nos for the first time!!!!

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Put the RFT's into V1 & V3 of my Mark III.

It sounds rounder, more real, more genuine in the low register, has more bite in the high register, and has what has been described as 3-d sound. I don't know how to describe it better than that. It's as if there's more space or a larger soundstage, even though I have the Mark III hooked up to a single speaker. The distortion is more musical, less industrial or mechanical. It's weird because I can't avoid many of the cliches that pop up so often in tube reviews, but I lack a better description.

All the good stuff tubes have, but more better. LOL.
dodger916 said:
You and I are in the same boat!

Hey: How do you like the 415s??

yep it's "paddle paddle" for us guys! :)

I dont know a thing about the 415's sound yet. They came the day we had to leave on a vacation so I put them in the safe, and I have not taken them out. I have one more pre-amp tube to arrive and when it does I will be putting them in with it. I currently have yellow 440's in there. I wonder if I will be able to tell any difference in the sound with the different power tubes. I am thinking that I won't be able to tell! The pre-amp tube I am changing out would affect it too so I may never know BUT I can feel good about them nonetheless.

I wish you well.
GIG4FUN said:
dodger916 said:
You and I are in the same boat!

Hey: How do you like the 415s??

yep it's "paddle paddle" for us guys! :)

I dont know a thing about the 415's sound yet. They came the day we had to leave on a vacation so I put them in the safe, and I have not taken them out. I have one more pre-amp tube to arrive and when it does I will be putting them in with it. I currently have yellow 440's in there. I wonder if I will be able to tell any difference in the sound with the different power tubes. I am thinking that I won't be able to tell! The pre-amp tube I am changing out would affect it too so I may never know BUT I can feel good about them nonetheless.

I wish you well.

I didn't notice a big difference in sound for power tube changes till I cranked my amp. Preamp tube changes I noticed the most. The 415's will last you approximately 15 years if you play them every day for 2 hours. That's the difference. They last a LONG time which is 10000 running hours.

Hey...i just receive my rft and i had a little time to give it a first try.
It seem's to me that the high's are really better than before. It's something that you can hear pretty easily.
In the low's, it's still buzzy but i think that the tube will sound a little better after 2 or 3 hour of use so...
I can say that my amps are a lot more lively than before.
More news to come...
I will try it with the band tomorrow night...
the highs are way less agressive...more mellow (on the lead channel)
The clean and the crunch seem's alright but i will have a better idea with the band.
I put the RFT in V1 and a Tungsol reissue on V3.
The 3 others are mesa russian 2 and 4x "6l6 str440"-yellow.
Look's like fun for the weekend!!!!
Hey...i need a little help with el-34.
I bought a pair of el-34 at the tubestore last year but forgot (i didn't know what bias meen at that time!!!) to ask for the tubes to be in spec for a boogie amp....
Is it dangerous to run these tubes if it sound well???(maybe that there out of the boogie bias range)
Is it possible to cause damage to something in the amp???
The tubes are Mullard (the new ones)
Go ahead and put them in, but watch them closely from the very moment you take them off standby. At the first sign of orange glow on the plates, shut the amp down. If the plates do not begin to glow, and you like the sound, then there is no problem, and you can continue using them.

- T
OK...just tried it and i saw no sign of anything glowing.
Is the plate the little round thing at the bottom of the tube???
Anyway, it sound pretty good and i will give it a try for the next week of so.
If the tubes are not in spec, is it dangerous for the amp??? (transfo or something else...)
If you got the tubes from the Tubestore, they might have a blue sticker on the base of each tube. On that sticker will be a handwritten number. I had some SED =C= EL-34's from the Tubestore with the number "33" written on them. They worked fine in a MkIIC+, MkIII, and MkIV. :)

BTW, the plate is the long gray colored(usually) piece in the middle of the tube.
normandk7 said:
OK...just tried it and i saw no sign of anything glowing.
Is the plate the little round thing at the bottom of the tube???
The plates are the gray (or sometimes black) folded-metal structures that run along the length of the tube. Watch those for glow - you won't damage anything if they don't overheat (and start glowing).

There are circular pieces that are at the bottom and top of the plates; they are made of mica, and their use is to position the plates (with internal heater and grid structure) within the glass envelope.

- Thom
The number on my mullard is 39 and i get then at the tubestore so I could be a good sign.
To add a helpful tidbit to Timbre wolf's post regarding plate glow, it's a good idea to do that observation in a darkened room. Red hot plates are a sign that the tube is not going to last as long as it should and the overall health of the amp's power section is at increased risk. Peace.
Bad news and good news...
I tried my rtf last night at the band rehearsal and it wasn't what i was hoping for!!!
The sound of my amp when i cranked it loud was not focus. It was like if it had too much overdrive.I tried to dial for what i wanted but I had to put in the older tubes and come back to the sound i had before. That's the bad news...
I put the two rft in my other boogie (to practice at home) in v1 and v3 and the sound is incredible...but only at low volume. So, it a living room and i don't have to crank it .
Finally, i'm really happy to have tried some NOS but maybe that there not for me after all.
I put back the cocktail of 12ax7 from Doug's tubes and it sounds more like what i wanted.
Thanks for all your input guys!
normandk7 said:
I tried my rtf last night at the band rehearsal and it wasn't what i was hoping for!!!
The sound of my amp when i cranked it loud was not focus. It was like if it had too much overdrive.
That sounds like the same RFT I know. Sorry it did not work out as planned. It is a great tube to have in your tone palette, though.

- T
well gentlemen... I am glad I don't have any on the way...(I was going to order them).

Here's what I am running in the C+ and I don't expect to ever change it for sure now. I have been gigging with it and can not imagine anything sounding better for me. here it is:

V1- Sylvania 12ax7a
V2- Mullard ecc83
V3- GE 12ax7a Long-plate
V4 GE 12at7wa 6201
V5- RCA 7025

They are NOS nothing newer than 1962. I play Classic Rock covers.

It's the "be all end all" for me. I drive a Mesa Boogie 2x12 vertical loaded with EV12L's. My GEQ is a "W" NOT a "V" as well. That is perhaps important to know. :twisted:

I wish you well :)
Hey...thanks a lot shredd6.
I like what you explain in v1 treble, v2 mid and v3 bass. I was not aware of that.
For the rft, don't bother. I'm really happy to have them and don't worry, i will continue to search for the sound that i hear in my head!!!!
By the way , what is p1??? Is it v5 for a mark iv??
Where can i find the mullard ecc83 and the GE long plate on the net?
I've chech on 5 places but they only have the new mullard (15$) and i do not found the GE...
Im in Canada so if you happen to go to see the tube store website, maybe you could tell me witch 12ax7 they have that can be nice for my v2 and v3.
There is no fees and duty if i buy it at the tube store (it's in Canada...)