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he wrote this in the description: "you will be able to completly hear the quaity of the sound the second that you plug it in for its first jam session"

yeah, after you sweep up the broken glass, retube it, take out the paper fuse....

seriously, that statement more than implies that the amp is in fine working order and does not have any issues in need of repair. it's fraud. good luck, i hope you get this taken care of!
the seller is seriously jerking your chain. send him one more email and say that you will be giving him negative feedback along with an ebay suit/ paypal buyer protection action. i doubt he even spoke to ebay, and if he did he lied his *** off. working when it left? ha. give him one more chance to make things right, but let him know you are about 24 hours away from taking legal action. i only say this cause it will take paypal about 6 weeks to snatch that money back from him. if you can get it sooner through him save yourself the trouble. if it does come down to a paypal dispute, then after it is over let him know you will ship his amp back after he pays you for shipping (name your price), the fee paypal charged you to get your money back, and the bench charge for the tech to diagnose the amp. (and anything else you can legitamately come up with). i bet he won't even respond. when leaving negative feedback make sure the first word is FRAUD! then a desription of your circumstances.
Something else to think of, especially those who sell and ship amps:


Wrap them in bubble wrap and tape them inside the head/cabinet. This saves more grief than anything else when shipping an amp.
Did you ask the seller about the paper in the fuse holder? *Maybe* he took the fuse out for shipping purposes? Just trying to do the whole benefit of the doubt thing.. even though it has been kicking me in the *** lately.
Start the process now as it will take some time. Don't get beatdown by angst and frustration, that is the game being played. Stay ticked off and focused.

If you paid with credit card through PayPal consider calling your credit card company. They are often more than happy to help you when you have not received what you were promised in a transaction. IMHO, there are plenty of implied promises in the listing that leave your seller exposed combined with the professional assessment of your tech. That's why professional ads have so much fine print.

Feedback is stupid. I doubt he cares about the massive 5 he has built up over the years. That would suck to lose :roll:

+10000000000 on taking the tubes out when you ship guys!
Did you get the additional pictures he had? Can the amp be fixed at a reasonable cost?

Interesting how he said "I just recently left a band, and I really have no need for this head anymore. It has worked fine and I just need the money to go with other interests of mine" Doesn't sound like something you say about some elses amp.

He should not have used the peanuts to pack it, mesa says not to pack that way or the amp will shift to the bottom and likely get damaged. Good luck with this.
+10000000 on starting the claims process with paypal/ebay. i did it once for an item that i never received. granted it was only a $15 ipod case, but it is still the principle of the thing. it does take a while, but from what i understand, paypal and ebay most often side with the buyer, not the seller. make sure you definitely tell them every little thing that was wrong with it, ESPECIALLY about the paper where the fuse should be and the board being not attached at one end. plus all the stuff inside. i would also call your credit card company too. by the way, how did you pay for the head? good luck with everything!
Personally, I would pack it up and make a road trip. I'd get my money back, get to see some new sights, have a little fun with it. Funny how a little research, and actually knocking on someones door will change the whole exchange.

The fear of a direct confrontation is removed on a lot of ebay sales, but for me.........

I love a road trip.

signed Murphy, the redneck, deer slaying, "you picked the wrong guy" Slaw.

Best of luck.
Murphy Slaw said:
Personally, I would pack it up and make a road trip. I'd get my money back, get to see some new sights, have a little fun with it. Funny how a little research, and actually knocking on someones door will change the whole exchange.

The fear of a direct confrontation is removed on a lot of ebay sales, but for me.........

I love a road trip.

signed Murphy, the redneck, deer slaying, "you picked the wrong guy" Slaw.

Best of luck.

Fixxer6671 said:
This is why, for the big ticket items I am done with e-bay.... :?
Nah... eBay is fine as long as you deal with reputable users. This guy had only 5 transactions, none as a seller, and 4 of them were for items under $20 bucks. I would NEVER buy a $1,000 amp from someone with this kind of feedback, because that is typical of ebay scammers, they buy a few low dollar items to create a quick "positive feedback" and then scam you on a high dollar item.

Frankly, I don't see a lot you can do about it now, you could try an UPS claim but keep in mind the seller will get the check and I am pretty sure he will end up not forwarding it to you.

I would just try to get it fixed and let karma take care of this guy, it sucks, I know, but I don't see any other way if he is not willing to help you.
I'm surprise the tech said it needs a new PCB, that's a bit extreme...I would take to another tech for a second opinion..
alright well i filed an ebay/paypal claim and i guess they contact him to see what he wants to do and if he doesnt do what i want, then i escalate it and let paypal/ebay decide the outcome. thanks for all the advice. btw i paid with a mastercard through paypal. i know this is going to take forever to get resolved. the tech said the get a new pcb if i could get a lot of money back becasue that would be the most original sounding/functioning.ill keep you guys updated, my internet is a bit sketchy lately though.
i thought i would show some of the pics i took. if you look closely, you can see a lot of melted wire insulation in about every area there was a mod/repair.


this is how it looked when i first opened it, you can see that the pcb sank down on the left causing tubes to fall out, and im sure it casues a lot of unwanted noise if the tube is rattling against the steel chassis.


this one shows the fried screen resistor (i think thats what the tech called it.)

in contrast to the above photo, you can see what that resistor should look like.


in the upper middle, where the green wire is, you can see some mid-air solder joints and just a general mess towards the bottom.


this one shows just a big old mess that definately isnt mesa's work, or even the work of a concerned tech.


here is pic where you can see the little black rectangles neatly stacked in a dual recto from a similar time period. that is neat, professional, caring mesa work.

so i think i have a pretty good case that this amp was F***** with. when i get home ill take a pic of the amazing paper fuse
The Amazing Paper Fuse has a nice ring to it. Perhaps inspiration for a song you have not yet written.

I would call Mastercard too. Explain to them that you are working through eBay and Paypal. If nothing else it gets your issue on record with the CC company during your window to protest the charge. It costs you nothing to let eBay and Mastercard race to see who will get you your money back first.
lol, actually, the amazing paper fuse is the only part of this that does make sense to me. I've removed fuses for shipping before and put them in a baggie.

Of course, I TOLD the recipient I was doing it...
Make a claim with PayPal immediately. Tell them you didn't get what was represented in the auction. I guarantee you you'll get your money back. They always side with the buyer.
Contest the charge through your credit card company. Paypal may screw you as many have detailed on the interwebs before.
DavidE said:
Contest the charge through your credit card company. Paypal may screw you as many have detailed on the interwebs before.

Paypal will get him his money back in this case.
CudBucket said:
TheRazMeister said:
Just curious as to what makes you think a fuse will fix the problem.? I get the feeling the amp is dead in the water. Don't waste anytime, start initiating whatever it is you need to do thru UPS and then Ebay (when UPS tells you that they won't cover an obvious attempt at fraud from the seller)


either i'm reading his description wrong or you are mistaken... he said where the fuse should have been there was a piece of paper.... while thats not the only problem with the amp having a fuse instead of a piece of rolled up paper is a **** good start