Nomad 55 1x12 or Express 5:50 1x12..?

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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2009
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OK.....I have a chance to buy back my 5:50 Express 1x12 combo which I really liked.
I also have a chance to buy a Nomad 55 1x12 combo which I haven't spent a lot of time with.

What I like about the Nomad is the headphone input and the ability to swap in EL34s.

I'm leaning toward the Nomad, but would like to hear pros/cons from anyone who has played both or spent time with a Nomad 55.

I've read a few threads about the two, but am still a bit undecided.
I can get the Nomad for a really good price, but am only buying one or the other.
Also, I have a 2x12 Electra-Dyne, but am looking for a second combo with
a different tone.
how your ED sound at lower volume ? I live in appartment and need a small watt to practice but enough to play gig..
I play a Nomad 55 2X12. I am not very familiar with the Express. There are some features I really like about the Nomad (I formerly played a Mark III) The Nomad has full, independent controls for each of its three channels. Then it has an over-all master, so you can set up and "balance" your channels the way you want, and use the over-all master to go from a whisper to a blast while keeping the same tones and channel volume relationships. Then I really get good use out of the solo boost function on the footswitch, and the amount of boost is adjustable. I get the full range of tones I want out of the Nomad, but this is a subjective matter each player must decide for himself. The only thing I don't like about the Nomad is that the reverb is weak (IMO). Also, I think the Nomad 55 needs a graphic eq to fully realize all its tonal range. But an outboard unit can easily be added in the FX loop, and works fine that way.
I owned a Nomad 55 1x12 and an Express 5:50. (I've also had or have several Marks, Lonestar, Road King ). I agree that the Nomad has more versatility and features than the Express; so for variety and flexibility, the Nomad has the edge. However, I found the tones on the Express to be more refined than the Nomad's. I didn't think the Nomad's clean tone was particularily nice. Kind of unremarkable and sterile to my ears. I never could get a channel 2 rock rhythm tone I liked. I generally found channel 2 to be rough and harsh, and never to my liking. I did try various different speakers in the combo and it just seemed to be the nature of the amp. Channel 3 had some great lead tones.

In contrast, the Express' tones seemed to have evolved as Mesa has refined its tones and circuitry in the intervening years. The Express' clean channel had more character and charm to it. I would like to think there is a little Lonestar mojo in there. It isn't Lonestar quality clean, but certainly more rich and interesting than the Nomad's. Likewise, the high gain sounds seemed smoother, tighter, and more sophisticated.

It is perhaps hard to explain with words. The Express seems more mature and grown up while the Nomad felt more rough and harsh, at least to my ears.

Either would be a good compliment to the ED's more Marshall-esque gain tones. I suppose if the dollar savings on the Nomad were significant, I would take a chance on the Nomad and try to smooth out the tones. However, if money weren't a major difference, I'd go for the Express. It just felt richer, smoother to my ears.

That's just one man's opinion, though.
I had a Nomad 55 1x12 for about a year. I bought it off the internet, and it was the first Mesa I'd ever played. I liked it because of the features, including the headphone jack, but I couldn't coax the sounds I really wanted. The headphone out didn't really sound that good. When I played a Mark IV, especially the Lead channel, I immediately knew I needed to get a Mark IV and sell the Nomad. YMMV
I owned and gigged with a Nomad 55 for around 5 years. It's a decent amp. The pots they used in those amp are subject to fail though. I think I replace 4 or 5 on mine.
I sold it to a friend a few years ago and it's still going strong.
I have only heard an Express in a store but I was very impressed.
I have to go with babow2's thinking.

babow2 said:
In contrast, the Express' tones seemed to have evolved as Mesa has refined its tones and circuitry in the intervening years. The Express' clean channel had more character and charm to it. I would like to think there is a little Lonestar mojo in there. It isn't Lonestar quality clean, but certainly more rich and interesting than the Nomad's. Likewise, the high gain sounds seemed smoother, tighter, and more sophisticated.
Thnx for the input guys.
I bought the Nomad 55 1x12 combo and have no regrets.
The headphone capability sold me on it.
Right now I'm really diggin' this amp.
Congratulations of the new amp. Glad it's working for you.

Did you get a owners manual with it?
If not here's one to download.

Another thing for you. Before I sold my Nomad to my friend I retubed it for him.
The Doug's Tubes ( Mesa amp kit had my amp sounding the best I've heard it.
(1) Matched Pair SED 6L6
(1) Tung Sol 12ax7
(1) High Gain JJ
(1) Penta 12ax7
(1) Shuguang 12ax7 9th gen.
(1) Sovtek LPS 12ax7

I almost called the sale off. :)
Checked the tubes....had typical mixed bag o'goods for tubes.
Fender GT 6L6 power tubes.
2 Mesa 12ax7a
2 Fender GT 12ax7a
1 Peavey ax7a

I scrounged thru my "poor boy private reserve tube drawer".

Here's what I put in...all brand new.

For power tubes,

V 1, 2, and 3,

V 4 and 5,

Man....what a difference
Harmonics just jump right out, very 3 dimensional, no more fizz.
My Les Paul DeLuxe w/p90s just sounds AWESOME ! all volume levels.
Sounds amazing thru my Marshall AX cab/greenbacks.

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