Noise suppressor placement?

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Aug 8, 2009
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Hey guys, I have a triple rectifier 3 channel, and have decided to add a noise suppressor to my effects chain, and really need some advice on where to place it. I have heard some people say that they put it in the front of the amp..i.e. Guitar > noise gate > amp.. and then I have heard some say to place it in the effects loop.. Right now I currently run a tc electronics nova delay in my effects loop and have a DTR1000 that I have been using in a very ghetto way ever since I bought it.. lol.. I cannot figure out where to place this on my chain either.. so right now it just sits on the top of my amp and when I tune I put my amp in standby and plug ito it.. Very stupid, I know.. and if someone could help me out on where to place my tuner I would really appreciate it also.. but anyway, I pretty much use nothing but my third channel, and I have noticed I get the hissing sound and some slight feedback even without engaging the effects loop on my footswitch.. So in other words, right now I have guitar > amp..up front and I am getting the noise.. Where would you guys suggest I place the noise suppressor? I have never really been one for effects until lately, so I am kind of an amature at placement.. lol.. Any help would REALLY be appreciated. Oh and if someone could please suggest a good noise suppressor that doesn't suck the tone, I would also really appreciate it. I have heard the rocktron hush super c rack is good, and the isp decimator.. Any thoughts? Thanks.
Oh, and a follow up question to my post.. If I were to place the noise gate in my loop, would I have to always have the loop engaged at all times?
I have my Boss Noise Suppressor (NS-2) connected like this:

gtr -> tuner + wah etc. -> NS-2 input

NS-2 send -> CrunchBox -> OCD (these are distortion and od pedals) -> amp in

amp's effect loop send -> NS-2 return

NS-2 output -> delay + boost etc. -> effect loop return

This way I have both dist/od pedals AND the preamp section in noise suppressor loop, where it's the most efficient (in removing noise).

Hopefully this helps...
I used a noise suppressor for many years. I have to say undoubtedly in the direct chain as opposed to the effects loop. The effects loop is bypassed if it's not engaged, and therefore your noise suppressor does no good when the loop isn't engaged. i've found it's by far best dead last in the direct chain. the last three pedals in my direct pedal chain were compressor/EQ/noise suppressor. placing it after all the comps and the wah and od/distortions allows it to clean all of these up as well as the natural gain from your amp.

BUT i never got all fancy like the dude above.
Awesome! Thanks for the replies.. I appreciate the feedback! I decided on the isp decimator, and I run it in front of the amp, as opposed to the effects loop. So far it seems to be working perfectly. But then again, I'm constantly changing my mind.. lol

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