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good sound engineer and some double tracking, fair amount of editing... presumably a dual rectifier setup, also.
first option of course is CH3, extreme, pentode, sliders/preset maxed out.
you could also try CH2 mark I/rectifier tracking 45W, boosted with TS808 if you dont have high output enough guitar and scooped a lot (contour maxed out or sliders), to get a more "saggy" sound.

but in the end, its all about the engineer and what he does with it. in studio even a marshall can sound awesome :twisted:
Watch this video, and then try putting in the equivalent settings on the Mark V. Tweak to taste. (I run the bass and mids knobs higher than he does, but I keep the GEQ almost exactly the same, except for a touch more bass).
I am using a Gibson Les Paul Classic with a JB in the bridge. I have the FX Loop hard Bypassed.

Chan. 1
90 Watts
Gain 11 oclock
Master 7:45 oclock
Presence 11 oclock
Treble 12:45 oclock
Mid 11 oclock
Bass 10 oclock
EQ set to preset 1:30 oclock

Chan. 2
Mark 1
Mark 1 Thick
45 Watts
Gain 1 oclock
Master 7:45 oclock
Presence 2:30 oclock
Treble Max
Mid 11:45 oclock
Bass Off
EQ set to preset 10:30 - 11:00 oclock

Chan. 3
45 Watts
Gain 4 oclock
Master 7:45 oclock
Presence 10 oclock
Treble 2:30 oclock
Mid 1:30 oclock
Bass 10:30 oclock
EQ set to Sliders

80hz Boosted all the way
240hz Halfway up between middle and top line
750hz Almost exactly on the bottom line
2200hz A little lower than where we set the 240hz
6600hz Right on the middle line

I hope you guys enjoy these.
just curious..did somebody achieve a respetable marshalesque tone out of the V without tube swap / boosters, ods, etc. ? If someone has, then I would like to know what guitar did he/she use, pups and cabs..and what kind of pick!
JOEY B. said:
These settings are with a 6L6/EL-34 blend of power tubes (STR-440 outer pair/STR-450 inner pair) in the 90 watt power setting. There is no EQ used (other than bass, mid, treble) on channel 1 or 2, sliders used on channel 3. The guitar is a Gibson Les Paul Standard with Bare Knuckles passive pickups. The speaker cabs are MESA 1x12 thieles, one C90 and one EVM-12L. Fat Clean tube rectifier, Crunch tube rectifier and MkIV triode. 8)






These settings are fantastic with my JP6 using just 6l6's!! I don't know how I missed these until now, but very nice - well done joey!!
iFreedom said:
JOEY B. said:
These settings are with a 6L6/EL-34 blend of power tubes (STR-440 outer pair/STR-450 inner pair) in the 90 watt power setting. There is no EQ used (other than bass, mid, treble) on channel 1 or 2, sliders used on channel 3. The guitar is a Gibson Les Paul Standard with Bare Knuckles passive pickups. The speaker cabs are MESA 1x12 thieles, one C90 and one EVM-12L. Fat Clean tube rectifier, Crunch tube rectifier and MkIV triode. 8)






These settings are fantastic with my JP6 using just 6l6's!! I don't know how I missed these until now, but very nice - well done joey!!

There is no need to especify the tube tracking in ch1 and 2 because you are in 90w
rika_gd said:
There is no need to especify the tube tracking in ch1 and 2 because you are in 90w

Good point. This was a very early experience with the Mark V, and was not my amp, FWIW. I see now that the switches only affect the 45 watt power level. :oops: The users manual has been revised a few times since these photos were taken. I either misunderstood what I read, or blew past it during my studies.
jetdriver said:
gibson5413 said:
Crunch mode
Knob settings (o'clock)
Gain: 4
Presence: 9
Treble: 3
Mids: 10
Bass: 8:30
Master Volume: 9
Preset Knob: 1 (EQ sliders off)
Output 2

Awwww yeahhhh. I downloaded your Mk V clips with these settings :) Been crankin' that sh!t in my truck - sounds KILLER. Esp when you let like an A chord ring out and it just sounds so gnarly - yet smooth at the same time. Pure Mark tone. Luvin' it.

Word up to the MAMA! This is a great amp setting. I feel you on that A chord. Pinch harmonics/picksqueels sound incred on this tone.
Stooges Fun House type of Sound also gives you pretty close to a Black Keys/White Stripes type of sound. You can get a similar sound in Tweed but this gives me this sound with less noise. Tweed on my Mark V and I read on others is pretty noisy.

Mark IV
Master 9:30
Output 11:30
45 Watt Triod
Eq off
Bright Off
Gain 1
Presence 12
Treble 12
Mid 11
Bass 10-10:30

Played on Tele with both pickups.

Hello from France

I have a Mesa Boogie mark V head for 6 months
I play it on a Soldano cab 4x12 with Eminence X72000 HP (it's a copy of V30, designed by Soldano)
guitars I use are:
-Fernandes Custom Shop Mockingbird (with Dimarzio pickups: DP100 super disto & DP 102 X2N)
-PRS CE 24 (with 2 Dragons Pickups)
-Tom Anderson Hollow drop top (with SSH wiring)

So, my question is about the third channel of the Mark V.
I play in a power metal band, but I think I've a sound's problem;
my sound is bad (and I spent few weeks to tests some settings)
in 10W: no problem
but in 45 and 90w, the distortion is bad

my settings for the chanel 3
-Extrem mode
-bright on
master and output: middle (because I need to be heard by my drummer)

my distortion isn't deep, it's very "dry", even if my gain was off :/

I saw the band "lamb of god" played on these amp, this is a heavy sound that I never approch on my Mark V

please could you help me

thanks a lot (and sorry if my english's bad)
Bonjour. Your english was tres bon. I only speak very little bit of french, so I regret this must be in English:

I'd start by getting the two rightmost sliders and swapping their postions, then raising the rightmost one to just above the halfway line..
Then I'd up the second-from-left slider to say 8/10.

Then at the pre-stage, lowering the mid a touch and bringing treble to like '3 0'clock', Gain at '1 o'clock' and turn up the master volume a touch... make sure you're in Pentode mode.
Also, try playing about with these settings turning your bright switch on and off to see the depth difference.

J'espere que sa aide.. Amusez-vous bien ! :D
Hello from france (again)
thanks for you answer, I'll test these settings tomorow
I'll share it in few days

The treble control needs to be much higher. For metal, somewhere between 1 o'clock and 5:30 (knob all the way up) would be more appropriate. The treble control adds saturation and gain to the sound. I would also consider dropping the presence a little.

Keep in mind that the EQ knobs don't work on a Mark the way they work on most amps. On most amplifiers, EQ knobs affect the tone after all of the gain has been added. On a Mark, (to put it roughly) they affect the signal as the gain is added and so change the way the amp responds. Accordingly, think of the knobs as follows:

Knob::What it does when turned up

Gain:: Adds gain
Master: Adds volume and sometimes gain and compression
Presence: Adds sizzle and high end, but also decreases compression
Treble: Adds gain, compression, strengthens the signal, and adds some high end
Mid: Adds some fullness and stiffness to the tone
Bass: Adds a little low end fatness, but too much and the tone will turn flabby and loose.
eudaimonia02912 said:

The treble control needs to be much higher. For metal, somewhere between 1 o'clock and 5:30 (knob all the way up) would be more appropriate. The treble control adds saturation and gain to the sound. I would also consider dropping the presence a little.

Keep in mind that the EQ knobs don't work on a Mark the way they work on most amps. On most amplifiers, EQ knobs affect the tone after all of the gain has been added. On a Mark, (to put it roughly) they affect the signal as the gain is added and so change the way the amp responds. Accordingly, think of the knobs as follows:

Knob::What it does when turned up

Gain:: Adds gain
Master: Adds volume and sometimes gain and compression
Presence: Adds sizzle and high end, but also decreases compression
Treble: Adds gain, compression, strengthens the signal, and adds some high end
Mid: Adds some fullness and stiffness to the tone
Bass: Adds a little low end fatness, but too much and the tone will turn flabby and loose.

thanks for this answer but I don't understand very well
could you use this draw to explain me settings please:

Today I've test this settings, but always the same problem, a bad sound :/
I can't play correctly a simple Mettalica's riff
sound is not deep, like if it was very dry, without depht and "bitting":

On the first picture, you can see that inscriptions on the Power button are disapears. It just fades when I put the hand above.
Have you the same problem?
To Blablatus: I see that you connected your cab to the 4 ohm input of the amp. Is that the correct value, I don't know about Soldano cabs but shouldn't it be in 8 ohm? If there is a mismatch, it can have impact on the sound (as mentioned in the manual).

I'm a new owner of the Mark V myself and so far I haven't been able to get a sound out of the extreme mode that I really like. The bass is pumped up too much for my liking. For Metallica sounds I would suggest exploring the IV mode, or the IIC+ mode.

The settings in your two posts are from one extreme to the next. You have high ouput pick ups (X2n), with high gain settings on the amp plus the bass pumped up high on the EQ and all that in extreme mode. That can't sound too good IMHO (although some seem to get away with it and it also depends on a lot of other factors such as guitar&speakers etc.), but my taste is different. I suggest you take a look at the video of John Petrucci on the Mesa Boogie website. It really helps to understand your amp better and gives you good example settings to start with.

Oh yeah, don't forget to look into the preset rotary knob too (in stead of the EQ). If you don't wanna watch that vid, try this. First start in IV mode and adjust settings to your liking without the EQ on. When you have a decent sound then swith the EQ on and try the rotary knob for presets. Turn until you like it.
Hey guys, new member to the board and new owner of a Mark V head. I run it into a closed back ADA cab with two V-30's.

Still getting familiar with the Mark V. I dearly miss my Orange Thunderverb but I'm hoping the Mark V will be a suitable replacement.

Can anyone help me nail a tone? I'm looking to reproduce what you hear in the Black Crowe's tune "Sting Me". You can hear it quite clearly in the intro and it continues through the whole song. I'm guessing this tone would live somewhere in Channel 2 but I haven't been able to conjure it up.

I've been using my Tele, Les Paul, and my PRS DGT in case anyone's wondering which axe I'd be using for this tone. Most likely a Tele.

Here's a link to the song:
From memory:

Triode. Tweed channel 1, 10 watts -class A- and (bold) with the gain up a bit for break up. With the Graphic switched off.
That classic Rich Robinson tone always sounded something like that to me.

Maybe "Edge" with its bass turned up too.
Not much gain involved on that channel..

(And a Telecaster) :)

And a Les Paul with Channel 2 for the Marc Ford parts.
Mark I mode, Preset EQ just below noon, (either on or off), gain at 11 0 clock,
Bass at like 7 oclock or off,
Prescence Max, Treb Max (or just short of),
Middlearound 11 o'clock
Gain around 10-11 oclock depending on your pickups maybe.

Passive pickups.
Tooks pics of my settings today and they didn't come out well. So I'll have to try again tomorrow.

Im getting an awesome channel 1 clean tone that turns into SRV Littlewing tone when you switch it to tweed.

Channel 2 is a nice crunchy rhythm that I can't compare to anything I just know I like it.

And channel 3 whoa! I got that sucker dialed into a Slash Sweet Child O'mine lead tone. And then that same setting makes for an awesome Frankenstien rhythm tone just freaking deep and hungry sounding.

This Mark V is the sheite!
My latest config:


Since the switches are hard to see: Ch1 (Tweed--stays clean unless pushed), Ch2 Mark I, Ch3 Mark IV. For 2 & 3 I use preset EQ about half way up.

Set up with a Les Paul but works with my Strat & Tele if I roll the tone knobs back a bit.

EL34s, V30 speaker.