I can't believe it! I popped in my RFT into V1, and then my other set of tubes arrived from the tube store. So I popped those in. V1 RFT, V2 JJ, V3 Tung sol reissue, V4 electro harmonix, V5 stock boogie (all 12AX7's), with 2 SED =C= 6L6's. Tone? Killer! I had that sound that makes just sit there and play play play. That sound that makes you play differently, and makes you more experimental in your technique. That sound that makes you hear the flaws in your playing, and forces you to correct them. My amp has never been so sensitive to pick attack and dynamics.
However, I turned off my amp for awhile, came back to it, and this wonderful little gem of a NOS RFT was blown already!!!! I have no idea what happened. I am used to pre amp tubes shattering, and the tops turning white, but this was not the case. It just didn't work anymore. There was some whooshing sounds, a wierd sine wave, and low output on all of my channels.
Anyways, I put the tung sol in V1, the JJ back in 3, and another EH in V2. I actually like it as well. I have one more RFT, and I think I'll throw that in V5 to try it out. Is there some special procedure for powering up or powering down NOS tubes?