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barryswanson said:
Why are people asking to have the settings thread emailed to them, aren't they reading it?
Sounds like spammers too me.
Or create account to view pics.
Or just fiddle around with the knob thingies in front of the amp.

I have a Mark V Combo and a Gibson Les Paul Standard. Could someone please post the closest tone settings for Metallica Black Album? I know that this was already asked in the past but I didn't found anything specific for my guitar.

Thanks in advance!
If anybody is interested, I found a tone really similar to Parkway Drive. Settings are as follows:

Gain: 2 o'clock
master:9 o'clock
presence: 2 o'clock
Treble:3 o'clock
mid:3 o'clock
Bass: 2:30-3:00 o'clock

Mark IV mode
10 watt
EQ: sliders, as follows:

80Hz: All the way up
240: Bottom of slider on lowest line
750: Bottom of slider on middle line
2220: Balanced between the middle and top line
6600: All the way up

I'm using an ESP F-50 with Duncan Distortions, into an Ibanez tubescreamer and boss ns2 :twisted:
Does anyone have a setting for a Slash CLEAN tone? I have a Les Paul Standard.

Thanks in advance!
This is a great Marshall-ish tone. I actually prefer this to my Marshall's. (JMP & JCM 800). Very full sound with plenty of sustain without cranking up the gain.

Channel 2
45 watts
Variac Power
Tube Rectifier
Gain: 10:30 o'clock
Master: Dimed
Presence: 10 o'clock
Treble: 3 o'clock
Mid: 10:30 o'clock
Bass: 9 o'clock
Hi, as a new owner of a brand new Mark V, I was hoping that my endless quest for that Metallica MOP tone was nearly over, and I think it might be. I found these settings after a bit of research on the internet. The eq's are inspired by flemming rasmussen's notes, more so from the song "Battery"

Playing through 81/60 emg pickups
Chan. 3
Mark IIC+ Setting
Gain 3.30 oclock
Master 10 oclock
Presence 10.45 oclock
Treble 2.15-2.30 oclock
Mid 9.45 oclock
Bass 8.30 oclock

80hz bottom of the slider sits on the middle line
240hz 0 boost
750hz scooped equal to bottom line
2200hz top of the slider sits on the middle line
6600hz bottom of the slider sits on the middle line

now I tried these settings, and I thought gee... theres still quite a bit of mids here, but if i try to scoop out more with my MXR 10 ban eq, i'm gonna lose all my sound. Thats were I was wrong. By looking at Rasmussen's notes i tried it with the second eq and wow i was blown away. Here are the settings for the 10 band eq in the fx loop

125Hz about 4.5db boost
1KHz minus 6 to 8db, adjust to taste
4KHz about 6 to 9db boost

Still fiddling with the 1KHz and the 4KHz. They're really the key of the sound here
Every thing else sits at 0, including volume and gain.

With those settings the sound is actually more present even tho more mids are scooped out, pretty surprising.
Now keep in mind, I am not playing in a big room so my amp isn't set up ridiculously loud, but still. Might need a bit of knob tweaking if cranking it up big time. Anyway, tell me what you think if you wanna try these out. i think i'm on the right track here but any help or suggestion is appreciated.

So, after about 5 hours of playing around... This is what I've come up with for a Tele player that wants twang to metal. The GEQ is only used on Ch3, and it's a very nontraditional setting (not the standard V).

Channel one is pretty twangy with a hint of grit... I tried to mimic Brad Paisley/My Dr. Z to a point. Tweed mode
Channel two is a basic rock drive. Mark 1 mode
Channel Three is the one that was the hardest to dial in. With a single coil, it's hard to get a really heavy sound (and I wanted one). I know the treble is a key, along with gain, to get heavy... But with a single coil guitar/tele, you're already pretty bright. So I compensated by killing the highs with the GEQ and turning them up on the channel to push that gain. This sounds pretty good in all 3 modes, but I like the darker "Extreme" mode best so far. I'm still playing around with it and haven't gigged with these settings yet, so they're bound to change.

Mesa Boogie Mark V 1x12 combo with an Eminence Governor. Guitar was a Telecaster with a Lindy Fralin Blues Special single coil pickup.

With the lead:

Rhythm only:

Mode Mark IV
I've been trying to mimic Josh Homme's more recent tone, that kind of mid-heavy sound with very little in the ways of low and highs. The only problem I've having is it always sounds like there's too much gain, but ah well. It's getting close, this is just a rough starting point that I'm using.

Channel 1 Normal
Gain 12:00
Master 12:00
Presence 12:00
Treble 11:30
Mid 2:00
Bass 9:00

80Hz: Cut that **** right outta there if you're going for a Lullabies and onwards sort of tone, bump it up a tiny bit for the earlier stuff.
240Hz: Halfway between zero and unity.
750Hz: Just a bump below unity.
2.2KHz: Halfway between zero and unity.
6.6KHz: Unity.

I'm also using a Fulltone Full-Drive 2 Mosfet for any extra gain needed.

This is through a bass cab, so YMMV.
Been doing some EZdrummer shenanigans tone testing for a demo for a band im playing with.
Guitar was Gibson V with standard, passive pickups it was shipped with, tuned to dropped A with 11-56 strings.

Amp settings: 10 watt (triode), bypassed loop, full power.

One track IIc+ mode (left channel) and same settings for Mark IV mode (right channel) just flipped the mode switch.

Treb: 12 o'clock
Mid: Inbetween 8-9
Bass: Same
Gain: 2 o'clock
Master: Inbetween 8-9o'clock
Pres: Inbetween 3 and 4o'clock

80hz: Halfway between mid and top line
240: Level with the 80, but half a slider's width down from there
750: Halfway between middle and bottom
2200: Slider's bottom on the mid line
6600: Slider same as 6600, but bottom of slider level with the top of the 2200

SM57 on the dustcap of a Marshall valvestate 4x12's top left speaker virtually 'touching the cloth'. :p

It sounds real aggressive, in the room, live and achieved extra fatness with a little post eq in the lowend, and with low and high pass filters employed, touch of compression. (also experimented with copying those tracks to additional left/right with a tight room reverb.) The philosophy was tight and aggressive and add lows, rather than try to ram the reg lows down the sm-57. The two channels of combined mid gain sound huge, to my ear, when combined in the mix with the bass guitar and thudding kicks, sitting on the rest of the frequencies. May add a third track with the recto 2x12 on crunch soon too...
I am also now owner of a Mark V Head. Some of my friends plays Bogner Ecstasy . They say the MarkV has no low mids , and the Bogner Ecstasy would be full in tone.
who can help me I know it's a stupid question

Even my friends say the Exstasy have more gain. I do not care, I reserve the Mark V anyway.

Is that all true, or only envy? :?

regards Leo from Germany

don`t be too harsh with my english :wink:

I've been messing around with different tones in the rehearsal room, and came up with some nice tones.

Channel 1:
Fat, EQ On, Bold, 90W
Gain 2:30
Master 11:00
Presence 12:30
Treble 12:00
Mid 10:00
Bass 9:30

Channel 2:
Mark I, EQ On, Mark I Thick, 90W
Gain 3:00
Master 1:00
Presence 3:30
Treble 3:00
Mid 2:00
Bass 8:30

80Hz cut out most of this, leave the bottom of the slider at the top of the bottom line
240Hz leave this a little bit higher than 80Hz
750Hz slightly below unity
2.2KHz leave this at unity
6.6KHz a third of the way up to the upper line

I use these settings with a Stonedeaf PDF-1 as a treble boost, so if it's a bit dark, just bump up the presence on each channel. I rarely use Channel 3 so I'm not going to mention it here.
Hello from Spain...

Could you sent me the 'Mark V Editable Settings' psd at

Thanks a lot
romero_sl said:
Hello from Spain...

Could you sent me the 'Mark V Editable Settings' psd at

Thanks a lot

Ehiiii lorezorro, si lo has conseguido, ¿podías mandármelo?
I've been gigging with my Mark V for 4 months now and was living on the Crunch mode on Channel 2 most of the time but wanted to try Mark 1 mode for solos although i was more than happy with using the solo boost on Crunch. I changed all my settings just before a gig last night and was blown away with the results.

I am in a covers band playing small to medium gigs and playing anything from Beatles/Bowie/Kinks/Free/Deep Purple through to Foo Fighters/Kings of Leon /My Chemical Romance etc. I used my Les Paul Custom last night with Mark V /Cornford 2x12 (v30's) and a sprinkling of pedals. Amp was on Variac setting.

I cranked up the Tweed mode on Channel 1 and boosted it with a Mesa Tone Burst (Gain 8 o'clock Bass 1 o'clock Treble 11 o'clock Level 12 o'clock) to give a decent crunch tone. 45W Tube rect. Preset EQ at 8 o'clock

For solos I set Channel 2 on Mark 1 mode at 90W to give a decent volume boost and Tone Burst remains on . Note Slider EQ settings with extreme bass cut.

For heavier rock rhythm i had Channel 3 set on IIc+ mode at 45W Pentode with Preset EQ at 11 o'clock

I was very pleased with the results . Boosted Tweed gave a very nice rock rhythm that cleaned up well and sat well in the mix. Mark 1 mode was phenomenal for solos- fat ,fluid, screaming but also very open .It was only when I played with the rest of the band that I realised how good it sounded and felt to play!

Channel 3 sounded slightly nasal at times on single notes so I may have to tweak settings but it had a monstrous fat rhythm tone and solos sounded great using the solo boost. I was going to scoop midrange more with preset EQ but just worried that treble frequencies may get a bit harsh. If anyone has any bright ideas please let me know!

I may experiment with a few OD pedals with the Tweed and Mark 1 mode (TS808 BBPreamp SD1) before next weekends gig but very very happy that I was able to sacrifice the Crunch mode to use the Mark 1 mode!!
Hi robdoc,
I've seen you have a marshall DSL50.
I have a mark V but not as the valve marshall to compare sounds.
you believe that Marv V gets to have the typical sound marshall?
**** said:
Hi robdoc,
I've seen you have a marshall DSL50.
I have a mark V but not as the valve marshall to compare sounds.
you believe that Marv V gets to have the typical sound marshall?

Hi ****
I've not managed to get the Mark V to sound like the DSL50 - the tweed crunch with pedal is a bit looser and grainier in the mids and I cannot get the same power tube saturation for AC DC style crunch but saying that I prefer the sound of the Mark V in the band mix as the upper mids don't dominate and don't have to crank it as hard to get a good tone ( which made it too loud for smaller gigs and an attenuator seemed to suck tone and dynamics!). Audience and band mates like it too!! 😊

I found the DSL was a bit of a one trick pony and prefer the versatility and tone of the Mark V particularly for Mesa/Fender cleans, the awesome fat fluid Mark 1 solo tone and the fat metal tones of channel 3. It suits me better with the variety of music that I play.

I would definitely use the DSL 50 ( and the Cornford) for recording but not for live playing as I find the focus on the upper mids a but wearing on my ears and also a bit thin for soloing without adding in overdrives etc. If I was purely playing classic rock then the Marshall or Cornford may be better suited to crunch duties!
Thank you , I fell better. Needed to hear the crunch is good. The truth I love it, but as I have not heard the Marshall always thought about it.
sorry for my english ;-)
Anyone have any Dumble-ish settings for the Mark V? I just got mine, so I haven't found it yet. I have a couple ideas, but figured it was better to ask here and get the thoughts of guys who have a few years head start on this.

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