can't take the heat" to take the focus off of them and try to move on as quick as possible. If you ever want to intelligently try to refute what I'm saying, let me know. Call me names and insult me all you want. I'm not going to get into a name calling match with you.

Your wasting your time. You are the the perfect example of a forum bully. What are you going to do next ? Ask us to meet you in a dark parking lot in Baltimore?

Forum Tyrant: One ISP, one dictionary, one thesaurus and one enormous ego.

Nice tag team action here. When are you going to get your pal Noodles to post. That way you'll have three blind " Post 500 Fan Boy Hype" members.

Ha, The DC area's newest club. The Post 500 Fan Boy's. :shock:
Boogiebabies said:
Nice tag team action here. When are you going to get your pal Noodles to post. That way you'll have three blind " Post 500 Fan Boy Hype" members.

Ha, The DC area's newest club. The Post 500 Fan Boy's. :shock:

What a surprise, yet another post from you that adds absolutely nothing to this thread and does nothing but call people names. All you've been doing for quite a while now is spam insults at people. You're not adding anything productive or of value at all to this thread or even remotely on topic anymore.
still would love to hear what the news are on R-0030 ?

I personally love my rev C tone (as well as the MKIIC+ sounds) as to me (!) they just still have that classic heavy metal tone I got to love in the 80ies ... albeit on steroids ... :D ... in my opinion the later revisions were developped to better suite the nu metal tone growing during the 90ies but that is not my preference of music.
Funny, you are the only way saying this, I havent seen anyone else here really jump on your side. You do seem to think your opinion is the only one that matters and when people call you out on it you get defensive and start throwing words in peoples mouths.

Hell Noodles had nothing to do with this, and yet you feel the need to bring him into this. Not to mention it seems you cant count either, silver, siggy, almost human and noodles makes four people, duh! Why dont you just bring Mike into it as well, and james, we are all from DC and all play modern recto's, I guess none of use have taste (sarcasim)

Honestly your posts just make yourself seem ignorant and very unimportant. Which is a shame because you did contribute alot to the whole boogie recto history.

Neither silver or myself have ever denied that the pre-500 sound different, but at the same time it does not mean they sound better then any of the other recto's. Every recto has there own tone, and depending on the person will depend on which they prefer most.

As to the pre 500 hype, well yeah it is a hype, yes they sound **** good, but honestly how many people that actually talk about them have actually played one, let alone heard one. So yes that does make it a hype!

Are these amps worth 2000 to 3000 dollars, well that goes by market, but when you look at it they are very limited, and supply and demand usually controls what the market value brings in.

Would I pay $2000 for one of these, no, but that is because I can be pefectly happy with a Revision G and get it close enough to the Revision C that it doesnt make a difference to me. Will i keep my revision C, probaly because i got it at a good enough price that i have no guilt about having it.

Boogiebabies said:
siggy14 said:
Actually if anyone is being a bully it would be you, he expressed his opinion and you jumped on his back about his opinion.

Honestly, we all have different opinions on amps, that is part of life. Are the Pre 500 rare, yes, so are any of the other amps before they went into mass production. Does it make them any better, no, just means people with different tastes might like them better.

Boogiebabies said:
Your wasting your time. You are the the perfect example of a forum bully. What are you going to do next ? Ask us to meet you in a dark parking lot in Baltimore?

Forum Tyrant: One ISP, one dictionary, one thesaurus and one enormous ego.

Nice tag team action here. When are you going to get your pal Noodles to post. That way you'll have three blind " Post 500 Fan Boy Hype" members.

Ha, The DC area's newest club. The Post 500 Fan Boy's. :shock:
Silverwulf said:
siggy14 said:
Yes there will always be a little difference, like I could never get my Revision G to sound as bright as my Revision C, but in the same respect my revision C's presense can only go down so far.

Honestly that Presense thing does not make a difference to me, if you ask me the Rev C gets too bright and i would never use that much presense.

And that, with a few other reasons discussed below, is exactly why I prefer Revision F and G over C and D.

For my taste, I don't want an overly bright tone. I like a little darker tone for rhythm, especially since most sound men seem to crank up the highs when you're playing live. And considering most lead guitarists not named "Malmsteen" still spend 90% of their time on stage playing rhythm, I focus more on the rhythm capabilities of an amp than I do leads.

On Revision F and G, I would bet my Treble and Presence neither one goes above 11:00 on the dial. That's about as bright as it gets for me. On my old Revision C, I had to run both knobs practically on "0" just to tame it. I like to be able to use my knobs, not have them set in virtually the "off" position the whole time. So for me, the later revisions offered me a more usable range of high end on the dial and ultimately the ability to shape my tone more because of it. If I wanted to bump up my mids more on the Rev C, it naturally brightens the tone some...but there's nothing you can do about it when you're already running your Treble and Presence virtually "off." However, on F and G, you can compensate by adjusting the high end some because to me, it has a more usable sweep available.

Along with that comes the clean channel. The clean channel on the Revision C left a lot to be desired. I use cleans a decent amount in the music I play, and I like to have a pretty good clean channel. I don't need JC-120 or Fender clean, but a pretty good clean channel as far as high gain tube amps go. I never had that with Revision C. It was pretty "blah" to say the least, and to paraphrase Mike B on it, it "pretty much has a non-existent clean channel." The volume drop is crazy on it too. With Rev G, I never had that problem. I actually loved the clean sounds on G for what it was. While not a Fender by any means, it was more than I ever needed and was completely usable.

So that's my problems with the Pre-500 amps. For me, in comparison to F and G, it has a terrible clean channel and a poor EQ section which limits the effectiveness of the dials, which includes an almost unusable high end. I agree with Kung-Fool above when he states that there's minimal difference between F and G, which is why I've been lumping them together. I think they sound nearly identical too, which again - to my ears - calls into question the true tonal difference of the earlier transformers. I still think a G with newer trannies swapped to C specs would sound almost indistinguishable from a C despite the transformer difference. But, that's a post for another day.

I see people Revision C and D are "brigther," and I agree...but think it's an unusable high end. I see people say they are "tighter," and I don't think that's necessarily true. I think it's mostly the difference in EQ structure making you perceive it that way. I hear people say it has "more gain," but I never run my gain on a Revision F and G past 12 Noon. Why would you ever need more in a practical application?

If you want to spend $2k or more on an amp that's tight with an overly bright end high end with lots of gain and a mediocre clean channel, then IMO you should be buying a Soldano SLO 100. It doesn't even sound like a Recto is for you, all things considered, since the amp stayed in that form for only 1 year out of the 16 or so it's been around.

Hey guys, being a fairly new DR owner - I figured I'd chime in here. Unfortunately, most of us will never be able to play an earlier version let alone compare it to another version. In my opinion, my Rev E would fall under the darker category. I do not consider this amp to be really effective at lead work. I leave it on the chug channnel all of the time - and for that - this amp does that better than anything I have ever played. I still smile when I swich over to the DR! With a Les Paul and my Stiletto 4x12 cab - it is perfect for heavy rythym and drop tuning stuff. I have a headbone which I use to switch between my Stiletto - this is where I get me lead tones from.

We all should realize that tone is so subjective, and even those people who are learned and knowledgeable, as well as guys who make a living in this business, can still hear things differently than you. I have for years followed advice from learned individuals, only to find that their tone comes from them, and no matter how I try and run with their setup or philosophy, I still cannot sound like I "should". Thats why I ended up with a Stiletto and a DR - despite the protests of the people who's opnion I value! In the end - I could not be happier with my tone....

siggy14 said:
....As to the pre 500 hype, well yeah it is a hype, yes they sound **** good, but honestly how many people that actually talk about them have actually played one, let alone heard one. So yes that does make it a hype!

Are these amps worth 2000 to 3000 dollars, well that goes by market, but when you look at it they are very limited, and supply and demand usually controls what the market value brings in.....

Before this board came into exsitance, the pre-500 Rectos were going for around the average price of a used Rev G, within a couple hundred dollars or so either direction. After this board was created, now they are going for around double or triple that price because of the increase knowledge about them.

I think this board has hyped them up, and has caused the going rates to increase. Supply and demand has nothing to do with it really, because there is the same amount of pre-500s now that there were 5 years ago, or even 15 years ago. People are just holding on to them now because they are going for more. In several years, the price of 2 channel Rectos will probably go up as well, which will drive the price of pre-500s up even more.

Is a Rev C, D, E, or F any better than a Rev G, or even a 3 channel Recto? There is not one person in existance that can answer that question with a true answer. It's all opinion. Everybody has one. Does that make one person right and one wrong? No. It just means that my preference is different from your preference. I've never played a pre-500, and I may never get the chance to. So therefore, I have no opinion on them. All I can do is go by what I've heard.

It's really no different than a Marshall versus Mesa debate. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and one is not any more right than another.

siggy14 said:
Funny, you are the only way saying this, I havent seen anyone else here really jump on your side. You do seem to think your opinion is the only one that matters and when people call you out on it you get defensive and start throwing words in peoples mouths.

Hell Noodles had nothing to do with this, and yet you feel the need to bring him into this. Not to mention it seems you cant count either, silver, siggy, almost human and noodles makes four people, duh! Why dont you just bring Mike into it as well, and james, we are all from DC and all play modern recto's, I guess none of use have taste (sarcasim)

Honestly your posts just make yourself seem ignorant and very unimportant. Which is a shame because you did contribute alot to the whole boogie recto history.

Neither silver or myself have ever denied that the pre-500 sound different, but at the same time it does not mean they sound better then any of the other recto's. Every recto has there own tone, and depending on the person will depend on which they prefer most.

As to the pre 500 hype, well yeah it is a hype, yes they sound **** good, but honestly how many people that actually talk about them have actually played one, let alone heard one. So yes that does make it a hype!

Are these amps worth 2000 to 3000 dollars, well that goes by market, but when you look at it they are very limited, and supply and demand usually controls what the market value brings in.

Would I pay $2000 for one of these, no, but that is because I can be pefectly happy with a Revision G and get it close enough to the Revision C that it doesnt make a difference to me. Will i keep my revision C, probaly because i got it at a good enough price that i have no guilt about having it.

Boogiebabies said:
siggy14 said:
Actually if anyone is being a bully it would be you, he expressed his opinion and you jumped on his back about his opinion.

Honestly, we all have different opinions on amps, that is part of life. Are the Pre 500 rare, yes, so are any of the other amps before they went into mass production. Does it make them any better, no, just means people with different tastes might like them better.

Nice tag team action here. When are you going to get your pal Noodles to post. That way you'll have three blind " Post 500 Fan Boy Hype" members.

Ha, The DC area's newest club. The Post 500 Fan Boy's. :shock:

I just figured tools like you, SilverFluff and Noodles would get all Crip's like. :D

Another Vulgar Display of Brutality by the Maryland and VA branches of the " Post 500 Fan Boy's".
Boogiebabies said:
I just figured tools like you, SilverFluff and Noodles would get all Crip's like. :D

Another Vulgar Display of Brutality by the Maryland and VA branches of the " Post 500 Fan Boy's".

More "brilliant words of wisdom" and wonderful insight into the topic from Boogie Babies that consists of nothing but insults.

Mods, can we please put an end to this non-sense? Boogie Babies has posted multiple times in this thread and continues to do nothing but insult others, which is what virtually the sole purpose of his last few posts and counting have been. Thanks.
Just ingore him, i mean honestly he has nothing better to do then ruffle feathers. I guess we know why he has babies in his name, defintly shows his mentality.

Silverwulf said:
Boogiebabies said:
I just figured tools like you, SilverFluff and Noodles would get all Crip's like. :D

Another Vulgar Display of Brutality by the Maryland and VA branches of the " Post 500 Fan Boy's".

More "brilliant words of wisdom" and wonderful insight into the topic from Boogie Babies that consists of nothing but insults.

Mods, can we please put an end to this non-sense? Boogie Babies has posted multiple times in this thread and continues to do nothing but insult others, which is what virtually the sole purpose of his last few posts and counting have been. Thanks.
Boogiebabies said:
Nice tag team action here. When are you going to get your pal Noodles to post. That way you'll have three blind " Post 500 Fan Boy Hype" members.

Ha, The DC area's newest club. The Post 500 Fan Boy's. :shock:

So, when did I merit you dragging my name through the mud in a thread I wasn't even involved in? Thanks for proving to the whole board that every manufacture has its cork sniffers and cigar snobs. Try not to trip on your way down from your pedestal.

Seriously, I'm touched you remember me from the last time I posted, oh, about three months ago. Now let it go, ok?
Boogiebabies said:
I just figured tools like you, SilverFluff and Noodles would get all Crip's like. :D

Another Vulgar Display of Brutality by the Maryland and VA branches of the " Post 500 Fan Boy's".

Honestly, does your mother know that you're on her computer? Go do your homework, tomorrow is a school day.

Does this forum even have mods? You would have gotten a 1-day suspension for pulling this kind of crap on most boards.
Well, at least this has reminded me why I don't post here much. Sheesh.
yikes this turned into a mess.. OP's question was answer so this thread is history.
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