Need help for my buddy!!

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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2005
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He is having a hard time choosing a high gain tube amp that will suit his needs and playing style. He plays thrash metal and nothing but that.
we narrowed it down to a Peavy 5150 II, and Boogie Mark III. I personally dont like the tone of a 5150 and know he will be happier with a Mark III. I cant say that for the 5150. So what do you guys think?????
He is influenced by Metallica, Pantera, and Slayer.
Also, if he gets a mark III, what strip should he get???? Im thinking red or blue.

BTW- im also intressted in a mark III :wink:
marshall fascist is a really stange name ... :(
well - he schould simply try the amps and see what suits him better ...
I agree a red or blue stripe MK III should do it. Make it sure it has the on board eq.
well - he schould simply try the amps and see what suits him better ...

thats really hard to do considing thier out of production. :cry:

I need more people shouting Mark III at his face!!! I would hate to see a POS peavy sitting in his room.
I know.. I'm a MB fan(atic) myself.... but the Peavey 5150 block letter OR the 5150 II IS a pretty good amp for what you describe... (and about $500 less)

Plus.... Let's keep in mind that his signal chain is just as important: Guitar, pedals, cables; etc....

But if it were me... I'd go with a Mark
He should get the Peavey....why subject a Boogie to nothing but thrash metal what shame. :roll:
i don´t know how good your friend is at dialling in tones but maybe he is going to hate this amp. "classic" amps where you just have a 3band passive eq plus some switches are a lot easier to dial in than a Boogie Mark III. He should also consider extra money for changing tubes and having a tech check the amp ...
At least he could check out a 6550 (its that its name?) and a mark IV these amps are in production and quite similar.
Your friend should also consider the differences between a 5150 and a mark III featurewise. the Mark has no independent channels and only a serial fx loop ...

good luck,
Marshall_Fascist said:
why subject a Boogie to nothing but thrash metal what shame.

whats wrong with useing a Mark III for only thrash and shred?

Because they're much more versatile...

I own a MKIII, my Kid has a 5150. The 5150 is a KILLER amp, and certainly NOT a downgrade to a MKIII (or any Mesa product)

I'll step out of this junior high squabble now :wink:
I like the mark III and have had mine (blue striper) a long time... It'll certainly get 'em all...
I did see a local band where the lead guitarist had a 5150 combo, and let me tell you, it frigging screamed! He did run a small board through it, looked like a crybaby, phase 90, ts9, dd3, and a boss chorus. But tonewise, it cut and ripped with the best of 'em.
All in all, I prefer the mark III, but it does have quite a learning curve, so if he's bright, and patient, he can get all the tones he wants, and more. Probably the last amp he'll ever need.Definitely get one with an EQ, without it, he won't be happy.....
Lot's on ebay right now. And yes, I like the red and blue stripes best....
ax. :twisted:
Thrash and no Recto?

Me and him hate Rectos. Everyone and their grandma has one, and everytime we go try one... its bad luck, all the time.
there was one time when we tried one out, we asked the store worker to help set it up. Everything was good so far, then, there was huge loud pop. He turns around and says "ya... this happens alot, try next week when its fixed."
As for my friend, he could get what ever he wants... I'll go for the MarkIII
If you ask the question "Mesa or Peavy" on a Mesa board, guess which one is going to be recommended? :D

-Gary K
i´d really like to try the newer 3 channel rectos - think about having 3 seperate channels ! One clean, one evil modern and one vintage voiced for solos. Must be killer ! It will be difficult to get that from one mark III only ...

I really like my mark III - its just that it has some disadvantages, that people seldomly mention here ... :roll:
definitely some dis-advantages with the markIII. It doesn't have fully independant channels, so if you channel switch alot, you may have to do some compromising... I don't channel switch very often, and have become adept at guitar volume cleanup, footswitching the EQ in and out, etc, to make up the difference. A newer amp has ALOT of advantages, between footswitchable independant channels, solo feature, rectifier switch, tweed switches etc.
I still love my mark III, even though it doesn't have all those features, but what it does have is tone...
ax. :twisted:
Marshall_Fascist said:
Thrash and no Recto?

Me and him hate Rectos. Everyone and their grandma has one

*cough* 5150? good thing no one has one of those :wink:

no, rectos are a little to chunky for classic thrash tone.

i dont like 5150s all that much, i could get better tone out of my micro cube.
unless maybe you mod it. if thats ALL he plays. get a soldano avenger. err GET A MARK III.... ha ha, thats what you wanted to hear right?
I own a Triple Rec (3 channel), and play all types of music through it, Ive never hit a tonal wall with it yet. The only other 2 amps I would have liked would have been a RK or a Diezal. The RK was just a little expensive for me, and the Diezel is like buying a car!

The Triple Rectos is perfect, versitile and powerful. I dare suggest a dual rec for your thrashing needs. Or even an older Dual 2 channel from e-bay to cut costs. But when your thrashing days are over, you will be left with an amp prepard for your next endevour. Thats the sense in versatility.

Just a suggestion,


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