NEW Mark II-B combo owner

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Nov 16, 2012
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Hello, I'm new here!

I just bought Mark II-B combo.

I'd like to know more of this amp so I have some questions :wink:

How to date it? suggestions for new tubes, JJ? does it (possibly) need some mods? what is effects loop mod and how do I know if this one has it? Should I run it with 2x6L6 or 4x6L6?

Anyway, when amp arrives I'll come back with pictures :D
Nice to meet you! I'm pretty new here, too.

Congrats on the IIB. I've had mine (60/100w, wood & wicker, GEQ, Reverb, Export Tranny) since it was born, in 1980. I'm coming to appreciate it even more, lately.

But to your questions:

1. How to date it: A little wine, some flowers... no. Check the underside of the chassis. Written in black marker, you'll find a the date when the chassis was completed. If for some reason it's not there, call Mesa and tell them the serial number; they'll check it against their records, although they have been known to give the wrong info. (Example: they said mine was just a regular Mark II, which implied it was a Mark IIA. But I have an effects send and return on the back of the amp, which, along with the serial number and date of birth, nails it as a IIB.)

2. I retubed with Mesa branded power tubes, and the amp sounded... a bit sterile. I picked up some very old Sylvannia STR-387 6L6s and it roared. Much more harmonically rich and smoother, too. But I have limited experience in tube rolling. Try the Tubes subforum for some really good advice.

3. Mine is not modded. Almost without exception, people speak very highly of the Effects Loop mod (done only by Mike Bendinelli - $300), which alters the gain staging, provides an extra volume control to balance the channels (or use as sort of an attenuator), and makes the loop "useable." (Although I ignored it for decades, my loop seems to work fine with my new delay pedal; will post a new thread on this later today.) You can tell if yours has already been modded by looking at the back panel. If you have a pot labelled "POST FX LEVEL" where normally the Slave would go, then Mike B has had his hands on it.

4. I like the sound of 100W going into the 4ohm speaker jack, but I go back and forth between 60W and 100W. YMMV. Fool around with different combinations.

When dialing it in, use your ears, not your eyes. But keep the bass low, or it can get flabby (if you have a GEQ, you can bring it back in later in the stack; if not, grab an EQ and put in in your chain). There's a lot of amazing tone in these things, and a lot of real crap, too. Takes a while to get the hang of it if you're not used to the early Marks.

Let us know how you like it. Good luck.
Dude2Dude said:
Nice to meet you! I'm pretty new here, too.

Congrats on the IIB. I've had mine (60/100w, wood & wicker, GEQ, Reverb, Export Tranny) since it was born, in 1980. I'm coming to appreciate it even more, lately.

But to your questions:

1. How to date it: A little wine, some flowers... no. Check the underside of the chassis. Written in black marker, you'll find a the date when the chassis was completed. If for some reason it's not there, call Mesa and tell them the serial number; they'll check it against their records, although they have been known to give the wrong info. (Example: they said mine was just a regular Mark II, which implied it was a Mark IIA. But I have an effects send and return on the back of the amp, which, along with the serial number and date of birth, nails it as a IIB.)

2. I retubed with Mesa branded power tubes, and the amp sounded... a bit sterile. I picked up some very old Sylvannia STR-387 6L6s and it roared. Much more harmonically rich and smoother, too. But I have limited experience in tube rolling. Try the Tubes subforum for some really good advice.

3. Mine is not modded. Almost without exception, people speak very highly of the Effects Loop mod (done only by Mike Bendinelli - $300), which alters the gain staging, provides an extra volume control to balance the channels (or use as sort of an attenuator), and makes the loop "useable." (Although I ignored it for decades, my loop seems to work fine with my new delay pedal; will post a new thread on this later today.) You can tell if yours has already been modded by looking at the back panel. If you have a pot labelled "POST FX LEVEL" where normally the Slave would go, then Mike B has had his hands on it.

4. I like the sound of 100W going into the 4ohm speaker jack, but I go back and forth between 60W and 100W. YMMV. Fool around with different combinations.

When dialing it in, use your ears, not your eyes. But keep the bass low, or it can get flabby (if you have a GEQ, you can bring it back in later in the stack; if not, grab an EQ and put in in your chain). There's a lot of amazing tone in these things, and a lot of real crap, too. Takes a while to get the hang of it if you're not used to the early Marks.

Let us know how you like it. Good luck.

Thanks Dude2Dude. Your post is appreciated :D

I was kinda waiting that for the first question :lol:

What about preamp tubes... Anyone has experience with 4xJJ ECC83S? Btw. Mine doesn't have EQ or reverb. I assume it doesn't have effects loop mod either. So is it 100w amp with 4x6L6 and 60w with 2x6L6? I really have no idea 'cause I've only worked with 2x6L6 Fenders :wink:

I have limited amount of info about my amp because it's still on it's way from USA to Finland.. Anyway, really cool to learn this stuff beforehand!
No problem; hope it helped.

As for preamp tubes, I've been using the usual array of 12ax7s, plus one 12at7 in the V4 socket (reverb driver).

Yes, that's right: if it's the 60/100 watt model, it comes with four 6L6s; in 60W mode, only the two outer tubes are working, while the full four tubes are driving when in 100W mode. There is a possibility that your amp is a Simulclass — you'll have to ask someone else about how that works. (75W or 15W, I think, depending on whether it's in class A or A/B mode. But I'm not the guy to answer this question.)

See my thread I posted today for my experience with the Effects Loop — it's working for me, at least.
I don't have that on mine, TattooU.

In its place is an Export Transformer selector switch, which enables the amp to adapt to different international voltage requirements at the turn of a switch.

Sorry don;t know how to post a pic. Will learn and add ASAP.
My guess is you have Export model and I have (only) Usa model.. 110v and here we have 230 v :!:

Please, send some pictures of your amp!

You first need to upload pictures to server, here for example

and when you compose post, use Img option. It's easy.
EVM - 12L. Huge, heavy. They were an upgrade at the time, if I recall correctly.
my amp :D

Is that 83, written with marker? so this is 1983?


Thanks! Circuit board? I haven't looked inside yet. After doing some research I've come same conclusion. This is very late IIb. Serial no. 107xx. There is IIc on Ebay right now and only difference I can find is that one has "Pull" bass.
I don't know how trustworthy this is, but anyway.. (from TDPRI forum)

Mark I 1x12: A0001-A2999 = 2999 Mark I
Mark I 1x15: B001 - B300= 300 Mark I
1971 to 1978 = 3299 Mark I's

Mark IIA 1x12: 3000-5574 = 2575 Mark IIA
Mark IIA 1x15: B301-B549 = 249 Mark IIA
1978 to August 1980 = 2824 Mark IIA's

Mark IIB 1X12: 5575-11000 = 5426 Mark IIB
Mark IIB 1X15: B550-1100 = 550 Mark IIB
Mark IIB Series 300: K001 to K336 = 336 Series 300 Mark IIB
August 1980 to May 1983 = 5212 Mark IIB's

Mark IIC 1X12: 11001-12499 = 1499 Mark IIC
Mark IIC/IIC+ Series 300: K337 to K422 = 86 Series 300 Mark IIC/C+
Mark IIC+ 1X12 = 12500 to 14999 = 2500
Mark IIC May 1983 to January 1984
& Mark IIC+ January 1984 to March 1985 : 1499+86+2500 = 4085

Mark III 1X12: 15000 to 28384 = 13385
Mark III Series 300: K423 to K500 = 78
1988 Special Edition Mark III 1X12: 001-100 = 100
March 1985 to February 1999 = 13563
Well, it's wrong -- at least regarding my amp.

I have a 1980 IIB (date on chassis) with a serial number in the high 5300s, well before what's quoted above.
Dude2Dude said:
Well, it's wrong -- at least regarding my amp.

I have a 1980 IIB (date on chassis) with a serial number in the high 5300s, well before what's quoted above.
Interesting...Maybe you have an upgraded IIA, like an A+! :wink: anyway it's a real beauty with its hardwood cabinet and the Sylvania tubes.
but serious: anybody knows more about this serial number anomalie?
Thanks, TiPiMods -- ordered it new from Mesa in 1980, I believe, so if there were any upgrades done to it, they weren't initiated by me. :D

But it is a really low serial number for a Mark IIB, at least from what I've read. Chassis reads June, 1980. Could be one of the first IIBs.

For s***s and giggles, I tried the C+ loop test. Although I don't get distortion in the lead channel — in Lead mode, with my guitar plugged directly into the FX return jack, I get a clean sound — adjusting the Lead Drive control does absolutely nothing whatsoever. Is this normal? Probably... BoogieBabies would know.

A IIC-? :lol: We all live in hope that our gear has been anointed in some way.
According to the schematic of an IIB you should hear some change, because you go directly into the grid of V2B and afterwards through lead master. ( I tried it with my amp and it works that way, but only in the lead channel!) Did you use the return on the back of the amp?
Maybe you got some special IIA-IIB hybrid with a different layout. Could be, that they where experimenting with the loop a bit at this early stage of development.
you got pictures from the inside?
BTW: some pictures of my IIB:
I was definitely in the lead channel, with the Lead Drive pulled. The Lead Master did raise and lower the volume, but the Lead Drive control did nada. And yes, I used the effects return jack on the back of the amp.

At the time the amp was ready to be shipped (~December, 1980), I vaguely recall talking to someone about it being a "changed" or different model. When I got the amp, I just assumed the difference was the effects loop on the back, which was a pleasant surprise at the time. Maybe there was more to it?

I don't have any gut shots, but I will take some. However, I've never actually removed the chassis before. Is there anything I need to know, aside from removing the power tubes, fan, speaker cable, and reverb connections? Do I need to discharge the filter caps? If so, what's the best way? (Admission: I'm an idiot with electronics.)

Any and all help gratefully appreciated.
Here are some gut shots. Is this a typical IIB layout?

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