New Guy MkIII Question

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Well-known member
Oct 4, 2005
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First I'd like to say hi and tell you what a great board this is. I'm a Boogie guy and I'm thrilled to have come across this place.

I've been playing Boogies for several years and currently own a MkIV, a Lonestar and a Blue Angel. As of today I've also become the proud owner of a MkIII purple stripe long head. Its funny I walked into this music store to try and find some composite strings, which they did'nt have, when I saw the MkIII. Somehow it followed me home. :D

Now for the question.

I think its a 100 watter rather than a similclass but I'm confused because of the tube arrangement.

It has a full power/half power switch on the front.

The store where I got it has it running EL 34's in the outside sockets. I called Mesa and they told me if it was a simil it would have a golf ball sized sticker on the front or reminents of glue where the sticker was if it somehow came off. It shows no signs of a sticker ever being present.

One thing I saw above the power cord on the back is a black marker hand written S/C . Mesa was'nt sure what that was. Does it mean similclass?

Theres nothing on the back to the far right where the class A switch would normally be.

Mesa did say the EL34's could be used but would burn out quicker. So I'm wondering if the S/C means similclass or if the old owner just used EL34's in the outside sockets and was'nt concerned about tube life.

Thanks for any help I can get in advance and I'll be seeing you guys around the board. Boogies Rule!
It might help If you could post pictures of the back panel and the board. It is possible that it was converted from 100/60 to similclass no?
Could be . I should be able to post some pics tomorrow.

The amp sounds great and all seems well.

If I never knew I guess it would'nt matter. Unless the 34's burn up really fast. It might be hard to tell because you never know how long tubes will last. Could be months and once in awhile years. I can run 6L6's no matter what. Cant run 6v6's because theres no tweed switch. Mesa did say it would'nt hurt the amp to run EL34's just the tube life thing.

It has an export tranformer if that helps.
Heres some pics




Sorry about the S/C when its clearly SC. My memory failed me last night.

Maybe some of you guys who are more techy than me can tell something from this thanks
Hmm, well my blue stripe has the SC sticker on the back near the cord. Maybe yours was upgrade to SC? I believe all long heads have the full/half power instead of the class a switch. It's still SC though. The short heads have the class a switch on the back.
Thats interesting about the sticker. Maybe they ran out of stickers and just hit it with the pen. It does'nt matter to me if its original or a mod.

Anybody else buys an old amp all the tell tale signs are there and clear. I buy one theres always a mystery.

Well its up there maybe someone who knows guts can tell something about it.
MesieBooga said:
Awesome looking amp! Really clean!

Thanks. Thats why I grabbed it. Plus I liked the way it sounds.

Over the last year I've been noseing around looking for an older Boogie. I saw two MkIIC combo's where one was in very nice shape and the other was beat up and had a non original speaker and had all kinds of holes drilled in the sides for rack mounting. While both amps performed well I did'nt like thier gain. When I tried this MkIII it was like WOW. Not as aggressive as my MkIV yet not wimpy either. I was checking out its clean sounds yesterday and this is a very underrated amp. I know there's the MkIIC+ thing and the newer Mesa's not to mention all kinds of amps from other makers. Yet the MkIII's sound still hold up among them. IMO.
It looks like a simul to me. It has the blow back diodes on the outer two sockets and I do not understand why. The outer two sockets have a 980K metal film running from pin 5 to 8. The OT part number should be 562003.
Just for verification, it should have this number and might even say Simul-Class. The secondary wiring is IMHO a definite Simul. It has the 4 taps of Blue/ Blue White and Brown / Brown White. A 60/100 would have 2 taps instead of four then jumped to the outer two sockets. The OT may have a Mesa SC152019B in there. It would be interesting to know. Either way, the 562003 and the SC152019B are identical in every way but part number, but the SC152019B is the one used on the IIC+.

Sweet !!!!
Also, it really looks stock to me. One of my IIC+'s was teched out by Randall Smith, so it does not have the MB below the power cord. It is a harwood in the 13,600 range with all the right goodies no no BS there.
On another, they ran out of the 117V stickers that went above the rear outlet. Big deal !!!
Thank you so much. If I can help you out sometime let me know.
And the answer is 562003 it also says Simul Class right on it. It also says E1A606510.

Never thought to look there. Feeling stupid right about now.

Whats Napolean Dynamite?
Boogiebabies said:
It has the blow back diodes on the outer two sockets and I do not understand why. quote]

It's a "Purple Stripe" thang! My MKIII Purple has (had) them as well.

NICE AMP! like was aid, looks very clean, bet it sounds great. There don't seem to be many "Purple's" around, and the Blue and Red stripes get all the luv.


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