need help with my Les Paul

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Well-known member
May 23, 2006
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So about a month ago i purchased a Gibson Les Paul Studio Premium Plus. i really love the way it looks and plays but i have some real issues with it that are making me consider taking it back and exchanging it for a different guitar.

First off, the intonation is not so good. i've tried adjust it myself but i've had no luck.
Second, i primarily play metal and this thing just sucks at holding tuning. i have heavy strings on it too (ernie ball not even slinkies .12-.52) and it just seems like i'm always tuning it.
Third, the action seems pretty bad and i've tried adjusting it myself but i just can't seem to get it to where i want without having some fret buzz.

I really hate the fact that this brand new guitar, which i paid a lot of money for, has all of the above issues and i REALLY hate the fact that i need to take it to a good guitar tech to have that all looked at.
Do you guys think it would be worth it to have a real tech fix all of the above stuff or do you think i should just take it back?
i'm just so torn because i love this guitar but maybe it just isn't for me :(
you play metal..i wouldnt keep her i would get a ESP those guitars are some of the nicest guitars or if you want get the new BFG i think its called its a great Les Paul for your type of music. but i have had the same problem and i ended up getting a sg
Having played mostly "lower" end guitars my entire life, particularly Gibson Studios, I can tell you that better machine heads WILL help with this problem. Gibson tuning pegs never seem to hold tune very well imho. You could also try "locking" the strings with "over-under" wrapping techniques to help with this.
I have the exact same guitar (root beer color)...I had most of the same problems you have...First of all, it IS a quality guitar, but with that said, it isn't as good as a standard...I did take mine to a pro tech and it is WAY better...It still has small issues, like tuning, but my intonation is fine and my action isn't all that bad...Not great mind you, but better...Here's the deal, once the guitar is set up properly and giving time to "settle in" (yes, this is VERY important), it will come to you...And yes, adding tuners like Grovers, will significantly improve your tuning issue...Also, the neck is a 50's profile and the 60's profile plays way better, this could be some of your problems...I play metal too and it works for some songs, but my standard is a lot better all the way around...One reason is your axe is chambered and offers a more midrangey sound where a standard is much more solid and dense sounding, not bad at all, just different...Hope this helps.
thanks so much for the input guys!!

i'm really in love with this guitar so i'm going to take it to a good tech and see if they can improve some of my normal setup issues.
i think i may end up investing in some schaller or grover (not sure which yet) locking tuners though...maybe even a tone pros bridge.

i did see this standard i was REALLY interested in right as i was leaving the store. maybe if it's still there tomorrow i'll give it a quick play however one reason why i got the Studio is because i love the finish. Les Paul's are great guitars but i'm not huge on the sunburst kind of finish and that's what really made this axe stand out for me.
Turmoil are you still running EL34's ( i think it was you) Id love to here your feedback on the Gibson through a recto loaded with EL34's
hey David....yeah, at the moment i am still running E-34L's, GZ34's, a Tung-Sol in the V1, and JJ 12AX7's in the rest of the preamp.

personally, i think it sounds awesome. i changed the pickups out to EMGs BUT! i played through my setup while it still had the stock pickups and it sounded great, but i just wanted that EMG sound.

I'm going to mess with my sound a little bit tomorrow so i may put in 6l6's temporarily but i love the E-34L tubes. They just sound so awesome and different but in a good way. i was worried when i first got them that they wouldn't have enough gain or they would make my amp sound not like a Recto but they have tons of gain and best of all, it still sounds like a recto!!
rabies said:
I would recommend checking out the ESP EC-1000 Korean w/ EMG's Les Paul style (cool finish) or Epi Elitist Les Paul MIJ w/ Grovers.

I have the Elitist and set her up myself, dropped action and set intonation, stays in tune great, long neck tenon, fantastic sustain and flexible sounds.

Trust me, it's a great deal. Great guitar, read the reviews.
seconded. The LTD is a great guitar for the price.

Not a big fan of gibson and their quality control. i have already gotten 2 semi decent guitars from them and have not been pleased
The guitars in my sig are all in PERFECT CONDITION and are for sale. My favorite axe is the Truckster with EMG 81/60. I hate to part with it BUT I need the money.
Send me a PM if you're interested.
Def take it to a good Tech. With strings that heavy the Nut will even need work and Grovers are pretty much the best tuners I have used.

I play metal and have used nothing but Les Pauls since 1994.
mrdylan said:
Def take it to a good Tech. With strings that heavy the Nut will even need work and Grovers are pretty much the best tuners I have used.

I play metal and have used nothing but Les Pauls since 1994.


I stopped using anything but Gibson in '94. I played Las Pauls only for 10 years. Then a few years ago, I started playing V's again and bought an SG and an Explorer. Last year, I bought an American Standard because I wanted some classic single coil sound. I still only ever play my Les Paul I bought in 1994 unless I want something different which is rare.
Any guitar that was originally set up with 9 or 10 gauge strings, then changed to 12's will have set-up problems! You did'nt mention the tuning your employing, dropped I'm assuming?
Les Pauls are less subject to the aformentioned problems with changes in string guages. they play naturaly slinky. I put 13's on my custom for kicks once, kept em on for along long time (don't play my paul all that much)

Had no problems. Now if I do that on my strat or Parker fly it throws the whole **** guitar outa whack if I dont changes out the whammy spring.

Go buy a LP custom. You wont have any of these problems.
Dude... this is probably common sense, but have you stretched out the strings??? That thing should hold tune unless Pete Townshend beats the sh!t outta it!
sorry about the lack of updates...i kind of forgot about this thread :oops:

but i'm actually tuning to C standard with these .12-.56 set of ernie ball not even slinkies.

i did take the guitar into GC where i got it and they definetly helped it out a good deal. i stretched the heck out of my strings like i always do and i guess now they're finally starting to settle in and hold tuning much better than before. i'm still thinking about looking into Grover tuners (like the higer end Gibson's) or Schaller locking tuners like the ones most ESP guitars have. any thoughts?

my only real issue at this point is that my G string seems to sound very dead and doesn't ring out quite as well as all the other strings. could it be that the nut is not wide enough for the string? it isn't really buzzing so i don't think that's the issue.

i know this is a lot but i'm just curious because no one ever seems to know when i what's the deal with the stop tail piece as far as its height? does it matter if it's up against the body, slightly off it or raised up high? thanks.
turmoil said:
sorry about the lack of updates...i kind of forgot about this thread :oops:

but i'm actually tuning to C standard with these .12-.56 set of ernie ball not even slinkies.

i did take the guitar into GC where i got it and they definetly helped it out a good deal. i stretched the heck out of my strings like i always do and i guess now they're finally starting to settle in and hold tuning much better than before. i'm still thinking about looking into Grover tuners (like the higer end Gibson's) or Schaller locking tuners like the ones most ESP guitars have. any thoughts?

my only real issue at this point is that my G string seems to sound very dead and doesn't ring out quite as well as all the other strings. could it be that the nut is not wide enough for the string? it isn't really buzzing so i don't think that's the issue.

i know this is a lot but i'm just curious because no one ever seems to know when i what's the deal with the stop tail piece as far as its height? does it matter if it's up against the body, slightly off it or raised up high? thanks.

...The Grovers are really nice and the price is really good as well..You can't go wrong with the Schallers either...As far as your tail piece setting goes...You don't want the strings coming off the saddles to touch the bridge...They should be set just a pinch off of the bridge...You do this by raising or lowering the tail piece...You want the strings to "float" a bit...Does this make sense to you?...Let us know if this helps.
turmoil said:
i did take the guitar into GC where i got it and they definetly helped it out a good deal.

A real setup is mandatory with a new Gibson - especially if you changed string gauges. GC is not known for having top notch guitar tech talent (I always see the sales guys doing it!). If you can, try to find a real guitar tech and get it properly setup. Best $40-50 you can spend. Or get some books and learn yourself - it's not that hard to do a decent setup job and it's very rewarding taking control of your guitars...

+1 on Daxman's advice about the bridge.
thanks a ton for the input guys!!

the tailpiece thing kind of makes sense. i know it's there to keep the strings from coming off the saddle but the floating thing seems a little odd to me. i'm just new to the Paul is all.

the problem is finding a REALLY good tech to take it to. there are some local shops that are ok but i want to find someone who is just superb and i'm having a lot of trouble finding anyone that isn't like an hour and half away from me. i guess i just don't want to spend $40 and take it to a local shop to have it setup a little bit better than what it is now.

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