nomad tube swapping

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Active member
Feb 13, 2006
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Howdy. Spent a few hours in the search zone, but didn't find what I was after? Ever tried to search for 'nomad'? Well, since it's somebodies' screen name, you end up with a gazillion threads. Search for 6V6 and you end up with a pile of Blue Angel threads (which I read every one of, just for gits and shiggles).

Anyway, I was wondering if there's been any investigation into safe tube-swapping with the nomad 55. We've swapped out the original Mesas for some JJ 6L6GC, which were a bit better. Then, some JJ E34L, which we didn't like that much in that amp. Now, it has some hp branded GE 6L6GCs, which are pretty nice sounding. Any other options? Can the PT handle big dogs like the KT66/88s/6550? Can the OT? Can 6V6GT survive in this amp? I've heard some good schtuff about the JJ 6v6s, maybe go that route? Anybody tried Yellowjackets or similar EL84 converters?

How much of the info on tube-swapping from other amps applies to the Nomads, or any Mesa, for that matter? Are Mesas' all similarly engingeered such that anything true of one 50 watter would apply to all Mesas' 50 watters?

What's the good word? Warranty long-since expired, so I know there's less to lose playing around with this schtuff.
yellowjackets can be used in just about everything. 6v6...i doubt it, something you'd have to call mesa on, although you CAN use both in the heartbreaker, along with el34's, and the dual rectos...

as for the big bottles, i don't think theyd fit. plus the current draw is alot more, so the tranny probably won't handle it.

customer service is usually pretty good about these things, they are usually very honest about what the amp can and cannot handle. then again, depends on who you talk to. one guy at boogie told me the blue angel could take 6l6, another told me no way. someone like bob at eurotubes, or another tube matcher could deffinilty tell you what will work in the amp and what won't.

good luck, and sorry i cant be more specific.

ps: been swapping between 6l6 and 6v6 for months and the amp is as happy as ever. does this mean the guy at boogie is an idiot? who knows..