OK Dont Shoot Me For Asking But....

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Bill Warner

Well-known member
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
South Carolina
OK, I play in a cover band so I have to cover a lot of territory.

I play a DR Roadster mainly with Peavey Wolfgangs and I'm looking for some help on the following.

Our new singer is a big Ozzy fan and he wants to do Crazy Train. The song is easy enough but I'm looking for some tips on how to coax that Randy Rhodes tone out of my DR.

I've got it pretty close using the vintage mode and a Boss SD-1 but I was wondering if you guys out there have any other tricks for getting that tone (also similar to Zakk Wyldes tone) from a DR. I know these guys use Marshals but I gotta work with what I've got.

I'm using the stock 6L6 tubes but would consider trying something different to see how it sounds. Or maybe theres a particular stomp box you're using?

Anyway, thanks in advance.
I haven't actually done this but...

maybe clean channel and a Fulltone OCD might get you close.
The only stomps I use right now (beside the boss tuner and mxr noise gate) are a tube screamer and the boss sd-1 to overdrive the input. The SD-1 seems to work better with the recto/modern modes while the TS works better with the clean/tweed/brit modes (to my ears at least).

I haven't tried a distortion pedal on a clean channel yet. Of course there are a ton of those out there and weeding through the bad ones is a pain in the butt! Good sugestion though. Any suggestions on Distortion boxes? Or suggestion on which ones to stay away from? I like the boss stuff personally but I'm open to suggestions.
A huge part of Randys sound was his speakers (Altecs}. He also used one of the original MXR Distortion+ pedals. I would give that a try as i'm sure you could find one pretty cheap used. :)
Yeah, I'll have to give the MXR Distortion+ a try.

Is this something I would use to boost a dirty channel or run on a clean channel and crank it? Guess I'll just have to play with it.
You might find that trying to find an original MXR dist+ a bit harder than you might think. At least it was when I was looking for an original micro amp.

I did find one at analogman.com, you can write mike the owner and ask him if he's got one for sale or does he make a clone. His clones & mods rule!

- dstefani
I play a wolfgang through a 2x12 roadster and play everything (band) from Rage Against the Machine to Coheed and Cambria to STP, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden to Ozzy I run a Maxon OD 808 out front and have had good luck getting most tones that I'm looking for, I do feel that the Rectifier is a little darker sounding and I have to boost the mids with the Wolfgang to get it to cut through. On the other hand I'm itching to try some EL34's.
The post calling someone weak, makes me want to respond in like kind. But this is a very civil group, so I'll just say this.

Music is art, he can put a 50 piece pedal train in front of six 6K 'two rocks' if he wants to, art is SELF expression. No excuses or explanation needed.

Please try to keep it positive here, this is a cool place.

- dstefani --- ohm-shalom --- :idea:
+1 to above post. This is the second time i've noticed some pretty negative comments. Not needed in my opinion.

We come here for tips and suggestions, not sarcasm. If you dont have something useful to add just keep it to yourself.

This is a greatsite! Lets keep it that way!
I've got a 67 super reverb that has 65 watt old Carvin vintage 10's in it, so it has a good amount of headroom for a super. A fender is a great amp for pedals, it's kind of like a mesa with an outboard preamp channel. With various pedals I can get a ton of different sounds.

Yesterday I was at my local small music shop and the manager had his vintage 50 watt Hiwatt there. I brought over my Xotic AC Booster and it was perfect for his Hiwatt. It stayed there, I don't have anything that makes it sound that good!

So you may find a pedal that when put in front of whatever Mesa that sounds trick. It's just one more channel to mess with.

If your into pedals and you haven't checked out analogman.com, your missing out. I've got a TS-9 'silver' mod that has less mids and is more transparent than your average TS-9 mod. After I read the first post I tried it with my Ace. I haven't found anything I really love yet, but I can tell there may be some very cools sounds in that combo.

One pedal I'd like to try in front of it is a fuzzface, or analogman's SunFace clone. It's my next purchase for my super, but I will definitely try it in front of the Ace.

Also, if your looking for a specific sound, you can email AnalogMike and he'll try and help you out. (if he only knew how much I promoting him!)

It's good to go mad scientist once in a while! :twisted:

- dstefani
+1 great point. why the sarcasm? Back to the sound, the MXR is a must for his tone, a plexi would be great too, but the MXR should do it for you. You might get lucky on ebay for one. I got mine for $50, Good luck
I love RR and mess around with my Roadster in Channel 4 "modern" setting and boost it with my BB Preamp. It sounds just like Randy to my ears. Give it a shot!
ursinus, thats pretty much were I ended up. What setting are you using on channel 4 to you RR tone.

Just for the sake of comparison this is where I landed out here in my practice room with my wolfgang.

Channel 4
100w/recto tracking
Gain: 3
Treble: 11:00
Mid: 8:00
Bass: 1:00
Pres: 3:00
Master: 10:00

I boost with a Boss SD-1 on that channel with Drive at 0 and Level at 100 and tone 50.

Sounds pretty good in here.
Bill Warner said:
Channel 4 Modern
100w/recto tracking
Gain: 3
Treble: 11:00
Mid: 8:00
Bass: 1:00
Pres: 3:00
Master: 10:00

I boost with a Boss SD-1 on that channel with Drive at 0 and Level at 100 and tone 50.

Try a little less bass with a bit more mid.
3:00 pres in the modern channel :shock: 12:00 should be enough to rip your face off.

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