"new" tremoverb, partial refund, now alive again!

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This makes me sick to my stomach. Every time I read one of these stories I just wanna say **** paypal and **** ebay and make my purchases locally.

Even this is not a case of shipping damage, I fuckin hate people who can't pack an amp safely either. I just sent a 40 lbs package Mesa 2:90 with no damage. You could drop the package (just the buble wrap, not even WITH the cardboard) on the ground standing up and nothing would happen. NOTHING. I ship heavy **** to Australia and nothing happens.

People are retarded and they can't pack. Spend 15 lousy bucks to get a friggin bubble wrap and save everyone pain you dumbasses! Geez...

Sorry I'm really frustrated. Seriously though, from now on I'm never buying amps on ebay. I'm only selling on ebay.
no i dont want a lawyer, i just feel like playing a tremoverb that works. razmeister has a great idea of what should happen... that would be great and safe for everybody
To be fair, PayPal wasn't started to make online transactions safer - it was started to make them easier, and to allow Joe Average to accept credit card payments.

PayPal, in this case, can offer $200 at a minimum....how much would the USPS offer you if you'd paid with a money order?

To the original poster - where are you located?
i asked today while i was at my bank that gave me the card, and they sia di would have to dispte it with the merchant which is pretty much what i did
i talked to mesa and they said they should be able to repair it for under $450, but i still have shipping of about $120, but i think it would retain value better if it was repaired by them, becasue most likely they will have to do a lot, does anyone know if they would replace any worn parts like caps? it would be great that if i spend all this money it could at least get a pretty much brand new amp.
I am new on this site, but I came across this and it pissed me off so I had to comment. I hate people who do this kind of crap. I recently bought a gnx3000 on ebay and it works fine but one of the little knobs is missing-no big deal- but the guy should have told me anyway-I emailed him and he said something to the effect -so go buy one. It pissed me off that he couldn't be a stand up guy whatever was wrong. Now I have a bid on a Nomad 55 the seller is a pawnshop and I sincerely hope I don't get it after reading what you have gone through Commander Cool. I hope it turns out for the best. To me music is the language of the universe and people shouldn't f*&k it up with bad juju.
Sorry.. that is horrible.. it just seems like a case of fraud... paper doesn't make a fuse work and you can get those at Radio Shack for a couple bucks.. that is really sad that someone would do that to a great amp.
well jsut wanted to let everyone know that the guy refunded me $360 to help with the repairs and that makes me very happy becasue he wasnt really obligated to do anything after the dispute closed, so paypal was pretty worthless and took 10.76 out of that 360... oh well at least now i will have some money for xmas gifts which is really good! well i jsut thought i would keep everyone updated.
well it finally came back from mesa yesterday and i got to play it, man this amp sounds great! much thicker sounding than my 97 solo head, and the cleans are outstanding. i used to run guitar>wah>compressor>boost>isp noise decimator>amp, then in the loop i had a reverb/delay. now with the tremoverb, i just go guitar>wah>amp and get a much better sound. anothing thing i like is i can use the high gain mode on the orange channel and still have a great clean on red in the blues mode if i want. i missed my clean on the solo head when i used orange for dirty. the only problem is i was playing last night and i started getting a lot of crackling, so i left the amp on thinking it was just the new tubes screwing up, came back later and it was still there, then i flicked power on and off a few times (try to shake the tubes a bit) and then it was fine... strange

it ended up costing 450 for the repair, mesa replaced the entire circuit board and all its components, so its basically a new amp inside.

well i just thought i should let everyone know.
Man, I absolutely hate these stories. I am very glad to hear that you got it all sorted out. Tremoverbs are awesome amps. Glad to hear that you are up and running. Crank that thing up!! :D
Commander Coo1:

I'm sure glad you end getting your Trem-o-Verb working.

If you have time, clean your tube sockets with Blue Shower or some aerosol contact fluid spray. You may minimize some of the crackling sound you are experiencing. Many times (not all) the tubes are not making full contact which gives you that crackling sound.
Commander Coo1:

I am glad to hear that it sounds like this process had a good ending.

I have learned to always use a credit card issued by a local bank when paying for anything off the net. This way, if things go south, I can talk to some one locally, face to face, which seems to increase my chances for a satisfactory resolution, be it a partial refund and I keep the item or a full refund after returning the item. The good thing about credit cards is the dispute process; it can and does work.

Another advantage for buyers were the recent changes in the federal consumer credit act which give buyers more leverage on purchase returns and partial refunds. Basically, the buyer, almost always, now has the option to return any item for a full refund when purchased with a credit card. This can be true even when the seller claims a "No Return" policy. This also provides the buyer with leverage to negotiate partial refunds, like you received.

The down side on the credit card dispute and refund process is that return shipping and handling charges are not usually recoverable. This means that even if a full refund for the item including the initial shipping and handling charges are refunded to the buyer after the item is returned to the seller, the return shipping and handling charges are usually still at the buyers expense.

I have had similar experiences on ebay, but so far, I have been able to use the dispute process to recover enough to make the repairs the item needed, that were due to poor packaging or seller misrepresentation.

Also, since I use a credit card, I only use the Paypal dispute process as a last resort; since I have been using a credit card and the credit card dispute process, I haven't used the Paypal dispute process in some time.

I like the net because I now have access to much more equipment than I ever could have imagined. Of course, that causes a whole new set of problems...!!!

Using a credit card may not be the best solution, but for now, its one of the better solutions I have found for net / long distance purchase protection.
