Need some IIC+ info help.

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one thing,
can anybody take high definition pics of mark ii c+ grapphich eq section?
i need to read the capacitors values to, so need high definition...
diafebus said:
one thing,
can anybody take high definition pics of mark ii c+ grapphich eq section?
i need to read the capacitors values to, so need high definition...


Those are very hard to photograph. The full view of the faders would require the removal of the filter cap board. They will not be able to be removed as they are attached with tabs to the chassis, and covered by the face plate. I, personally am not in for a face plate removal, especially after doing one. The EQ amp might not be so bad, but it's the most accurate part of the schematic, but there are 5 wires in the way. The inductors, capacitors and 50K linear taper sliders are the components on the fader board and the leads go 10 inches across the amp to the input and output of the EQ amp.


A member posted a 3/84 IIC+. With a two month build time, the order would have possibly been placed in 1/84.
Ok, I may be able to help out here. I have 2 C+ heads. I used to have 4 of them, but I decided to keep the oldest and the newest. My long head has a serial number of 12,486. I had it sent to Mesa/Boogie Petaluma when I got it for a check-up. They confirmed that it was an original C+. Interestingly enough it was previously owned by Niel Schon. Anyway, my newest C+ is a short head with serial number 14,387. Both are 100/60 watters, and have reverb and EQ. The shortie has the voltage selector as well. Tell me what else to look for on these and I will take a look.

Boogiebabies said:
WOW, that's interesting. It's a first as well.

Thanks JB.

That does not compare to the help that yourself and this message board has given to me. I will continue to feed the C+ fire :D . I am working on a cover for the "halfback" 4X12's upper section. I have made 3 covers for the open section today(1/2, 3/4 and full block). If none of these are to my satisfaction, I will experiment with a "tuned port" rear panel :twisted: .
gts- i have the brother to your amp. my serial number is 12399 and BB has confirmed it to be an original C+ also. it is a 60/100w imbuya combo no reverb. was that amp for sale in atlanta a while back?
Boogiebabies said:
Five years in, can some one find me a week 1 and a week 52 or higher?

Look what I found tonight. Week 52, serial #1413x



Ask and ye shall receive.
D - Simul-Class
R - Reverb
G - Graphic EQ

52 - Week of order/ Beginning of Build - December 24-28, 1984

2/85 - Final Tech date

12,399 is from week 5, or January 30th to February 3rd 1984.

Final tech date of 2/84.

The serial numbers are always a bit odd, even with the tech date.
I have a 2/85 that is 80 digits lower than that week 52.
gts said:
But this add one more discrepency, or maybe it's worth taking another look at build time.

A member posted a 3/84 IIC+. With a two month build time, the order would have possibly been placed in 1/84.

Did you ever find out if the chasis on this has a 1?

If 12,399 and 12,400 have Final Tech dates of 2/84 and both were started week 5 as indicated by the 5 on the chasis (Jan 30-Feb 3rd) they were completed in 4 weeks or less.

Another claricfication please. Does the Final Tech date mean the chasis was done, tested and ready to go into a cab/ headshell?

If so then at some time later it'd be installed in the cab or headshell, and lastly a serial number added perhaps just before shipment?

The earliest IIC+'s could have been a IIC, or a IIC I. A IICI is a normal IIC with an I above the cord and a " Pull Deep" Face Plate. A week 1 would be a mix of IIC's and IIC+'s. The production of the amp did not stop in the transistion, so a week 1 IIC+ may not exist. Also, the current lore of the C+ is that it was created in December of 1983. I am sure that Mesa could have pumped out an amp in 30 days. It could have been teched in late February, but who knows when it was shipped. As I have mentioned before, 12,400 is really a mystery. It may be one of the earliest production +'s, but the only way to disprove it would be Mike B's records, if he has them. The interesting facts that no one seems to have caught, and will be in my book available soon at Borders for $ 126.99, is that Mesa had " Pull Deep" faceplates ont he 1983 Christmas cards. This would make the IICI and 12,400 make better sense.
gts said:
That's very interesting info never heard the "IIC I" story before.

It certainly makes sense that Mesa would/ could pump out an amp in 30 days.

I think if there is anything odd about 12,400's it's due to someone screwing around with it over it's lifetime. The guy I got it from said something about his tech wanting to add a bias pot. Maybe this tech had been in there already, thus the odd black wire. Btw It's on it's way back to Mesa for general maintenance. It'll be interesting to hear Mike B's take on it. A previous call to Mesa showed no record of it having ever been back for any work.

An interesting fact (which may be common or uncommon to C+'s) Jays 12,399 which has the same config as 12,400 (HG week 5 Tech 2/84) has a "+" on the top of the chasis just over the EQ toggle. 12,400 has this very same "+" mark (both sort of looks like an "x" as the mark is not perpendicular to the chasis edge). If this is not a common mark on C+'s it may be an early C+ chasis marking, done while being built to help distinguish it from the C's in production during the same timeframe. I'm not sure if this mark was visible in any of the pics you saw.

and will be in my book available soon at Borders for $ 126.99
:lol: Hmmm, How many do you suppose just rushed out to Borders to pre-order? I look forward to it's release.

The writing on the top edge of the chassis is not too uncommon. Some have names, a +, DRG and upgrade dates.

There are no pre-orders of the book. I am sure it will be a huge hit and might be made into a movie/documentary. Three copies and a You Tube Clip. :D

Can someone tell me the the voltages going to the tubes from the output trans. on a MKII c+, my O/T is dead an wish to send it to MM to be serviced.

Any info is welcome.

My O/T part# is: 562003
Yeah man , will it be out before the holiday's ?
It would be cool to find THAT under the tree .
Inquiring minds ...
Tolex bound tome ? ...Snakeskin ? , Lather .....
That would be badass . 8)
diafebus said:
one thing,
can anybody take high definition pics of mark ii c+ grapphich eq section?
i need to read the capacitors values to, so need high definition...

I have pictures (Hi rez) of a C+

Hope it helps
I don't know if you're still looking for info or not, but I have two C's, (That have supposedly been modded to +) a 100/60 with no EQ and a Simul-Class with reverb and EQ.

The numbers for the simul serial number 11191;



For the 100/60 serial number 11629;


Boogiebabies said:
fpoon said:
What the hell are you guys talking about :?:

With the advent of seeing a MK III from 5/14/85 # 15114 and a production week of 13, I am trying to prove that the IIC+ production ended in 4/85 and the serial sequence was below 14400 because I have never seen one over 14367. The production overlaps in 3/85.
We know that the # 15,000 exists, thanks to Ian, but between 14367/400 to 14,999 don't seem to exist. Even at 12,500 to 14,367, you have 1867 IIC+'s.

So, here's where I am at.

I just worked on a DRG 6 from 6/84. This puts the start to 4/84. We have 14367 from 4/85, which overlaps with the MK III starting in 3/85. I'm thinking the IIC+ was finished in 4/85. It lasted one calender year as the finalized circuit. We all know about the early 12,400's have a mix, some odd or almost to the C+ circuit, but they are not necessary in the dead stock numbers produced.

Hei BB..
How are you??

look at the link below and the serial number of the amp "14541"!!

maybe can help you!

:) :)

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