No distortion on Rect-o-verb

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Feb 21, 2011
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New guy here. Found the Boogie Board while researching my problem.....and I'm sure I'm the first person THAT has happened to.

My amp is a Rect-o-verb 50 Series 2 1-12" Combo. The problem is that I'm getting no distortion on the red channel. I'm still getting volume but no distortion. The gain and volume on the green channel is working fine. I switched out all the preamp tubes with tubes from a known working amp and no change. Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance
I could be totally off base with this, but I once had a bad set of brand new POWER tubes and I got great cleans from my clean channel and my dirty channels barely had any overdrive at all. I didn't think power tubes could do that, but I put the old set back in and everything was fine (after much troubleshooting).

Might want to switch around your power tubes just to see what happens.

If not, then it might be time to see the amp doctor.
I have the same amp! You should have gobs o gain. I hate to ask, but is your guitars volume up? I have had many a "doh" moment plugging in my guitar with the volume down and wondering why its so clean. If you are running actives, you may need to change your battery. If its not the power tubes that is.
Recheck V2 and V3 preamp tubes. If it's not in the tubes there's very little you can do on your own. Half of V2 and V3 are used for gain in the lead channel. Very unlikely its power tubes. You might want to wiggle the tubes in there sockets and see if gain comes in/out. The sockets might need retentioning. If none of this works, time for a tech to open her up.

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